Depressed and struggling

Hi there

I really need support. I lost initial weight in 2011 after years of being overweight. In 2012 I wore a bridesmaid dress for my sisters wedding and felt great. Now I tried it on again to wear to a ball and I cannot do it up. I've been in denial about the weight I've put back on. I feel sick thinking about it. I feel like a failure. I've tried to be disciplined but I make excuses for my eating habits and lack of exercise. I feel like a failure. I do good then I ruin it. I treat myself too often. I give in to temptation because it's more social to do so. I need help.


  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    According to your ticker, you only have around 3 kilos to lose. Take heart! That isn't much :) Set your goals to lose 0.5 kg per week and just keep plugging at it.. You'll get there!
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    HI! My name is Kim and my weight loss journey began two years ago. I was at my heaviest (225) and things were not good. I couldn't keep up with my kids, I was tired all the time, and my doctor told me that my cholesterol was on the rise! I decided something needed to change. I started walking, and eventually doing some weight training. I am down over 75 pounds! I feel so much better, and I love supporting and encouraging people to do the same. I would be happy to be an accountability partner with you. I still have some weight to lose, so we can work at it together! Getting your nutrition under control is a big key to losing weight. I can share what has worked for me if you are interested. If you work hard, I know you can reach your goal! So what do ya say? Are you in?
  • Bhany133A
    Bhany133A Posts: 9
    Hi, My name is Siobhán. I'm feeling very similar myself. I had the awful realisation that this time last year I was 20 pounds lighter than I am at the moment and then I found out that my ex (of 3yrs) has lost over 30 pounds since we broke up in Feb and is now lighter than I am :'( I was doing ok for a while at the start of the year but then I badly injured my back and all the good work I had done disappeared. None of my clothes fit me comfortably and I hate looking at my body in the mirror. I know I've been eating badly and not doing what I should exercise wise. But when I feel down I just end up eating crap.... Or even when I do well I treat myself which undoes any good I did do. I'm just feeling very down right now
  • 1Kirsty1
    1Kirsty1 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for your comments! A week has passed and I've been focusing on eating healthy and sticking to my calorie goal. Feeling rather empowered and in control. There have been a number of events at work and in social life this past week that could have led me off track - morning tea shouts and pub quiz with fried foods, however i've made sure to eat dinner beforehand and stick to low calorie drinks - lime and soda water, and so are finding it better. This week I have to bake cookies for my team at work, so will be a challenge to not pig out, but I'm feeling like I can do it, and keep things in moderation. Thanks for your support, it's tough not giving in but I think i will feel better in the long run.
  • Ladytundra
    Hi Kirsty. I am new at posting here but I saw your plea for help and I just couldn't turn my back and walk away. I'm glad to see that you are doing better this week and that you seem to have a much better outlook. Good for you! The way I handle all of this is to not look at it as a diet, it is a lifestyle change. Instead of saying I "can't have this or that", I say "I choose not to have this or that" and that empowers me and I don't feel bad about my choices. If I truly want something, I limit myself to just a taste and choose to not have more. There are some things that I know I can't limit myself, so I choose to not have any of it. Once you believe in yourself, it will get easier and easier for you.

    Keep up your good work. Stay focused and accountable and you will make it. Losing just a pound a week is a very healthy weight loss so don't try to lose big numbers. That just causes flabby skin and a higher chance of regaining the weight. Take a day off each week to let your body regroup and rest up. Then begin anew for the week and do your best. You've got this! :wink: Linda