Gaining weight is so hard



  • I am 71 and was diagnosed 3 months ago with colitis. I am struggling to gain weight (lost 10# early on) - 1600-1900 calories a day - but without success though for about 10 days I have held my weight.
    In addition to colitis I have GERD (no acidic foods) and am lactose intolerant (no dairy). Sirloin and bacon are too rich for me. Sugars and soy are No-No's as are most fruits and vegetables.
    I have been trying protein shakes; reading the labels is a challenge.
    Does anyone have colitis? How have you handled eating and gaining weight?
    Please advise. Thank you.
  • WLG1974
    WLG1974 Posts: 90
    No it's not.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    People cn be so rude, prying into your personal reasons for eating healthy food. Maybe you want to, maybe your doctor told you to, maybe someone you loved died and you've decided to improve your eating habits, maybe who knows what touchy subject they might be trying to make you not only remember, but disclose.

    It's none of their business. They shouldn't be prying.

    Do not feel compelled to answer rude questions. And people who make fun of your problem, belittling it as insignificant compared to their own? That's not just rude and insensitive, it's mean. Completely not worthy of a response. Geez.

    I have found that - sometimes - having an appetizer helps. A little rice cake. A couple berries. Sometimes, just reminding your stomach that it should work will kick-start an appetite. Not always, though. I wonder if that isn't where appetizers started, lol.

    Smelling something you might enjoy helps, too. Even if you won't enjoy it, sometimes just making it and smelling it helps.

    Doctors have meds that increase appetite, if you haven't looked into that.

    It's hard enough for me to eat a normal amount to lose. I can't imagine how hard it would be to gain on healthy food. Yikes.

    Good luck!
  • ScottDowell
    ScottDowell Posts: 95 Member
    Losing weight and gaining weight, both are tough process. Gaining weight doesn't meant to increase weight only by sleeping and eating unhealthy food. Keeping you fit while gaining weight should be your motto. I say, exercise is necessary for gaining weight. While you are doing exercise properly, you will feel more hungry and also eat more than normal days. It will help you to increase weight.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    People cn be so rude, prying into your personal reasons for eating healthy food. Maybe you want to, maybe your doctor told you to, maybe someone you loved died and you've decided to improve your eating habits, maybe who knows what touchy subject they might be trying to make you not only remember, but disclose.

    It's none of their business. They shouldn't be prying.

    Do not feel compelled to answer rude questions. And people who make fun of your problem, belittling it as insignificant compared to their own? That's not just rude and insensitive, it's mean. Completely not worthy of a response. Geez.

    if someone comes on a board- and says they are doing something- but what they are doing isn't working- of course we are going to ask questions.

    There are certain processes that do NOT make sense- trying to bulk low carb? it's illogical and counterproductive- can it be done? sure- but doing it voluntarily is just making life harder for yourself.

    Asking a question is not RUDE. It's so we can give the best advice. If there is a medical reason- it needs to be disclosed- and if not- then don't ask in the first place.

    We can't give advice if we don't have enough of the facts.

    Stop projecting whatever issues you have onto this situation- no one was rude- no one was belittling.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    People cn be so rude, prying into your personal reasons for eating healthy food. Maybe you want to, maybe your doctor told you to, maybe someone you loved died and you've decided to improve your eating habits, maybe who knows what touchy subject they might be trying to make you not only remember, but disclose.

    It's none of their business. They shouldn't be prying.

    Do not feel compelled to answer rude questions. And people who make fun of your problem, belittling it as insignificant compared to their own? That's not just rude and insensitive, it's mean. Completely not worthy of a response. Geez.

    Your heart is probably in the right place. You probably feel like you are correcting some kind of perceived injustice. There is no injustice.

    This OP has received solid advice from people who have successfully bulked. Which is, I assume, the point of asking questions on an open forum.

    Of course, you can chose not follow good advice when you've asked for it. That's entirely the OP's prerogative. But then you would have learned nothing and got nowhere fast. And that would have been counterproductive, no?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    People cn be so rude, prying into your personal reasons for eating healthy food. Maybe you want to, maybe your doctor told you to, maybe someone you loved died and you've decided to improve your eating habits, maybe who knows what touchy subject they might be trying to make you not only remember, but disclose.

    It's none of their business. They shouldn't be prying.

    Do not feel compelled to answer rude questions. And people who make fun of your problem, belittling it as insignificant compared to their own? That's not just rude and insensitive, it's mean. Completely not worthy of a response. Geez.

    if someone comes on a board- and says they are doing something- but what they are doing isn't working- of course we are going to ask questions.

    There are certain processes that do NOT make sense- trying to bulk low carb? it's illogical and counterproductive- can it be done? sure- but doing it voluntarily is just making life harder for yourself.

    Asking a question is not RUDE. It's so we can give the best advice. If there is a medical reason- it needs to be disclosed- and if not- then don't ask in the first place.

    We can't give advice if we don't have enough of the facts.

    Stop projecting whatever issues you have onto this situation- no one was rude- no one was belittling.
    No, her medical information does NOT need to be disclosed to you. You aren't her doctor and it's none of your business.

    You can't give advice based on medical conditions, you aren't qualified or licensed to do that. If you were, you couldn't do it over the Internet, anyway. That's what doctors are for.

    It is rude to pry into medical details people haven't chosen to share with you.

    This person didn't say anything about bulking, either. She just wants to gain some weight while eating healthy foods, which is hard for many people.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    She just wants to gain some weight while eating healthy foods, which is hard for many people.

    Which is secret code for trying to gain weight in a calorie deficit. Either eat more food of the type you are already consuming or eat more calorie dense foods - those are the options.

    We have said all this earlier in the thread. It was mostly ignored.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    People cn be so rude, prying into your personal reasons for eating healthy food. Maybe you want to, maybe your doctor told you to, maybe someone you loved died and you've decided to improve your eating habits, maybe who knows what touchy subject they might be trying to make you not only remember, but disclose.

    It's none of their business. They shouldn't be prying.

    Do not feel compelled to answer rude questions. And people who make fun of your problem, belittling it as insignificant compared to their own? That's not just rude and insensitive, it's mean. Completely not worthy of a response. Geez.

    if someone comes on a board- and says they are doing something- but what they are doing isn't working- of course we are going to ask questions.

    There are certain processes that do NOT make sense- trying to bulk low carb? it's illogical and counterproductive- can it be done? sure- but doing it voluntarily is just making life harder for yourself.

    Asking a question is not RUDE. It's so we can give the best advice. If there is a medical reason- it needs to be disclosed- and if not- then don't ask in the first place.

    We can't give advice if we don't have enough of the facts.

    Stop projecting whatever issues you have onto this situation- no one was rude- no one was belittling.
    No, her medical information does NOT need to be disclosed to you. You aren't her doctor and it's none of your business.

    You can't give advice based on medical conditions, you aren't qualified or licensed to do that. If you were, you couldn't do it over the Internet, anyway. That's what doctors are for.

    It is rude to pry into medical details people haven't chosen to share with you.

    This person didn't say anything about bulking, either. She just wants to gain some weight while eating healthy foods, which is hard for many people.

    Help I'm trying to gain weight?

    totally NOT going to get the same answers as

    Help I'm trying to gain weight but I'm allergic to nuts.
    Help I'm trying to gain weight but I'm a diabetic.

    If you are not comfortable sharing information required to help get answers- then don't ask questions on a public forum. Period.

    None of those things are incredibly personal- but they are going to get VASTLY different answers- and are going to be more applicable, and more helpful. So yeah- if there are limiting factors- like medical conditions- something needs to be said. We can't give advice on the least amount of information- that's like going to the doctor and saying "my arm hurts" and that's it.
    Or we get threads where someone has a question- and FIVE PAGES of "no but I can't"- the fact they have a medical condition comes out- and would have saved everyone 2 hours of misery by just telling everyone that in the first place.

    More accurate information up front helps get the original poster information to help them with their question. not rocket science.

    No one here is trying to give medical advice or implied we were going to. But if you're asking questions- and you expect answers you can use- you're best bet is to give as much pertinent information in advance.

    what do you think bulking is? It's gaining weight.

    Jimmer nailed it
    You gain weight by eating more of what you are eating- and or more calorie dense foods.
    It's only hard when people chose to try to do it eating 4000 calories of chicken breasts and kale.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    It's only hard when people chose to try to do it eating 4000 calories of chicken breasts and kale.

    That must be an effing great mountain of kale!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't know- I can't stand kale- I refuse to acknowledge it as food!!!
    - but I'm sure it's a boat load that most people aren't willing to eat LMAO.
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    incorporate resistance training into your workout. Don't not neglect the large muscle groups like quads, glutes and back.

    also, eating healthly doesn't mean you can't have fats. You seem to be eating low fat with some carbs. Try eating pecans, and other nuts with healthy fats. A handful of nuts has 300 calories. Pecans are in my daily nutrients to help keep the calorie count up. Throw in a weight gainer shake if you want. Those extra calories aren't going to hurt you if you feel your are underweight.

    Eating really is the key. You say you are 98 pounds and eating 1700 calories. I"m 200 pounds and if I eat anything less than 3200 calories I lose weight. When I am actually trying to gain I eat in the 5000 calories a day range and then I pretty much top out at 225 pounds at those calories. I can maintain 215 at around 4000 calories a day.

    Good luck!

    Anyone feel free to add me as a friend if you want to trade fitness tips.
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    I don't know- I can't stand kale- I refuse to acknowledge it as food!!!
    - but I'm sure it's a boat load that most people aren't willing to eat LMAO.

    vitamix will liquify anything. :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't know- I can't stand kale- I refuse to acknowledge it as food!!!
    - but I'm sure it's a boat load that most people aren't willing to eat LMAO.

    vitamix will liquify anything. :)

    You can have the honors. I much prefer oreo's smashed in ice cream. it's just more delicious that way ;)
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    I don't know- I can't stand kale- I refuse to acknowledge it as food!!!
    - but I'm sure it's a boat load that most people aren't willing to eat LMAO.

    vitamix will liquify anything. :)

    You can have the honors. I much prefer oreo's smashed in ice cream. it's just more delicious that way ;)

    Hey don't knock it until you have a little Kale puree on your oreo sundae! ;)

    btw. I don't eat kale unless I am juicing it.
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    OP needs to read this.

    Stay away from low fat. You are just keeping the needed calories from your system.
  • suejo34
    suejo34 Posts: 25 Member
    Drink protein shakes, eat more starch, or lift weight
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't know- I can't stand kale- I refuse to acknowledge it as food!!!
    - but I'm sure it's a boat load that most people aren't willing to eat LMAO.

    vitamix will liquify anything. :)

    You can have the honors. I much prefer oreo's smashed in ice cream. it's just more delicious that way ;)

    Hey don't knock it until you have a little Kale puree on your oreo sundae! ;)

    btw. I don't eat kale unless I am juicing it.

    LOL_ I have had it in a smoothie before- my old coworker got big on smoothies- and he would make me try them. It was like spinnach- although I WILL actually eat spinnach- not my favorite- but same same- much better when blended up!
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    what about some MJ to stimulate the appetite? if it's legal in your area, that is. i wouldn't want to advocate breaking your local laws. i have a friend who is a chemo patient and uses it for nausea and to keep weight on.