
I am feeling really, REALLY discouraged right now! I have been being SO good with my eating and doing some exercise every day, and I gained weight two days in a row and stayed the same yesterday. I know it's probably just water weight or my body fighting me for some reason, but I can't help but feel frustrated and annoyed by it all. I guess I'm too much of an instant gratification person (probably one reason I am in this situation to begin with) and I need some help to buoy me up.



  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    What you need to do is add some friends! Like-minded people are the best motivators! I'd love to help!

  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    You need to spread out your weigh-ins to once a week instead of daily. Pick a day and weigh yourself first thing in the morning ONLY on that day.
  • consrvtvmom
    consrvtvmom Posts: 19 Member
    Weighing everyday discourages me. I usually weigh once per week, twice at the most. There are just too many variables when you weigh each day.
  • prettybrownround
    prettybrownround Posts: 362 Member
    The scale is the devil, LOL. Your weight fluctuates all the time. Dont get discourgage. Do you feel better? Look better? How do your clothes fit? There are other ways to guage your progress. You are doing great. Keep up the good work
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    I agree with Trisha, Its all about support. I have only lost 2 lbs in 2 weeks but everyone on here keeps me motivated! Hang in there and know that its not about right now! Its about forever!
  • jmason1023
    Hang in there!! It's a new year and only day 13. Maybe try weighing yourself every other day. The scale can be a liar if you are working out consistently. How does your clothes feel? What about your measurements? I turn to those items when the scale shows me what I don't want to see.

    Consistency is the key to the breakthrough!!! (I'm preaching to myself too)

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!! DON'T GIVE UP!!! :love:
  • simplywriting
    Don't get discouraged. I did that last time I tried this. I highly recommend weighing yourself only once every 3-5 days. Even at weight watchers and other places, they only do it once a week. It is discouraging, especially when our weight fluctuates so much from one day to the next. But do NOT get discouraged. Add some friends (like me) and they (I) will pep talk you through the bad days. We all have them. Trust me. Yesterday was one of mine but I decided today was going to be better and it has been.

    You can do this!
  • lbridges27
    Don't beat your self up! Weight can change every day and a lot of times you don't see the results of yesterdays workout or healthy eating for another day or two. Just weighing in once a week really is the best way to keep up with your weight loss and not get discouraged.
  • I am feeling really, REALLY discouraged right now! I have been being SO good with my eating and doing some exercise every day, and I gained weight two days in a row and stayed the same yesterday. I know it's probably just water weight or my body fighting me for some reason, but I can't help but feel frustrated and annoyed by it all. I guess I'm too much of an instant gratification person (probably one reason I am in this situation to begin with) and I need some help to buoy me up.


    Are you weighing every day? Sounds like you might be by your post, have you tried switching to weighing once per week?
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Stay off the scale for a couple of days :) Then get back on and I bet it's gone. Hang in there. Just a ? but when you were gaining weight did you weigh everyday and see what you were gaining? I bet not, so why are you doing it now? Sometimes you just have to let go of control of the scale. Just hang in there it'll happen.
  • Cosiehosie
    Cosiehosie Posts: 5 Member
    Dont weigh yourself every day. Your body naturally fluctuates in weight on different days and times. Try once a week or if you really cant wait then do it twice.

    If you are sticking to your calories you have to lose weight. So perhaps you are not recording things proprerly, for example not weighing things just guessing? Make sure you record everything you drink as well as eat, as calories from juice, smoothies, etc soon mounts up.

    I also agree with Trisha. Having more friends on here is very motivating. Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    Daily weighing can be depressing. And you are right, it is probably just water fluctuations, so drink extra for a few days to flush the system. Be happy with your behavior changes and don't focus on the number on the scale. Take it a day at a time, but look at the whole picture over the long haul. You can only control what you do in this moment, but all those moments add up to your life. Make the most of them.
  • lucieluss
    i agree, add us, we will give each other support, that whats this site is about!! be there for each other, and Most of all, if you get discourage like this, you should definitly not weight your self every day, stick to the once a week, and go from there, ddaily weight can be good sometimes, but depends on, like you said, your water, did you just eat, and as a woman,,,, our body change on our time of the month, so its lots of little weight that can discourage someone, stick to once a week, and after a while, if you feel a daily weight in wouldnt put your moral low, go for it, but now, you wanna boost your motivation, and i know, if you stick to at least the calorie counts from here, even with little exercice, you will be happy on that weekly day!!! we are here for ya, as we know you will be there for us!!!!!!like my kids show say on toy story,,lol you got a friend in me,,lol and dont forget, one thing that helps me like nothing else, when i feel low, i close my eyes, and feel and visualize my goal as its already there, i let my body feel it, !!!! youll make it,,!!!!
  • triton4u
    Don't get discouraged. There will be times that you will either gain or just stay the same. I have been doing good, then just stopped loosing for two weeks in a row. Just stay with it, and get some friends that will keep you going. I weigh myself once a week, on Sat. That is one of the only days I get up at a good time.
  • danash7
    I am feeling the same way. I have only gained weight since I started counting my calories. I feel I have been trying hard and I'm only getting farther away from my goal. I guess we just have to keep going with all we got and hope that the weight will soon start to fall off!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Everyone is right. Get off of the scale. I once had to lock mine in my husbands trunk so I could stay off of it. Another thing that I would suggest is to pay attention to how much water you are drinking. If you don't drink enough, then your body retains it. I once read that you should take your weight divide by 2 and tht's how many ounces you should drink.
  • NuclearGirl
    I know how you feel - I too am an instant gratification person and I guess that's why I have failed on so many diets in the past. I know that the best advice when losing weight is to aim for around 2lbs a week if looking for a permanent weight loss - but I've always wanted to lose at least half a stone a week! Not really very realistic!
    So what is different for me this time? I've reached the point where I'm really fed up with the way I look and I know if I don't shake this instant gratification attitude then I'm gonna look this way for the rest of my life. This 'diet' for me this time is more about a total lifestyle change - I just don't want to look better, I also want to feel better and be healthier. I know this will not happen overnight - so I'm signing myself up to be committed for the duration. I'm not going to weigh myself very often, I'm going to get to the gym every opportunity I can, I'm going to mess up sometimes but i'm not going to give up and I'm going to be your friend and help you along the way too! :bigsmile:
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    Make sure you take a picture of you now and also try to have someone take your measurements. I did not do that when I started wholeheartedly at the end of October and even though the scale has only moved 14 pounds since then. I notice in every part of me that I am losing. I took measurements and a picture as of 1/1/11 and am going to do so every month (at least measurements) and go by that progress as well as the scale once per week (yes, I do get on the scale more often, but only log it weekly).

    It is very easy to get discouraged and we all have bad days, but look at how much you have put into it. I thought I would melt away just by not eating junk food and then adding exercise. It has not worked that way, but the added benefits of better mood, looser jeans, etc...are making everyday worth it!!

    Just don't give up!! - You are worth it!!!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Could it be approaching that time of the month? I always gain at that time and then lose even more after its over. just sayin.......:smile:
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    Please Please PLEASE do yourself a favor and stop weighing yourself everyday. I used to do that to myself and it caused me to give up at least 3 times causing it to take me 3 years just to lose 60 pounds.

    Especially in women our weight can fluctuate drastically from day to day or even throughout a single day because of water weight and what we eat and especially around that "time of the month".

    I personally threw out my bathroom scale and only weigh myself once or twice a week at the gym. That way if I'm really itching to see my weight well I have to go to the gym anyways so I might as well work out while i'm there.