Return of the Michigan 30 Day-Shred



  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    I am 220 today. Marie is 131

    we start p90x today
  • lizf02
    lizf02 Posts: 41
    Hey guys my weigh in for today was 136! Mike stayed the same as last week. Marie and Ben you are kicking butt with all your workouts!! When are we all going to play wally ball again??
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Hehe well it sounds like everyone is doing well so far that's recorded to me. Man i just spent 622 bucks on USED books... such a rip off. Less credits = more money. Anywho back to the subject, so far everyone that reported in lost weight besides me. I stayed the same. Tough moving the scale these days, think i'm at a pretty low body fat. I won't start p90x till next week THOUGHHHHHHHH we are gonna touch on cardio more this week and drop abs. I'll update the sheet when I get home. I still haven't heard from Fu or Christi and didn't know if anyone else wanted to jump on board. If so I can fill the chart with their info today.

  • nofunforfu
    nofunforfu Posts: 4 Member
    I was at 163.2 lbs today, down .8 pounds from last week. Body is changing, though, but I'm wondering where the bottom is before the muscle starts to make the scale go up.
  • lizf02
    lizf02 Posts: 41
    Fu: Ben would be able to answer better, but if your using a diet which MFP gives you in terms of calories. All you can create is lean muscle, which does way more than fat BUT. Your going to be losing fat so I don't think you'll be seeing big shifts in your weight. You potentially could be seeing your weight stand still a few weeks, but I dont think you will gain a massive amount of weight. Only way to tell your lean muscle mass is the water tank thingy which western may have Or callipher test by a personal trainer or someone who has one.

    Ben probably will post on this.
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    good work everyone

    mike. the thing with the books sucks damn. such a rip off. you will have a hard time losing with a low level of body fat. you will have to crank up the cardio.

    Fu. it is hard to tell the difference between muscle gained and fat lost. Liz is correct and the only way to tell is to do a good fat analysis and that would be by hydrostatic testing but calipers done by an experienced person can also be good enough for what we are doing. Most importantly if you notice a change I would not worry. What type of exercise are you doing. if you are doing p90x then I would not expect you to lose a lot of weight. it is not ment to be big on weight lose but to tone you up. if you want to see the scale drop then you need to add lots of cardio and make sure your diet is good. you will not gain lots of muscle very quick.

    good luck all.

    got to go pick up anya
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    good work everyone

    mike. the thing with the books sucks damn. such a rip off. you will have a hard time losing with a low level of body fat. you will have to crank up the cardio.

    Fu. it is hard to tell the difference between muscle gained and fat lost. Liz is correct and the only way to tell is to do a good fat analysis and that would be by hydrostatic testing but calipers done by an experienced person can also be good enough for what we are doing. Most importantly if you notice a change I would not worry. What type of exercise are you doing. if you are doing p90x then I would not expect you to lose a lot of weight. it is not ment to be big on weight lose but to tone you up. if you want to see the scale drop then you need to add lots of cardio and make sure your diet is good. you will not gain lots of muscle very quick.

    good luck all.

    got to go pick up anya
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Update: Good job everyone

  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Sorry got the words cut on a little bit. Shrunk the font:

  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    hmmm ill mess with it after my government class...
  • lizf02
    lizf02 Posts: 41
    Mike wrote that last post of mine not me...i usually dont sound that smart when talking about fitness lol
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Fu is doing insanity. Got some new additions to the thread, see if they are as shy as the others. My friend Christi from MFP hasn't told me her weight yet and my friend from college wants to try, but shes unable to do cardio since shes injured, but would like support to just lose weight through nutrition. I'll add them in a bit, but right now i'm gonna relax.............. P90X NEXT WEEK soooooooooooo excited.
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    good work on school mike. in know today was your long day. got my run intoday on top of p90x. felt good. I am much weaker and slower. that shoulder surg really killed my upper body strength. I am also slow. haha but I always was.

    for Fu: if he is doing insanity I would expect that the would have seen more movement on the scale. Is your diet good? you have to be strict and make sure you are not eating above your allowed calories. also if you are imputing everything in mfpthis program tells you to each extra calories when you exercise. this is sabotage to me. If you are at 1500 calories for food in the day then only eat that. There was a birthday last sat right. if you had a real bad day that day food wise that could have erased your loses for the week

    Fu tell us how it is going we will try and trouble shot.
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Man those bars og has. The fiber one bars, really fill you up and taste good. I recommend those if your not snacking on healthy things.
  • lizf02
    lizf02 Posts: 41
    Told you those were good!! And the special K 90 calorie bars are good too. Also Christopher and Jenny if you are looking to cut down some cals but still want your biggby fix they have a low cal menu now!! I tried a low cal caramel marvel today and it was awesome!! Tasted the same but I didnt have whipped cream and it was only 213 calories (tall) which is 240 LESS than the regular one!!!
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    that is interesting about bigbe. cool. I will comt with the sugar free readbulls.

    my experiment on the sled hill did did work. it was too short to get my hr up long enough. maybe will have to find a taller hill. maybe I can use mount holly or alpine valley. not sure if they will let me walk up the hill.

    mike a little break on the diet ok. just don't go crazy. you need to change things ip. maybe startingp90x will give you a goal. just get an extra run in. also your body maybe crazing more calories if you did more cardio with running this week. stay strong.
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138

    I'm not too worried. I usually balance my diet out by the end of the week. Ya little addition with the cardio is possibly or maybe the lifting??? The 3rd month cd's of CHalean aren't bad, she supersets every move so your downtime is less. Seems to get my heart rate higher. I'm PUMPED for some P90x. What are the picture poses we have to take. I plan on taking them and seeing if I change. Today we did some tough running in the snow, 5 inches to estimate. Ran on a track slow pace but 5k in track-covered with 5 inches was a good workout. Figured with the addition of running this week than going back to the P90x calendar, body is getting shocked and things will feel tough. Are you still on it?
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    I would have to show u the stances. come over and iwill measure your body fat.

    I am still on it. I have to do legs and back when I get home on Friday. hope it is not a 14 hour day
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Nah I'm gonna wait till after p90x to get the bodyfat measured. I'm pretty sure I still sit around 7 percent so gonna run thru p90x and than c.
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    haha 3 straight on the gains side!. Gained .6 this time, but ate shytty last week so no biggy. Excited for the p90x run.
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