How do you fit your exercise around work?



  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    I sucked it up woke half an hour to 40 minutes earlier and exercise. The plus, boy is my endomorphins high when I go to work. The negative? Some one needs to provide a pillow I can sleep on while I run. The real plus, shed 20 pounds in less than 90 days. Looking to continue it
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    My weekends are my major work-out days. Then I hit two other days during the week. If you get time off, then you need to use part of that time off for working out. Time off, for me, isn't time off from working out.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    You have set an extremely ambitious goal for yourself and I am not overly optimistic when you state that you can't find the motivation to exercise. You need to revise your goal or find time to exercise. Everyone on here who works full time has the same issue. I personally take about 30 minutes at lunch for a walk on most days, work out after work at least 2 - 3 days a week and workout both weekend days. There is plenty of time. Good luck!
  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member
    I try my very best to get a good workout in in the morning before I go to work because when I get home, I'm tired and don't really feel like working out. I do try to get at least one day of workout in during the weekend, though.
  • livelaughlovecrazy
    livelaughlovecrazy Posts: 101 Member
    I work 9+ hours a day and this is how I usually get my exercise in on the weekdays:

    Before work:
    -Jumping Jacks in the morning right when I get out of bed to help me wake up

    During the workday:
    -Walk on my two 15min breaks, sometimes on lunch too
    -Take the stairs

    After work:
    -Bike ride
    -Cleaning house
    -Working in the yard
    (I try to do 1 or more of these activities everyday after work)

    You have to be willing to make it happen, it's not easy but it is completely possible with the right mind set. =)
  • tonafoto
    tonafoto Posts: 246 Member
    I'm working at night and usually going to the bed around 8 in the morning.
    I wake up at 1 or 2, take breakfast and a shower and head of to the gym. This routine I do 5 times a week, and on thuesday and saturday I run about 3 miles.
    Working out fits great in my daily life!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i fit work around my exercise.
  • SinomenJen
    SinomenJen Posts: 262 Member
    I get up at 4:10 to be at the gym by 4:30.

    Don't really have tips or "easy" exercises. Either you want it or not, IMHO.

    I agree with this 100%. If its important to you , you will find a way to make it happen.

    Both of these.
    I work out from 9 PM to 11 PM... and I work 3 jobs- 7 days a week (well not all of them 7 days a week- one full time job- and 2 part time jobs)

    If it is important to you- you will make it happen. plain and simple.

    ^^^^ I get up 4 hours before time for work^^^
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I workout everyday during my lunch hour. During the day everytime I go to use the restroom (I know TMI) I do a set of squats or lunges. If I don't workout during lunch then I have to workout after work. If the kids have cub scouts, girl scouts or I have a PTA meeting after work then I walk or bike to my destination (they are all just a little over a mile away, so round trip is 2miles). If the kids are @ one of their sporting practice's then I walk around the park for a while instead of sitting around. Weekends we as a family walk to the farmers market, etc. etc.

    The point is if you really want to do it you will find a way & time.
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    There is no easy way. Either you want it enough to make time, or you don't. I do cardio and weights around the house, while watching t.v programs or listening to music. I've stopped thinking about what I'd like to do and I got up off my butt and started doing it. Those that want it enough, do. Those that don't keep looking for the easier way.
  • ManderWebb
    ManderWebb Posts: 19
    For those (particularly ladies) that work out during their lunch break, what has been the most efficient way for you to get back to work, clean and on time?

    I did my first lunch break workout today at TITLE Boxing - the class is an hour lunch on it's own. So I worked with my employer to work extra during the day, to give myself an hour and a half lunch break. The location is about 2 miles away from my job but traffic is awful - so I allow 10 minutes to get there, and 20 minutes to clean up and get back.

    Today, I didn't really have issues with the shower portion, but my HAIR messed me up. I have pretty long hair, a few inches below my shoulders. Normally I keep my hair tied up high in a bun to keep it out of my face. I'm thinking I should have just left it in a bun and blow dried the roots, but I took it down and tried to use a dry shampoo and it was just a mess... my hair was still pretty wet and I wasted a good three minutes on it. I barely made it back to work on time.

    Any suggestions?
  • salevy
    salevy Posts: 208 Member
    When I worked full time I would go after work. It got rid of all the stresses of the day.
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