Maintain weight or lose?

I have been at 130lb for about two years now and I do strength training 3 to 4 times a week and last time I checked I had 15% body fat. I am 5'7 I focus on maintaining or should I still try and lose some body fat? I am slightly satisfied but then see thinner people and get frustrated that I am not quite "there"...any insight is always helpful. I have been at 160 about 4 yrs ago and that was when my diet and exercise lifestyle change began :). Thanks for insight!


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    15% bodyfat?!

    You a competing body builder or triathlete?

    You are there already - what you are looking at now is genetic differences.

    Losing weight (if it could even be fat) or fat likely won't change those spots that are standing out to only you.

    Stand back from the mirror, put the camera on longer focus - and start being honest with the total picture.

    Next time you see thinner person, challenge them to arm wrestle.
    Unless you like the skinny-fat look, in which case, each to their own.

    Is your strength training progressive overload, like you do increase the weight lifted from time to time?
  • unesemainedecruaute
    unesemainedecruaute Posts: 54 Member
    15% is the lowest recommended for women to maintain a healthy life, and it's what we know as a (really) fit body. Below that (about 12%) are female bodybuilders. In the range 16 to 20% is what we know as healthy body.

    What do I recommend? Try and have your BF measured again (but not by yourself). If you're really 15%, then:
    1. Enjoy your body! And don't let that percentage drop below 15.
    2. Wait for strength training to deliver its benefits, as adding muscle will help your body to look fitter -and hotter- (as long as you are in the 15 to 20 range).
  • chvyryder
    chvyryder Posts: 3
    No, not a body builder lol but I don't think those machines are too accurate so I would think the actual amount is 17-18 percent...the trainer that took it said I need to stay where I am at and make sure my body fat does not drop based on height, weight, etc. I do love my legs and butt so I guess we are our worst critic and it is just my own areas standing out to me. Thanks for the advice, I will test my fat again and then continue to strength train. I have strength in my legs but think I need to move that to my arms now...thanks again! Here's to happy workouts!
  • jennagoogles13
    Personally, I try to ignore the number on the scale and focus more on measurements. I've been about 135 lbs for the last couple of weeks, but through less cardio and more strength training I've lost 2 inches off of my waist and half an inch off each thigh, even though I didn't lose weight. I think you should focus on the areas you want to improve, and try to forget about the scale. Also, it's important not to compare yourself to others, but to pay attention to the improvements YOU have made. Best of luck:)
  • ScottDowell
    ScottDowell Posts: 95 Member
    If you are satisfied with your fitness, then no need to lose fat. If you are feeling comfortable and energetic, then you don't have excess fat on your body. Maintain yourself as it is.