
I had my lunch all planned out. I measured a delicious salad with peppers and grape tomatoes and sugar snap peas and blueberries and baked chicken breast and balsamic vinaigrette...about 400 calories. I had a meeting at work and they catered lunch...I decided to save my salad for tomorrow and had half a tuna salad sandwich and with a side of carrots and far so good. Then the meeting gets really boring and the room was warm and I start dozing and they pass around a tray full of cookies and brownies. Noooooooooooooo.....two chocolate chip cookies later, I'm feeling stuffed and guilty and blah.



  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Two cookies is not going to do that much damage; the guilt you're feeling over it may do more damage. Log it and move on.
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    haha yeah, the two words I fear most are "catered lunch".....
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    Two cookies is not going to do that much damage; the guilt you're feeling over it may do more damage. Log it and move on.

  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    I always pack my lunch so I can avoid this. Just because lunch is provided doesn't mean you have to eat it.
  • christinacrisfield
    christinacrisfield Posts: 77 Member
    Two cookies isn't that big a deal. You can always burn it off doing some fun activity.
  • Michellekutz1
    I agree eat a salad for lunch and walk to some favorite music it will all work out not to late to do something about it :)
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    Look at the bright could have indulged in more than just two. Those two won't derail all of the hard work you have done or how far you have come. Time to move on. :flowerforyou:
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    The only thing you should feel after eating two choc chip cookies is delight.

    Enjoy them.

    It is 200-250 calories.

    So what.

    Eat 250 less this evening and go for an extra walk so at the end of the day you actually were BELOW what you were expecting.

    People cannot go through life feeling guilty about any sort of sweet/treat they put into their mouths. You feel guilt and it can just throw you into a tailspin.

    Instead of the guilt...feel HAPPY that you had some yummy cookies, be happy for yourself that you passed most of the stuff and only took two.

    Spin it around to be a GOOD thing.
  • fatbegone85
    Two cookies doesn't sound like a lot. I try to avoid eating at catered lunch meetings though, my company always orders the good [read: fattening] stuff. Normally it's pizzas, or from some place like Chipotle or Cosi. Last week there was a tray of Cosi goodies laying out begging me to try it. I ate two whole breads and walked away patting myself on the back for ignoring everything else. Logged it and realize I had consumed 428. I should have taken the sandwich for all that!
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Look at the bright side... you could have indulged in more than just two . Those two won't derail all of the hard work you have done or how far you have come. Time to move on. :flowerforyou:

    Very Nicely said. Great Post.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    Take a long walk or bike ride or run a little harder and longer tonight. You'll be fine :) I understand the guilty feeling but like others have said, two cookies isn't going to do you any harm.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words. I know it's not the end of the world, I just don't feel like working and I felt like whining. :tongue:

    I know I didn't HAVE to eat the cookies...nobody held a gun to my head. And I know I should have stuck to my salad and ignored the catered lunch. Oh well...I'm not perfect...

    They were BIG cookies -- I counted them like Subway cookies, so 440 cals total. As of right now I only have 345 cals left for the day and it's only 2:45 pm, so yeah, that means an extra long run after work tonight...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    The only thing you should feel after eating two choc chip cookies is delight.

    Enjoy them.

    It is 200-250 calories.

    So what.

    Eat 250 less this evening and go for an extra walk so at the end of the day you actually were BELOW what you were expecting.

    People cannot go through life feeling guilty about any sort of sweet/treat they put into their mouths. You feel guilt and it can just throw you into a tailspin.

    Instead of the guilt...feel HAPPY that you had some yummy cookies, be happy for yourself that you passed most of the stuff and only took two.

    Spin it around to be a GOOD thing.

  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    The only thing you should feel after eating two choc chip cookies is delight.

    Enjoy them.

    It is 200-250 calories.

    So what.

    Eat 250 less this evening and go for an extra walk so at the end of the day you actually were BELOW what you were expecting.

    People cannot go through life feeling guilty about any sort of sweet/treat they put into their mouths. You feel guilt and it can just throw you into a tailspin.

    Instead of the guilt...feel HAPPY that you had some yummy cookies, be happy for yourself that you passed most of the stuff and only took two.

    Spin it around to be a GOOD thing.

    This +1 Today I had a Jr WHopper, a nectarine, a peach, andsome cottage cheese...Did I feel bad? NOPE! Did I eat good the rest of the day...YEP! Will I beexercising? You betcha! MODERATION is the key!