23 Y/O workaholic looking for some help with accountability

Hello MFP world,

I'm currently sitting at my heaviest ever at 195 lbs , my hope is to get down to 140 and just improve my health, I've always been athletic and active but since having sold my horse two years ago the weight really snuck up on me.

I am really motivated to get back on track but have to really fight the urge to avoid stress eating and finding the time for the gym . My friends are kind to tell me I don't need to change but for me it's really important and I could use some friends and support that really get the struggle of weight loss and making healthy habit changes.

( I also really like the idea of being able to be there for others who are struggling as I find a lot of inspiration from the simple act of so many people trying to better themselves.)


I work 12-14 hour days and am surrounded by temptation at work, as well as leading a busy social life that puts me in situations with tempting alcohol and food. I need help pushing myself to MAKE the time for the gym and not taking the easy way out just because I am tired. And to find ways to improve my will power and discipline over food. (I have a HUGE sweet tooth.)

Anyway, Thanks for reading and glad to be hear. Best of luck to us all!


  • ditzyFlip
    ditzyFlip Posts: 104 Member
    If you could find a gym that is open 24/7, I definitely recommend signing up for a guest pass, see how you like it, and then join. And then if you're at work, pack up your gym clothes and plop them right in the driver's seat so you can go straight from work to the gym before heading home. That's what I try doing sometimes (or I go before work) because once my *kitten* hits the couch/bed, I'm done for the night lol.
  • peanutadams
    peanutadams Posts: 6 Member
    Awesome advice! I actually just applied for a two week pass to my local snap (currently an LA fitness member) and last week just started carrying my gym bag with me.

    I was thinking about trying to stock it with some protein bars and healthy snack options as well for pre/post workout when I am in a rush.

    Really awesome advice, thank you!
  • mereditheve
    mereditheve Posts: 142 Member
    Hi there and welcome!

    Work is one of the biggest challenges for me also. I work long hours and it can be pretty exhausting. I schedule my workout time the same way I would schedule a meeting -- you wouldn't miss an important meeting, so why miss a workout meeting with yourself?

    Stress eating can be a problem if your go-to foods are calorie dense or laden with sugar. I have a handful of go-to healthy "comfort" foods, such a fresh produce (e.g., cherry tomatoes or broccoli, or an apple). I also make sure that I drink plenty of water or coconut water if I want something mildly sweet.

    On weekends, when I can get away from work, I try to go for long hikes. I make a point of spending at least one full day outdoors, rain or shine. Being outdoors, getting fresh air, and moving really helps reduce stress on top of being a great way to exercise.
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    Feel free to connect with me. I work 2 jobs and do accountability groups, so that helps to keep me on track!
  • cadaver0usb0nes
    cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
    Hey, you should add me! I am also 23 years old and 195, wanting to get down to 130ish. We can help keep each other accountable :)
  • minnesoootan
    Ah that sounds like me! I've worked crazy jobs/ hours for a few years now and it can definitely be tough. There was one job a few years back where I ended up only eating one fast food meal a day at 9pm... luckily I'm on a much healthier track these days! :)

    Definitely going to also recommend making sure you have gym stuff with you at all times - if I packed the bag and had it in my car that day, it made me so much more likely to stop by the gym on the way home. If I had to make it home to get it, I'd never leave again... and I like sleep too much to drag myself there in the mornings. Experiment to find out what works best for you, though. I never would have thought that hitting golf balls on my lunch break would be something I'd enjoy until I tried it!

    Same goes for packing some healthy snacks with you for during the day so you will be less tempted by the less-healthy options that you might face and doing some research to make a few healthy substitutions in social situations too. Really, lots of little changes should put you well on your way! :)
  • marieeclifford
    marieeclifford Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in a similar situation. Used to be very athletic- gymnast for 10+ years and runner after- but have struggled to find activities I can do/enjoy after knee surgery and injury. Being in a new city after getting married has also made things more difficult. I work long hours as a development and events coordinator for a professional ballet company and academy, so I'm surrounded by people who are thinner than I will ever be (or want to be, frankly.)

    My heaviest was nearly 180. I'm currently at around 170, and would like to get back down to 140. At 5'8", that would be a much healthier weight for my frame.

    I've also just made the decision to become a vegetarian, so there's that. Feel free to connect.
  • dnmoehring
    dnmoehring Posts: 64 Member
    I'm also a 23 Y/O at about the same weight (192 this morning)!

    I work a lot too, and have a hard time with finding motivation to cook or prep, and fast easy stuff tends to be my downfall. I actually work at a hospital rehabilitation/fitness center, and surprisingly horrible food is everywhere. I'm lucky in the fitness department, because I usually just bring my workout clothes and shoes and hop on an elliptical or take a class right after my shift. The best thing I ever did (though slightly inconveniencing) was leaving for lunch. I have a small walk and I don't succumb to the fast food.

    feel free to add me!
  • Adefowler
    Adefowler Posts: 61 Member
    Start making part of your social life incorporate exercise. Join exercise groups: meetup.com. Start meeting people who are more active and like to do the same things you do.

    The running community is great and I've met so many friends.

    Good luck!
  • peanutadams
    peanutadams Posts: 6 Member
    Awesome advice, Thank You!