Weight lifting-denied!



  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Stronglifts 5x5 is a free online programs that INCLUDES videos.


    There are also plenty of useful links in the Eat, Train, Progress group:


    Would definitely visit the stronglifts website, the video's are great and if you sign up (free again) you get the program on a couple of spreadsheets for tracking
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    personal trainer was like 'well as a newbie, I am going to have you do this circuit of machines',
    **** that guy.
  • fatbastardslim1980
    Thats the kind of trainer who will ruin the experence of a new lifter. Time to drop him and get a new trainer.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    For what it's worth, and as the husband of an ACE certified physical trainer, starting out on machines is actually a good thing. A machine is specifically made to force you to use the correct form for weight training. Free weights, you can very easily use improper form, not get the desired results you want, and most importantly, before you know it, you can hurt yourself. Yes, I know from experience. It took about 8 weeks for my shoulder to heal after I knew best and used free weights and hurt myself. Think about it, two gyms, two trainers both told you not to do free weights yet. Having somebody do exercises they aren't ready to do, holding proper form they aren't ready to hold, is irresponsible. If a trainer has you do free weights out of the gate, you need a different trainer. Yeah, I know, not what you wanted to hear or do, but it's the truth. Maybe the trainer didn't explain it well to you, or you just didn't want to hear it. Tony

    There's nothing wrong with someone using machines or starting on machines, etc. But it's not necessary. You can start on free weights and continue on free weights and never use a machine, ever.

    I don't know what ACE is (and I don't really care) but there is so much wrong here. You probably increased your weights faster than you should, experienced form breakdown and got hurt. That's on you, not the barbell.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Here's a good low bar squat teaching video.


    My additional notes:

    Squeeze your a*ss and abs 100% throughout the lift. Tighten them and bring the shoulders back before you unrack the bar.

    "Drop my butt" or "butt back" is the first thought that should pass through your mind when you're about to lower yourself.

    Pretend your going to sit on invisible box behind you.

    Good luck
  • HelloSweetie81
    HelloSweetie81 Posts: 55 Member
    The same thing happened to me when I went for my gym orientation. I finally got someone to show me the stuff that I wanted to see, but it was like pulling teeth. As others have said, the Stronglifts website is very helpful. There is also a Stronglifts 5x5 for Women group on MFP. I learned a lot from that, too.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I had the exact same experience!! I was so excited for my free session at the gym and when I said I'm doing Stronglifts and I want to be taught form, she told me that she doesn't use the free weight because it's too hard. I spent the next hour doing circuit training.

    I learned SL 5x5 from watching videos and reading on the forums. Here's a really, really useful link I found recently that I wish I had when I started. Great info and videos on all lifts and mobility/assistance work: http://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/25fwnd/my_top_12_tips_for_stronglifts/
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Check out this link - it contains good info and form videos


    Also, check out the SL5x5 Women's group - a fantastic group of women who will supply all the support, suggestions and inspiration you will ever need!!

  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    That's the business of personal training. They are there to sell you their services, not make you actually get fit.
  • thatjosiegirl
    thatjosiegirl Posts: 362 Member
    That is so lame, I refuse to use any of the weight machines in my gym. I have found that body weight and free weight exercises are so much more effective.

    Maybe the guy was just trying to cover up that he himself didn't lift or didn't know the information?
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Lots of good replies and information. As you begin lifting, check out this group. They can answer questions on training, form, eating plan, etc. Really worth a look.

    Congrats on beginning lifting. It will change your life.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I have a 30 minute session with the same guy next Monday. I am going to speak up and tell him that I am going to weight lift and if he does not want to show me proper form and the like, that is fine and he will not be getting my money, plain and simple. I am hoping he will start to show me and I will pay for a few sessions until I feel comfortable on my own. Thanks for the reply everyone.

    You need another trainer.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Talk to management ASAP. Say you want to lift, and that the trainer you had is not interested in what you want, so you want someone else to do your second session. Suggest to them that they screen new people to see what they are interested in doing, and assigning trainers who are interested in helping them achieve that goal.

    Face it, if the guy had been "OK, lifting it is. But first, lets get a rough idea of where you are on these machines, so we have a guide for what you can do with free weights..." you would have hit the machines with everything you have, happy that it is getting you towards your goal.
    If he had then said "Alright, so you couldn't machine bench press 45lbs...so we'll keep you on the machine for now, and then work you up to the 45lb Olympic bar"...you'd have been happy to do the machines for a couple of sessions as it is working toward your goal.
    But him not listening to you...not working you toward your goal...fail...big customer service fail.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    A machine is specifically made to force you to use the correct form for weight training.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    A machine is specifically made to force you to use the correct form for weight training.

    :flowerforyou: :happy: :heart: :happy: :heart: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I have a 30 minute session with the same guy next Monday. I am going to speak up and tell him that I am going to weight lift and if he does not want to show me proper form and the like, that is fine and he will not be getting my money, plain and simple. I am hoping he will start to show me and I will pay for a few sessions until I feel comfortable on my own. Thanks for the reply everyone.

    Don't go to this without calling first. Tell what you expect and ask if he can provide it. If not, politely tell him that it's not a good fit and cancel the session with plenty of notice. Then let your fingers do the walking and call around to find a trainer that fits your needs.

    Here's a tip: you may want to look outside of your local big box gym. Those are "fitness centers" and you may find what you're looking for more easily in an old fashioned gym.
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    Most trainers suck. Just because they are certified doesn't mean much either. You have to look hard to find a good one. He probably doesn't know the basic barbell movements so I would steer clear of him (or her).

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Ironically, a vast many personal trainers don't really know how to lift like that and have never really trained like that. SL and SS, etc are basically introductory power lifting routines and while it's very popular here on MFP, it's not very mainstream fitness. You may have to find a PT who specializes in actual strength training and power lifting...I don't think your run of the mill PT who works for a corporate gym is going to cut the mustard.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You guys are missing a big part of the puzzle.

    training someone to use a barbell is typically NOT how people get return clients.

    Also- first training sessions are designed to make you feel uncomfortable and unfit- if you can breeze through a workout session a trainer gives you- why are you going to want to hire them?

    Dave is right- call ahead- if the trainer WON"T do it- ask to speak with the training manager and see if you an work out a session with someone who CAN and is willing to train you.

    I turned down a lot of clients who specifically asked for machine workouts- I hated given them to people I hated doing them with people.
    Many trainers WILL NOT turn down a client- money is money- but really if ALL someone begs for is machine workouts- 9/10 I will send them to someone else who is more comfortable doing that.

    I didn't have a problem training weights with people- I felt it was important to teach them how to all properly lift. But- I was in it to help people- not to make all the money and pay my bills- which allowed me to be a little more picky.

    Anyway-don't give up hope- there ARE good trainers/coaches out there- but if you really arent' digging it- check the programs listed- you can defintely learn on your own- but having a guide/seperate eyes is helpful.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    For what it's worth, and as the husband of an ACE certified personal trainer, starting out on machines is actually a good thing. A machine is specifically made to force you to use the correct form for weight training. Free weights, you can very easily use improper form, not get the desired results you want, and most importantly, before you know it, you can hurt yourself. Yes, I know from experience. It took about 8 weeks for my shoulder to heal after I knew best and used free weights and hurt myself. Think about it, two gyms, two trainers both told you not to do free weights yet. Having somebody do exercises they aren't ready to do, holding proper form they aren't ready to hold, is irresponsible. If a trainer has you do free weights out of the gate, you need a different trainer. Yeah, I know, not what you wanted to hear or do, but it's the truth. Maybe the trainer didn't explain it well to you, or you just didn't want to hear it. Tony

    I have to strongly disagree with you. Anyone who has real experience with compound lifts on machines vs free weights will tell you that machines suck. They force you into fixed, unnatural movement patterns. You most likely injured your shoulder because you did not know what you were doing, either on a shoulder press or bench press. After you learn how to correctly do free-weight shoulder exercises, there are certain accessory movements that can be done on cable machines that will be beneficial to your overall shoulder training and health. But if you do not know the basics of a shoulder press, or you hurt your shoulder because you can't bench correctly, all the rotator cuff work in the world won't help you.

    Also, most people have the ability to hold proper form with very minimal weight. And with a beginner, that is exactly where you should start them - at a minimal weight that allows them to hold and maintain proper form!

    Now I'm not a personal trainer, but I've taught a few people how to lift free weights and none of them were injured in the process. Hell, I even had a guy I helped out tell me I should start personal training because I was 100x better than a personal trainer he PAID to teach him.

    The "secret" is that you actually need to know what you are doing. Unfortunately, from what I've witnessed, most personal trainers DONT. And some of the ones who do know, don't know how to teach it well. As an example.. I knew a gym regular in great shape with great form on all his lifts. He decided to get into personal training.. and as I watched him train others, I quickly realized that while he knew what he personally was doing.. he couldn't effectively communicate to others how to do it properly. Think about it, back to your school days.. we've all had those teachers who know exactly what they're doing, but suck at breaking it down and teaching us how to solve the math problem for ourselves.

    There are some fantastic trainers on Youtube. One of the best channels is Elite Fitness, which I highly recommend you check out. One thing you'll notice all the good trainers have in common is that they can dissect the lift and break down each and every step for you.

    Check these videos below.



    Watch the videos and you will see that these trainers cover so many intricate details of the lift.

    Unfortunately the majority of trainers aren't that good. They simply tell people to get under the bar and press it up, or get under the bar and squat it. They don't know how to truly do and teach the lift.