Personal trainer suggested HIIT

Using 1 minute of sprints followed by 1 minute of walking - continued for 10 minutes. But it feels to me, like my legs can't take me quick enough to get my heart rate that high. I can't physically run that quickly.
Also I feel breathless before I physically feel exhausted. By this I mean, I could do the 10 minutes of HIIT, struggling to breath after about 5/6 minutes but and after my breath back, which does take a while, I could do the training all over again. I go home from the gym feeling as if I haven't worked out. Am I doing it all wrong?


  • mrs_j_smith
    mrs_j_smith Posts: 24 Member
    First, HIIT doesn't have to be done on the treadmill. You can make any exercise into a HIIT workout. But, if you must use the treadmill, I would say go as fast as YOU can. Add incline if that makes the workout harder. HIIT is supposed to be hard, but it's also supposed to train your body to recover quickly. So, if you can do your 10 minutes and be fine, do another 10 minutes. If you can recover quickly from that, let your trainer know and ask for other ideas to increase the intensity of your workout. You can always change up the workout to fit your needs and fitness level. Hope that helps.