I have hit a plateau and need help ASAP

Hi all,

I just signed up to ask this question as I thought it would be the best place to ask.

I have lost a considerable amount of weight through intermittent fasting and the 5:2 diet.
I stopped doing this about 2 and a half weeks ago when I joined a gym because I felt that if i continued to fast I would feel too weak at the gym and pass out.

At the gym I do a Spin class twice a week for 45 minutes, a trx class for 45 minutes, and I go on the treadmill once a week for 45 minutes. So that's 4 times a week at the gym

I try to have an intake of about 11,000 - 11500 calories per week and save some calories for the weekend as I tend to eat a bit more and drink alcohol.

I try to eat about 1200 - 1300 Mon - Thursday
and then about 2000 Friday - Sunday.

However since stopping Fasting and joining the gym I have not lost any more weight the scale is stuck on a certain number. I'm not sure if i'm eating too little or too much. I am generally good at knowing how many calories are in the foods I eat and I am eating at a calorie deficit (judging by my TDEE) and working out so I am at a loss.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Also a bit more about me:

133 lbs
Goal weight - 115-120lbs
TDEE: 1980


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Do you use a food scale? And can you open your food diary. But 2 weeks isn't that much time and it's not a plateau at the point. It can be either water weight fluctuations or what I find is people tend to be less accurate.
  • skruttan44
    skruttan44 Posts: 86 Member
    your bmi is 22.8. why do you feel you need to lose more?
  • Helpme404
    Helpme404 Posts: 8
    Do you use a food scale? And can you open your food diary. But 2 weeks isn't that much time and it's not a plateau at the point. It can be either water weight fluctuations or what I find is people tend to be less accurate.

    Yes I make sure to weigh everything so I can get the proper calorie count.
    I understand, I thought my body was just getting used to working out and not fasting but I'm so used to losing at least a pound a week.
  • Helpme404
    Helpme404 Posts: 8
    your bmi is 22.8. why do you feel you need to lose more?

    I have still have some weight on my stomach and arms I would like to get rid of and want to get as near as I can to my goal weight.
  • ximenia
    ximenia Posts: 62 Member
    If you just recently started working out your body is going to retain water for a while. Try drinking more water to help flush out some of the water weight, and just give it time. If after a couple of weeks it still isn't budging then maybe you should reassess your caloric intake.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    What's your body fat %?

    Before knowing you should be 120 lbs, you should know if it's healthy to get there.

    I recently did a body fat % test and it made me realize that my goal weight (I am also 5'4") of 125 is unattainable because I'd have to be 10% body fat.

    Also, definitely use a food scale when counting calories. It's the only way to be accurate.
  • st0rmagedd0n
    st0rmagedd0n Posts: 417 Member
    Do you use a food scale? And can you open your food diary. But 2 weeks isn't that much time and it's not a plateau at the point. It can be either water weight fluctuations or what I find is people tend to be less accurate.

    Yes I make sure to weigh everything so I can get the proper calorie count.
    I understand, I thought my body was just getting used to working out and not fasting but I'm so used to losing at least a pound a week.

    I know seeing that pound come off like clockwork is nice and all, but being so close to your goal, you might just have to adjust your expectations. As close to your goal as you are, it might come off at a half pound a week or slower, just because at this point your body is at a healthy weight for your size. It doesn't want to lose it, even if you do.
  • Helpme404
    Helpme404 Posts: 8
    What's your body fat %?

    Before knowing you should be 120 lbs, you should know if it's healthy to get there.

    I recently did a body fat % test and it made me realize that my goal weight (I am also 5'4") of 125 is unattainable because I'd have to be 10% body fat.

    Also, definitely use a food scale when counting calories. It's the only way to be accurate.

  • Helpme404
    Helpme404 Posts: 8
    I think this week I might try and eat a little more but it's hard because I feel like I shouldn't be.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    If you just started working out, it could be water retention. I would give it a little more time, and just make sure you're logging accurately, and not over estimating calorie burns if you're eating back exercise calories.
    your bmi is 22.8. why do you feel you need to lose more?

    For what reason should she not want to look slimmer if it's within a healthy range and she isn't taking drastic, unhealthy measures to attain it?
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    The only help I can offer is that ASAP and fitness are incompatible.

    The only other thing I can offer is if you are going to the gym and exercising more seriously, eat more protein.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    If you just started working out, it could be water retention. I would give it a little more time, and just make sure you're logging accurately, and not over estimating calorie burns if you're eating back exercise calories.
    your bmi is 22.8. why do you feel you need to lose more?

    For what reason should she not want to look slimmer if it's within a healthy range and she isn't taking drastic, unhealthy measures to attain it?

    ^ this

    I'm 5'3.5" and had to get to 115 lbs to get a BF% that would be ideal to bulk so...
  • golfgirl15
    golfgirl15 Posts: 12 Member
    How old are you?
  • Helpme404
    Helpme404 Posts: 8
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator

    I stopped doing this about 2 and a half weeks ago when I joined a gym because I felt that if i continued to fast I would feel too weak at the gym and pass out.

    Weight loss will often be masked for a few weeks when a new exercise routine is started. Your muscles retain water as part of recovery. You will see a drop again soon.
  • JudyMcadams
    JudyMcadams Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, do you tend to eat the same foods? I have lost 95 pounds so far and I have 51 more pounds to loose. When I get stuck, I change my food choices and or change my exercise routine. I hope this helps you a little. Have a great week.
  • Helpme404
    Helpme404 Posts: 8
    guys, thanks for your opinions especially the supportive ones. But, I really want to know if anyone thinks I'm eating too much or too few calories.
    I never eat back my exercise calories. I make sure I weigh everything and sometimes I overestimate rather than underestimate just to be safe.
    I haven't got the healthiest diet (I love bread) but I keep a calories deficit which has worked for me up until these past 2 weeks
  • As others have said water retention is more than likely what's throwing you off. Being newly exposed to resistance training will make all your muscles suck up as much water and nutrients as they can. It's a shock to them. Keep your calories the same but try adjusting carb fat ratios on workout days vs off days. More carbs less fat on workout days, less carbs more fats on off days. Give it 2-3 weeks and see where you are.
  • Helpme404
    Helpme404 Posts: 8
    Hi, do you tend to eat the same foods? I have lost 95 pounds so far and I have 51 more pounds to loose. When I get stuck, I change my food choices and or change my exercise routine. I hope this helps you a little. Have a great week.

    Yes, I do tend to eat the same foods.
    I used to skip breakfast for about a month but starting eating it again hoping it would help but to no avail. Thank you I will try and change it up a little.
  • With training you might be a little low on calories, but just keep doing what you have been. Give it some time