over doing sodium

Hello all!

What should I do when I over do sodium on a day? And I mean over do!!!! Trying very hard to watch all the nutrition factors but having trouble with the sodium. All the other areas in my daily diet is just fine, its just the sodium!

cannot take a water pill as my blood pressure medicine has one in it.

Thanks !


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Sodium is so hard, especially if you're supposed to do Low Sodium.

    You had a bad day. Forget it. Just worry about today. :)

    Ask the doctor about medical issues. See what they say. But you can't change yesterday and guilt doesn't help anything. :)
  • laurabritton54
    laurabritton54 Posts: 19 Member
    avoid processed, canned, frozen foods, and deli meats. make use of other spices such as garlic, rosemary, sage, etc...
  • NowIFeelYa
    NowIFeelYa Posts: 76 Member
    I'm was having the same problem with sugar was using two cups a gallon of tea and drinking almost two gallons a day. I switched to un sweat tea and sprite and have lost a pound in one day. I used to have high blood pressure and take pills for it, I changed the way I ate completely and started exercising a little and lost weight, so far so good I haven't had to take any pills for it in over three years
  • jaxranger
    jaxranger Posts: 12 Member
    How many mg of sodium do you eat per day? Are you on a low sodium plan? It's hard to say without knowing how much you eat per day on average...

    But in general, you balance out sodium with potassium on a ration of 3:1
  • reneemcdonut
    I stay away from processed foods as much as possible. About twice a week I will go over my sodium goal of 2300. it could either be 1000 over or 2000 over. but under my calorie goal as well as the others. I drink plenty of water but will notice when I go over my sodium I will gain a 1/2 or pound of weight. I understand its water weight but is there anything I can do to off set the overage? besides more water, my eyes are already swimming.
  • jaxranger
    jaxranger Posts: 12 Member
    I'm guessing there is a meal or meals that are killing your sodium levels... Can you cut them out?

    I realize it can be difficult, since February I've tried to keep mine around 1200 mg per day. It was basically a revamp of everything I eat. If you go through your diary history do you notice a pattern that you can point too? I don't know if water is the answer, but potassium is definitely and equalizer to sodium.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I just drink more water than usual to flush it out and try to watch it for a couple of days.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    You're gonna die!!!!!!

    No, but for real, unless you have a medical condition related to sodium, going over every now and again is not a big deal. I hit between 3,000mg-4,000mg everyday, but I don't really worry about it.
  • Minkekj
    Minkekj Posts: 5 Member
    Are you watching sodium for weight loss reaons or blood pressure reasons? For weight loss reasons, you don't need to worry about your sodium levels (within reason) because sodium has no bearing on fat loss (it only causes water retention which will even itself out with enough water). For blood pressure reasons, try using Ms Dash seasonings. They are all no sodium and there is roughly a dozen different flavors out there (from table blend, to taco seasoning, to chicken griller etc).
  • reneemcdonut
    weight loss only. My blood pressure is fine as well as all the other tests my dr runs. Can you give me some ideas on potassium? I'm trying to get to the required level on that as well, I just know potassium is good for the heart.
  • jaxranger
    jaxranger Posts: 12 Member
    Bananas, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, POM juice....
  • reneemcdonut
    thanks all!!!!
  • HelenCDavis
    HelenCDavis Posts: 22 Member
    weight loss only. My blood pressure is fine as well as all the other tests my dr runs. Can you give me some ideas on potassium? I'm trying to get to the required level on that as well, I just know potassium is good for the heart.

    Renee, I have high blood pressure controlled by medicine. I've lowered my sodium intake and make an effort to add potassium rich foods to my diet. Here is an excellent resource for helping you find some potassium rich foods.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I don't have your medical history and even if I did, I'm not a doctor. There is no way I can advise you.

    You should call the doctor and see if they think you need to be seen.

    I struggle with sodium all the time and totally feel your pain. It's not easy, especially if you're cutting out fat, too.

    Good luck!