urgent advice needed lost too much after bypass



  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    talk to a bariatric nutritionist,
    your full fat/sugar ensure WAS NOT the right answer .
    if a lot of stuff messe you up then you need to evaluate what the issue is , since your absorption is so poor , you might be a good candidate for a revision,
    if youre feeling weak and peaked , also are you taking ALL your multis?? and b12 ? sublingual or drops???
    and how is your iron?
  • samanthannepstein
    samanthannepstein Posts: 53 Member
    I find it interesting that the ensure made you sick when looking at your diary. Did you feel sick when you had milk for breakfast? Or from the sugar in the kit kat bar? I just wonder because if you only felt sick from the ensure-- maybe your body just doesn't like it.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Take time off work if you have to and travel to find the best doctor you can.
    The new doctor can figure out what is going on. This is more complicated than food.
    Do some exercise. You body needs that.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i suggest you try egg protein powder or eggs - probably better for a guy than soy, and will avoid the possibility of lactose intolerance.

    my mother didn't get along with ensure, either. it happens. can you comfortably eat peanut butter? might go great in a shake.

    what bethlaf says it definitely something to find out about - absorption is important. if there are no local dieticians with experience in your area, can your doctor refer you to someone for a phone consult?
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Almonds and Peanut butter! Top everything you eat with this. Spread some on your steaks, chicken, sandwiches, salads - whatever! Tons of nutrients and calories.
  • Debssssssssss
    Debssssssssss Posts: 84 Member
    I have a friend that had a bypass done. He lost A LOT of weight, got very skinny. It was like that for while but then he started gaining again and hit a normal weight range. His mum had the same thing done and she was the same too. Definitely talk to your Dr, but I'm guessing this is probably common in gastric bypass patients.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Your doctor sounds like an uneducated idiot, to be honest. Obviously, I know cornwall is probably not the best place for this sort of issue to arise, but your Gp should have some education in the potential complications of WLS. I suggest finding another doctor, even if it means travelling further afield. Can you not contact the surgeon who did your surgery originally to get some insight?

    That said, you need to eat little and often, and make your choices as calorie dense as possible. Nut butters are a very good way... go to your local health shop and get some peanut or cashew butters. They also sell these totally natural, sugar free raw protein bars by a make called Pulsin so look into those too. Mash up a few avocados. If you can tolerate it, get some full fat Greek yoghurt or some sort of full fat yoghurt. I really sympathise with you, it must be a horrible position to be in.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    You know the rules.....protein first, then veges and if you have any room, you may have a carb. You are not sticking to the rules and that's why you are losing, dumping and probably feel like crap. One thing I have noticed at events is there is always a meat tray, sandwich tray (take off the bread) and finger foods loaded with protein. You are making the wrong choices because you are overwhelmed with all the goodies. You need to exercise a little discipline and eat only the things you KNOW you are supposed to eat.

    Get some protein shakes in there too.
  • BethN3101
    BethN3101 Posts: 8
    What type of surgery did you have? As I too had Bariatric Surgery! I had the Vertical Sleeve done. I am not a year out yet!