How to rebound from not eating

400440 Posts: 5
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Ok, I've been really really good, watching what I eat, exercising and doing what is good for me....and I've lost weight. But yesterday I went to have surgery on my mouth and I can't eat anything for the next two weeks but broth type soups, yoghurt, etc. You get the picture - if its not liquid or really soft, it does not go into my mouth.

I know that I have to maintain my calores from everything you all have said or I go into starviation mode and don't lose and maybe gain - but how do I do that for the next two weeks? Any suggestions?


  • mlaugh
    mlaugh Posts: 30
    protein shakes/smoothies
  • You can get some pretty caloricly dense soups - potato, etc.
    Greek yogurt is higher in calories and protein than normal yogurt.
    slim fast shakes are heavy on the calories.

    You are right to want to keep up your calories during your recovery! Good luck,
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member're losing weigh and getting dental work exciting!

    Lots of broths......blended soups....yogurt...etc.

    You'll be surprised how many calories you can get in liquid form.

    Good luck with all the dental work, hope you recover quickly.
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    I'd suggest kefir smoothies..high in protein, very healthy. I'd be careful with prepared soups...they are LOADED with sodium!!!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    When I had my wisdom teeth out, I lived on pudding and meal replacement shakes. Ice cream was too cold, soup was too hot. Eat frequently (every few hours) but stay within your recommended calorie level. The best part is that since your mouth is sore, it takes longer to eat, so you feel fuller. I drank warm water too, which isn't great, but you do still need to keep your liquid intake up.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Smoothies -- you can add calories from fruit or from peanut butter.

    You can also do soups that you can liquify with an immersion blender (depending on the soup of course!)
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I had surgery on my jaw about 2 years ago and had the same exact problem. I couldn't eat anything but chicken broth and shakes for 2 1/2 weeks. I had a lot of Ensure shakes, Carnation instant breakfasts and smoothies blended extra thin. The smoothies were great because I could throw a bunch of fruit and yogurt in there. As my jaw recovered, I was able to sip some oatmeal straight from the bowl since I didn't really have to chew it. I wouldn't worry a ton about the calories though. Your body is going through enough right now. Just do whatever you can to make sure you feel better and you can get back on track after you heal. I lost about 10-15 pounds while on my liquid diet and you'll probably do the same. Once you are healthy again, you can get back to your routine and your normal caloric intake.
  • 400440
    400440 Posts: 5
    Thanks for all the advice - I was not looking forward to eating nothing but tomato soup and chicken soup for the next two weeks.
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