Scale VS Measurements?

what is your opinion?

do u weigh your self, measure or a little of both? which do u do more often?


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I weigh more often. Just started the measuring. But I couldn't remember if I sucked in, stood average or let it all hang out, so the measures weren't too accurate for tracking purposes.

    I'm going to try to do it the same way every time, though, because it only makes sense. :)

    I'm not all that concerned with the scale or measurement numbers, so long as I keep getting smaller, though. :)
  • iscr53
    iscr53 Posts: 1 Member
    Measurements are the best way to measure your accomplishments, since muscle weighs more than fat, and the scale doesn't necessarily reflect that. The best option for me is to measure a difference in how my clothes fit. If I try on the same shorts every week, or even every two weeks, I should feel better about the way they look each week. Also, taking pictures is a great way to monitor your progress. :smile:
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    If you're exercising, particularly weight training, the measuring tape will be infinitely more informative than the scale.

    ETA: Adding an inch to my biceps was so much more awesome than losing a few pounds!! Totally stoked and can't wait for more inches to shrink from certain areas and find their way to other areas!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I weigh my self once a week, I wish I would of measured myself starting out. I have a rough estimate based off my old clothing sizes. I think I've lost more inches than pounds, every-one says I look way less than I weigh. I do measure myself now, but not on a set schedule, just whenever I feel like it, maybe once a month or every other month.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Both. The scale is much more important. I do not exercise, nor do I wish to build muscle. So the tape measure is secondary to the scale for me.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I weigh more often because it's easier - step on, read the number, step off. Measuring takes a bit more time. However, I am much more interested in measurements to gauge my progress than scale numbers. I dropped a full size without losing any weight on the scale, and I've seen people drop scale numbers yet remain the same size - so measurements show better progress in my opinion.

    I weigh myself daily out of habit, and I measure about once a month.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Weigh weekly on about my only valid weigh-in day (unless it's invalid then I don't even waste time on useless figure), measure bi-weekly on same day if valid.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I am a scale girl. I like to see the numbers go down at my feet.
    I dont think I could measure my body accurately enough to warrant doing it.
    When my pants fall off me I will know the inches are falling off as well.
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    I weigh daily and take measurements once a month. Just my personal preference. There is no "right" way.
  • rebeccaisafish
    rebeccaisafish Posts: 87 Member
    I try to weigh myself AND take measurements once a week. Sometimes I forget (as I try to do it before breakfast but at that time of the morning I'm hopeless) and so then it might be two weeks, But I always do both.

    I actually only realised recently that you could add extras to what you measured on MFP (I thought it was just the standard neck/waist/hips that it came with) and got so excited. Measurements are much more useful in my opnion, but I still need to know what I weigh. If my weight goes up and my measurements are down/the same then I feel ok. If my measurements go up too though then I know I've got to lift my game.
  • georgiagreeneyes
    georgiagreeneyes Posts: 69 Member
    Weighing yourself once a week and taking measurements every 2-4 weeks is what I have done in the past. At times where I think my weight has stalled, I've really actually lost inches (losing body fat and gaining muscle that retains much more water). I'm starting the process all over again after gaining weight following a serious car accident. I'll be using both! Cheers to all of losing pounds and shedding inches!!
  • bloodofareptile
    bloodofareptile Posts: 47 Member
    I weigh daily and measure + take pictures on the first of each month.

    I don't think there is a right way to do it, and this works for me. :)
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I weigh every day, and use Trendweight to get rid of fluctuations. I take pictures and measurements every few weeks.
    I track the weights that I can lift, new bench and squat records etc, how fast my recovery is, how fast I can run a mile.
  • nusiax
    nusiax Posts: 39 Member
    I do not measure, Not worried about measurements. Weight loss it for health. I try not to put too much pressure on myself and lose the weight slowly and responsibly. I only weigh once a month. And it is surprising I usually meet my goals or come very very close. Weighing and measuring weekly only gives you mental pressure. Because you never lose weight equally. So one week maybe one pound and the next 5 pounds doing the same thing. Pressure is where so many people give up. And giving up is not an option!!!!!!
  • powerpigeon
    I do both. I weigh myself about once a week, and take measurements generally every two weeks, but that's not really on a schedule, just more when I remember. As long as both are dropping, I'm happy.
  • StarPlatinumORA
    StarPlatinumORA Posts: 21 Member
    I just try and do a "check in" each week on a Saturday morning/afternoon - I weigh myself and measure myself at the same time. I find it' sthe best way - it's tempting to weigh myself more often, but it fluctuates so much in the week.

    I find Saturday morning is the best way, because I have a bit of a lie-in, and I haven't eaten anything, so in theory it should be my lowest weight of the week.

    One week, I gained a tiny amount (something like 0.3lb) but lost like 2-3cm off my hips & waist measurements! I was pretty pleased with that!
  • angelzprophecy
    i weigh myself almost every morning. i think its a good indicator to whether my diet is on point or not. too much weight lost = too little calories and vice versa. If im not losing/gaining any weight but making strength gains then i must be near maintenance and recomping
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I weigh myself daily, but only record it once a week. I also measure and take pictures monthly.
  • Cidsa_Dragoon
    I do both once a week, usually on Sunday morning. Waist/Hip measurements are more important to me because I'm trying to fit back into my clothes (which fit just 6-7 months ago..) I was weighing daily when I started but I saw massive fluctuations due to water retention so I moved to weekly. I really only use the number on the scale as a general guide; if it's not going anywhere I'm probably not going to lose inches.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    A combination of the two.... Body fat percentage is what is more important than raw scale data... Both measurements AND weight factors into this figure so both are important.