just cant seem to get started- need some motivation!

so i have been playing the "ill start tomorrow" game for as long as i can remember. i will start then lose a little, then lose motivation. I am now a unhappy 221 lb, almost 30 female who NEEDS to get her act together and do this! any tips for me? i work out with a trainer 30 min 3x a week and really need to revamp my eating and be honest with myself. no more Mcdonalds/Tim Horton's breakfasts on the way to work. Fast food breakfasts are my downfall. HELP!


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Start now. Just do it - weigh, log everything you consume. Starting NOW.

    Have a reasonable goal. For where you are now, 1.5 pounds per week might be right - but if that calorie goal is too restrictive, try 1.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I was also the "oh, I'll start tomorrow" for MONTHS.

    Then I took a step back and said, okay, tomorrow never seems to come, does it. This is up to ME. I have to make tomorrow TODAY.

    And that's what I did. I didn't mark the occasion or the day on the calendar. I just started logging on MFP. I had opened my account here in February, but there was a couple of months of "I'll start tomorrows" before I finally made tomorrow today. And after a week of logging and sticking to the calorie deficit it's harder to cheat because I've been at it a month now and I just hate the thought of having to start another tomorrow today.

    You can do this. Make tomorrow today!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I eat McDonalds for breakfast still - I just get an Egg McMuffin and that's it. Lots of protein, under 300 calories.

    But start RIGHT NOW. If you're unhappy with yourself - change it. If you wait another day, that's an opportunity to lose fat that you've missed. If you had started a month ago - you might have already lost 8 pounds. That's a big deal.

    Check these pics of fat out: http://www.bodytransformationlab.com/photos-of-fat/

    So just start - right now. Track your food, stay active, and if you screw up, get right back to it.

    You can do it - you're worth it.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Nobody else can motivate you. That has to come from within.

    You'll lose when you want to do the work of losing. Wanting to be thinner isn't enough. You have to want to do the long, hard work involved with losing.

    When you've decided to do it. When you're ready and committed and determined, nobody will be able to stop you. You'll be like, "You go to Hell, Ronald McDonald. And take Grimace with you! Ben and Jerry, take your empty calories and go!" You won't even want any of it, most of the time. :)

    We can support you and cheer you on, but the motivation has to come from within.
  • Dayiscoming
    Dayiscoming Posts: 13 Member
    Just do it. :) I did the same thing for months and just finally jumped back in. The first few days - a week take a lot of will power, but after that it gets easier. I did the manual goal settings and set up what would be a 250-300 calorie below maintenance first, then after a week of that I went to the setting for one lb a week. I find the 1.5-2 lb a week settings too restrictive.

    Biggest motivators for me are avoiding diseases that run in my family, being able to chase my kids around and fitting into normal clothes.
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    finding a fitness buddy helped me. Being accountable to someone else helps especially when you are helping each other. Setting goals like a 5k where you need to train (at your own pace) I am sure you could complete one. These things help :)
  • bgumby
    bgumby Posts: 8 Member
    thank you everyone! i am really going to try to start! i have healthy food at home and i know i can do this! im just sick of being fat, depressed,unmotivate and just not feeling "my best". i remember when 183 lbs was my high number. all of a sudden i woke up 221 lbs feeling awful. its time I TAKE CONTROL. the weird thing is, i am a control freak in my daily life- liking everything in order etc.. but as far as my diet, i think i cope with my stress and emotion with food. I have a wonderful boyfriend to support me who loves me no matter what. he just wants to see me healthy. the only person i need to lose weight for is ME and i need to realize I'm worth it. I just honestly feel like i am going to have to detox off food, because i really am a food addict. What needs to go in my body are the healthy foods to fuel it.

    thank you all for your motivation and inspiring words. I CAN DO THIS!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    You might try asking someone who had a heart attack what the cardiologist told them. You don't have to wait until it happens to you to follow that advice. Start now and skip the heart attack. :)


    Little by little, become healthier. If you eat healthier, the weight loss will take care of itself!!
  • melissaclaire93
    melissaclaire93 Posts: 30 Member
    You be preachin' to the choir! I am a HUGE procrastinator on everything, but especially diet change. I love french fries. fried chicken and ALL THINGS SWEET! I have a HUGE sweet tooth. I finally this past month told myself, "No. This is happening NOW." I just got so tired of always starting over. What really helped me is my boyfriend decided to go on this journey with me. We started the paleo diet and keep each other accountable....most of the time. What I think has been helping is we promised we would have one cheat day a week. A day where we could eat french fries, or have a cup of icecream and (our favorite) have a few drinks!) Then the next day we go back to the diet. But, I think the best thing is finding a "diet plan" that works best for you and someone to help you be accountable and that will support you and that you can support too!! I

    f you want an accountabl-ity buddy let me know and I'd be glad to do this journey with you!!

    Best of luck!
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    Buy lean meats, slow digesting carbs, and healthy fats from the store and start making creations that have a nice balance of macronutrients. Then count everything, stop snacking, and bring your meals with you. Maybe even try finding a super yummy protein powder to fill some gaps. Make sure to make yummy meals and you'll be set.

    I like to play with sauces. Teriyaki, general tso's, spaghetti, balsamic...etc. Make the meats delicious and it'll be easy to stick to.

    You can eat yummy and still drop the fat. All you gotta do is start!
  • Deborah271
    Deborah271 Posts: 73 Member
    You need to do this, please don't be like me and let this keep going into your 50's. I too was heavy in my 20's, 30's, 40's and now into my 50's. I believe that I failed because I looked at it as dieting instead of life style change, I also did many stupid crazy diets. I love this plan here because I can eat what ever I want and I do, but i'm strict in staying in my calories for the day. When one has lots of weight to lose, it can be very overwhelming so do as me and just take it 10lbs at a time, don't look at the long haul and remember "Being overweight and unhealthy is hard, losing weight and getting healthy is hard". Pick you HARD! Hope this helps you, hugs.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Tomorrow never comes if you keep saying that. You just have to really want it. I loved food and I didn't really want to change but I didn't like being overweight. I didn't want it until I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in April. My brother passed a few months prior and I couldn't bear for my family to be in that much pain again if I died too. That was my swift kick in the butt.

    I occasionally eat fast food even breakfast. You can add me as a friend and view my food diary. I'm still losing weight. Make sure you track all of your food and measure it with a digital scale. That's great that you have your boyfriend to support you. It helps! It's a lifestyle change not just another diet.

    You can do this! It is possible!
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    A quote from a little boy whose mum kept telling him "tomorrow, honey, tomorrow":

    Today is tomorrow.
  • bgumby
    bgumby Posts: 8 Member
    I had a come to Jesus moment with my personal trainer last night. After working out for a year 2-3x a week BUT NOT changing my eating habits, my weight has not changed but stayed the same for 1 whole year. I convinced myself that i was eating good, despite my multiple cheats. Last night, my trainer had an honest and frank discussion with me about how i cant have any more excuses. if i really want it, I have to do it. At first, i was angry and almost walked out of the gym. How dare she talk to me that way? Then, the reality sunk in- she was right. I am the only one who can change me. i have to make the decision to eat healthy and be consistent in my workouts. I began bawling and all the years of frustration and hurt came out on the gym floor. At that moment, i made the commitment to start living life and not just exisiting. I AM in charge and I CAN do this! So here goes... Day 1..... 50 lb goal in the next 6-7 months. I am gonna make ME proud!