cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
hello, i have a quick question. how do you deal with the cravings when it gets close to that time of the month? im getting close and the cravings are getting close to unbearable. any help would be welcome. =)


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I actually up my caloric intake. Our metabolism increases around that time. This is one reason we get so darn hungry.
  • JLeeAlton
    JLeeAlton Posts: 311
    My answer is not to be taken wrong.. I am not trying to be a smart *kitten* lol

    I am on the pill and I never stop taking it. I never get my period.. so I don't get my TOM. Therefore, I don't have crazy cravings. I am supposed to have my TOM 4 times a year however. Maybe try a BC that gives you your TOM less frequently? Other than that I don't have advice other than keep yourself busy so you don't think about it.
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    That's good to know!
  • Try fiber bars or the best- sugar free pudding They come in all flavors. The jello sugar free you can eat the whole bowl and it is only 100 cal. All of these will help fill the sugar cravings
  • JLeeAlton
    JLeeAlton Posts: 311
    I actually up my caloric intake. Our metabolism increases around that time. This is one reason we get so darn hungry.

    Hmm did not know that. Thanks for the info!

    To add to my earlier post, I will be off my BC next April so knowing some tips will be good. We will be trying to concieve around that time.
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    Indulge - healthfully! I recently discovered meringue cookies (super easy to make! low cal!) and change the makeup based on my cravings. I can make them vanilla, chocolate, mocha, mint, etc.
    With me being as I am, if I restrict too much I will eventually rebel and possibly binge. So I figure out ways to make something like what I want, but less cal/fat.
  • nikki2609
    nikki2609 Posts: 128
    just had to contend with this one, i was desperate for chocolate so didnt deprive myself but didnt go mad, its only a few days so indulge but not too much then get back on track asap, im thinking its the only way im going to get through :-)
    hope this helps xx
  • Either just keep busy and don't give in, chew gum, or just have a bite or a SMALL portion of what it is your craving...don't eat it like you normally would. ;-) You can even modify what it is you really want and be good....if you want chocolate go get some Weight Wathcers FUDGE BARS....they are AWESOME and only 1 or 2 points so very low calorie!

    All the above have worked for me at one time or another. Good luck! Oh and here is a little quote I like:

    "Nothing TASTE as good as being skinny FEELS!"
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    thanks, i have my tubes tied so no need to birth control, but its good advice, and i will have to try the jello, or pudding. maybe if they have a good chocolate one it will help. =)
  • modelk
    modelk Posts: 15
    The pill is a option but if you dont want to go on the pill just to have less periods, when you get those cravings fullfill them with low fat foods....for example I crave chocolate when that time of the month comes, which I usually will grab a candy bar. Now I may get a low fat choclate jello pudding, the mousse temptaions (60 calories) or a low fat chocolate pop (100 calories) they are the best. same thing if I crave something sweet I go for somthing low calorie to munch on ...if this helps..... :)
  • The chocolate Jell-O Mousse Temptation is AWESOME and low cal!!!!!!
  • I try to find foods that will satisfy my craving without being too bad. Im a chocoholic that time of the month, so it can be tough! I try to stay away from that chocolate mousse cake Id like to devour and go for something like chocolate flavored yogurt or dark chocolate squares (only a few). But lets be honest, sometimes an alternative wont do. So I have a bite and savor that taste for a while. Just remember moderation - dont eat IT ALL!

    Also, this time is a great time for more exercise. Trust me - it really does make you feel better and less "ick" if you know what I mean. That way, you dont feel so bad for indulging (a little). Plus, if you deny yourself completely, you may fall off the horse all together and no one wants that. I think the whole point of this site is a long term life style change. We're all works in progress!

    I guess my advice would be to find an alternative to that craving that you wont regret next week. And if you cant - have a bite, chew slowly, savor, and congratulate yourself for being strong enough to not go completely overboard. Good Luck!!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    The chocolate Jell-O Mousse Temptation is AWESOME and low cal!!!!!!

    The caramel cream one is awesome too!
  • The chocolate Jell-O Mousse Temptation is AWESOME and low cal!!!!!!

    The caramel cream one is awesome too!

    Is there a UK version of these desserts, I wonder?
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    This works for me, but many people don't like it!

    Water - water - water - MORE WATER

    and a reese cup

    more water!!

    regular food like any other week, more water!!

    another reese cup...

    I just try to stick to my usual plan. My TOM week just passed and I still dropped a pound during that week. I was amazed that I had practically ZERO cramps, and few to no cravings (other than chocolate but I want that all the time anyway :grumble: ) I hope you can find a plan that works for you, I know that there are few fans of my plan, but it works for me!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I can't fight it...i just make sure i have rice cakes instead of chips, tons of water, is great for "eat this not that" so if you're craving chinese food (like i am right now) this website helps you eat it a little heathier
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    I honestly ....l have it, eat it slowly, enjoy it .... then workout even harder to burn those damn calories! .... TOM is the worse time of the month for me ....
  • I have my tubes blocked, through Essure, and I get the cravings too....I try to drink a lot of water, and chose either, salty foods or sweet foods, but never both at the same time. I limit myself to one serving, and try to eat snacks that have more fiber so you feel full. Try peanut butter with apples or peanut butter and celery. I always tend to snack near that time also...just allot your calories and work out! Working out is always the best medicine for the time of the month!
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    I don't/can't eat fake sugars (allergy?), the sugar-free stuff isn't an option. So, I 'indulge' during TOM, but slowly and I enjoy every bite!
  • BecciL
    BecciL Posts: 49
    Not sure if this was suggested , but when I have that sweet craving, I actually usually get the serving size of Jiffy PB and a sweet apple , very yummy !
    Or your local grocery chain should have the 100 calories cookies, although those are not as filling or satisfying as an apple and PB
    Good Luck!
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