Getting back on track after vacations...

Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
Any tip? Last year was relatively easy, but I still had a lot to lose so I was pretty motivated... and they had healthy options pretty much everywhere, and I didn't gain a thing during those 5 days.

This year we're visiting family who eats out all the time, often from local restaurants with no nutrition info and don't even offer veggies as a side(yes, that's a thing), order dessert etc, and let's just say my willpower isn't what it used to be and so far it's been pretty much a disaster. We've been semi active but there's still a lot of driving and sitting around, I got a run in, some walks and a bit of weight lifting but that's about it...

The other issue is that this time the kids will be in vacations when I come back home, so my routine will be completely different. The exercise part I'm not worried about, I'm starting a new program and will probably go to the gym to run every other day, but the eating... well... I still had 3 pounds to lose when we left, and had gained 3 pounds of water weight in the last week, but I got my period 3 days ago and been peeing like crazy so probably lost most of that weight, so who knows how much I'm going to gain... it's going to be interesting.

The good news I guess is that I got all my cravings out of my system, I think, so maybe it will be easier to stick to low calorie foods for a while as long as they are filling?


  • janine2355
    janine2355 Posts: 628 Member
    I have not gone on vacation since I'm on MFP so I don't know if I have the best advice, but I will tell you, I am already stressing going to the Jersey shore for a week in a few weeks. This is where your will power is really going to be tested. Even though I have not been on vacation yet since I'm on MFP, I have been in these types of situations where everyone is eating dessert and whatever they want that I am with and I'm just eating the boring food. My advice would be to skip the dessert but don't deprive yourself totatlly. What I would do if I were you is take a bite or two or your hubbys or childrens dessert instead of having a whole dessert to your self. This way, your still getting that yummy goodness without eating the whole thing. Then, while they are eating you can sip slowly a flavored coffee, or tea, and that may just be enough. Also, I don't think you are giving yourself enough credit.When I go on vacation, there has amost always been a fitness room, and yet I never ever use it. At least you did use it, and you got some ruuning in etc. That really does help. Plus, when you come back, I know that you will be so disciplined that I am sure any additional weight you have gained during this vacation will come off fairly quickly.In the meantime try to watch wherever you can with your meal choices. In other words, grilled instead of fried, no cheese, no mayo, and If you get say a "panini" just eat half. Get water with your meals, and just eat half of what is on your plate. But, please don't try to get too dissapointed. You have lost SOOOOO much weight. You are almost there, so don;t let this minor setback bring you down. Try to enjoy yourself. Take care. bonsoir
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Last summer we took a big family cruise to Bermuda. I "allowed" myself to gain weight. For seven days I pretty much ate what I wanted. I was mindful to get some fruit and veggies in there, but for the most part I allowed myself free rein. What happened was that I automatically watched my portion control out of habit. When I came home I was pleased with only a two pound gain. Within two weeks the two pounds were gone and I was back on track.
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    I just came home from vacation on Wednesday. I gained like 9 pounds-although I also was sick. Diagnosed with bronchitis on Friday after I returned. I attempted the gym every day but I coughed a lot.

    I think some of the weight was water weight as I have already lost 5 of it with returning to my usual diet. I just started back at the gym today due to my chest cold/bronchitis.

    While on vacation, I attempted to eat healthy during the day (breakfast and lunch) and indulged at dinner. I did find that it made easier knowing that I saving my calories for dinner. Also, I found that I was probably more active walking, shopping, etc.

    Try to remember that it is a journey. Enjoy the vacation and return knowing that you may have to re-lose weight.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    I feel ya. I had my cruise in April as my "goal", even though I've been rather open ended with my "end" (I have no end time limit, this is more like my new life, not a final destination thing, like a wedding, per se)

    I allowed myself free reign on the cruise, eat & drink whatever, no logging, no counting calories. And even though I did get sick on board, (Really? Been saving & planning this for over a year, gonna get sick NOW?) I still did run daily & 1 day rode on the stationary bike, though, didn't want those "new" habits to get pushed aside. When I got back my mind was still "out there" and I had a hard time adjusting back, even though I did have another goal set up after. I had like 3 weeks before I started my training for a Duathlon, so it was kinda like "limbo" for me.

    It was hard for me, but setting a goal and starting on that path, researching it as much as I could, has helped me. I'd say, with 80lbs down, you have a good idea with what works for you, and what doesn't. Stick with your 'plan" as much as you can, indulging when you feel comfortable, but still doing your physical activity to help you along. Vacation is vacation. A chance to relax a a bit. Good luck...and have fun!!!!