Student, Cyclist, Keto-curious & Russian-speaker

Hello, all!
I've been using MFP on and off for a little while and I think that maybe finding a community will keep me on.
I'm a cyclist, Muslim, student, and vegan. I use my bicycle to commute around & also for long mile rides (when I have time I like to do ~20 miles with a rest break in between—I'm hoping to do a hundred mile ride within the next year as there's one that happens here annually). Я говорю по-русскии, тоже, так если Вы делаете тоже, говорите со мной.
Because I'm a Muslim, I'm currently celebrating Ramadan (woohoo, third day), which is my favourite holiday! As far as MFP is concerned with Ramadan, that means no water or food consumption outside of about 20:00-03:00 (where I am; it depends on location).
I'm curious about long-term diet/lifestyle changes and their effects on the body, and how different macros make the body feel. Lately I've been particularly interested in low-carb and ketogenic diets, so I welcome in particular any advices and friends about that, because I think I'll start trying that.
I'm also a vegan (ethical reasons), which has made reading about keto verrry interesting. Please respect these things about me—I'm not here to critique your life choices, I'm here looking for MFP friends & community.

If you cannot tell, I am very new to this forum and not sure if I left anything else out! Feel free to ask questions, I suppose.


  • whatamigettingmyselfinto
    Congrats on starting up again! Only eating within a small window of time each day (intermittent fasting) is actually something people do on occasion to be healthier, so you're on your way there during ramadan! I know that ketogenic diets help brain function (at least in those with epilepsy), so it sounds like it may be a good idea. Because of the high fat that you need in that diet, you might want to switch to coconut milk rather than soy if you don't use it already. Удачи!
  • deertheory
    deertheory Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the recommendation! Luckily I'm already there. Спасибо!