
jayacaze Posts: 3 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
:smile: Hi Everyone. I'm Jamilia. Trying to get a handle on this weight issue of mine. Joined my fitnessmpal at my doctors advice to track my progress and see where i can make improvements. I have 70 pounds to lose. And to be honest, I'm nervous about this. I welcome any feedback and ideas. Thanks


  • Hello Jamilla, Congrats on your significant weight loss already. I have around 60 lbs to lose so I know what an acheivement 70 can be. The most useful tools to me are the food tracker and the fitness diary. It has really helped me put into perspective what the cost of what I eat can be and how excersise will affect that. As you put in your excersise, the food diary will adjust the amount of calories you can take in for the day. It is really neat. Now the biggest problem I have faced is actually being dedicated enough to get on the website. It takes a few minutes and I can neglect that for some period of time. My fitness Pal will send a email to me reminding me gently that weight loss takes a lot and this is a great tool. Good luck and keep up the great work.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Welcome to MFP Jayacaze! :drinker:

    I think the best way to do this is to just give you a list, so here goes.

    1. Have a kitchen clean-out party. Get rid of ALL unhealthy junk food.
    2. Invest in a good "healthy" cookbook. One I recommend is "Taste of Home Comfort Food Diet". It is full of simple, yummy, low cal, healthy recipes that keep you satisfied. The book also gives all of the nutritional information.
    3. At the grocery, shop the perimeter of the store first. The perimeter is where all the "good" foods are like fresh veggies and fruits, grains, meats and dairy. Steer clear of the cookie/chip aisles! Opt for lighter versions of condiments, I assure you they are just as yummy as the full fat ones.
    4. Plan meals and snacks ahead and plug in the calories on MFP. That way you can see how many calories you have left for the day.
    5. Drink the recommended 64 oz of plain water every day. If you're not a fan of plain water, get a pretty wine goblet to drink it out of...this makes it seem more special. :smile:
    6. Exercise. Start out small and build up your resistance.
    7. Record your exercise on MFP
    8. Eat your exercise calories!! You have to feed your body to lose weight!
    9. Be honest with yourself....this is probably the most important step of all. Be conscience of what you are eating and plug in the numbers every day. Don't woryy if you go over here and there...just keep it honest and you will see results!
    10. Last but certainly not least..Start getting some buddies on MFP...they can be a great support system and will cheer you on, and on, and on!

    If you follow the steps, you will be surprised at how really easy it is to lose the weight and be a lot healthier you!
    I honestly wish you the best of luck!
    Please add me as a friend if you want...:smile:
  • nolife1980
    nolife1980 Posts: 14
    Hello I am new here and have no idea what is going on. I want to lose weight and that I know, but how to do it no clue. Easy to say hard to do. I try this many times but no lock. I should loose some serious lb. or I lose life.
  • shari66
    shari66 Posts: 49
    Hi Jamilia,
    I joined about 6 weeks ago and MFP has been great. I am more conscience about my eating and exercise; it really keeps me on track! You've got some great posted already and you can totally do this! So, good luck with your fitness goals!
  • PblRayne
    PblRayne Posts: 1
    :ohwell: Hi, today is my 1st day and I've blown it by having Starbucks for breakfast. You really don't know calories until you see them on paper. Lesson Learned.... no more calories from starbucks, they rush you and you end up getting anything....I have 50-60 pounds to go so it's best to get the bruises over now.
  • jayacaze
    jayacaze Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Everyone. Im Jamilia. Just getting myself reacquainted with MFP! I have alot lot a ground to make up and Im ready to get started!!!!
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Welcome back Jamilla. Since you are just getting started take a look at this...

    I think you will find it helpful.


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