Cheat Day



  • jruby82
    jruby82 Posts: 2
    Cheat days infer that you are on a diet rather than making a change to a healthier lifestyle. Rather than planning in a total cheat day have a slightly higher calorie consumption on other days but keep it constant.

    To me, a "diet" is a deficit in daily calorie intake in the hopes of losing weight. A "lifestyle change" is shifting away from unhealthy eating and fitness habits, and moving toward a more healthy, natural lifestyle. (And one does not necessarily have to be overweight to need a lifestyle change.) I, personally, am doing BOTH a diet and a lifestyle change right now. I'm not just shorting myself around 800 calories per day, I've also cut out a whole laundry list of unhealthy foods such as dairy, red meat, artificial sweeteners, breads, etc. Even if I can squeeze those things into my daily calorie budget, I don't do it. Just because they're low in calories or because you can "afford" the calories, that doesn't mean they're healthy choices. Once I've lost all the weight I intend to lose, I will no longer need to diet and will return to something closer to a maintenance calorie intake (2,000-ish calories/day), but I will not reincorporate those unhealthy foods into my life (that's a lifestyle change, not a diet). That's what my monthly Cheat Day is for me -- it's a reward for the lifestyle change, not the diet. It's not necessarily a day to go over on my calorie budget or to skip logging my foods, it's a day to indulge in those no-nos so that I don't go completely crazy eating relatively boring foods the rest of the month.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I used to on occasion in weight loss, but they'd generally be for weddings or celebrations where I didn't log and probably exceeded my calories.

    Don't ever think cheat DAY though, cheat meal yes, a day can do way too much damage to your efforts.

    Edit: Meant to also add that I truly exercised my butt off on the day or near a 'cheat occasion' and would eat lightly until the event (e.g. a small breakfast and a light lunch saving as many calories as possible).
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    As you can see, everyone has their own approach which works for them. I guess it depends on your personality and goals. There's no point having a cheat day and eating back your entire deficit for the week, so if you think this could happen, don't dedicate a whole day to it.

    I personally couldn't do the little and often treats thing (especially not where I work! There are treats brought in everyday) as I would lose nothing. But if that works for you, then great.

    Trial and error is the best way to approach it, like most things in life!
  • TwirleySlims
    TwirleySlims Posts: 112
    I don't believe in them as you can have most things in moderation. I do go over occasionally but I don't worry, I know my diet is much healthier than it's ever been & that is the main thing :D
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I wouldn't call it a cheat day. I eat absolutely whatever I want (within reason lol) on Saturdays and Sundays. Then I eat at a larger deficit during the week to make up for it. I wouldn't say it was a requirement for me, I would actually much prefer to just eat the same amount of calories everyday of the week. But everyone in my family and friends goes out on the weekend to lunch or has a BBQ or throws a family get together. You name it I am there surrounded by friends and family and good food. So rather than skip them all, I just eat at a much larger deficit during the week to make up for it. Even when maintaining I do the same thing now. where I'll pig out on the weekends with my friends and family, then eat 1,500 calories a day the rest of the week to maintain.

    Life doesn't cease to be fun and tempting just because I'm losing weight. :) I'm willing to make sacrifices so that I can be a part of it.
  • Andaisy1
    Andaisy1 Posts: 306 Member
    I don't believe in them as you can have most things in moderation. I do go over occasionally but I don't worry, I know my diet is much healthier than it's ever been & that is the main thing :D

  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I don't think of it as a cheat day. I listen to my body. If I really crave a cheeseburger, I make it a quality burger (not McDonald's) and don't do it too often. I treat myself to one whole donut every 3-6 months.
    Most of my diet is pretty healthy so if I crave something less healthy once in a while, I allow myself that. I may try to do a harder workout that day, but I don't like to think of it as cheating.
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    I have a meal out once a week, but that day I eat less during the day (no snacks) I also save up my exercise cals and work hard at the gym the following day so that my overall net cals for the week is around my goal for the week.

    I also try and have healthy things of the menu so I avoid sauces etc.:smile:
  • joflo723
    joflo723 Posts: 119 Member
    Several years ago I lost 70 lbs on WW. Being analytical by nature, I went back after I had reached my goal weight and reviewed the previous year. What I found was that the weeks that I had lost the most weight were weeks that I had stayed on track every day except for one (I either had a day with extremely high points, or I had completely forgotten to log a day). I didn't completely binge out on these days, but I also didn't worry about the extra calories I was consuming.

    I think this helped me on several levels: 1) I'm not a nutrition expert, but my theory is that it gave my metabolism a little kick eating those extra calories one day a week, 2) it gave me a break from obsessing over calories, points, etc, and 3) It kept me from getting "burned out" by feeling like I was missing all my favorite foods I used to eat.

    So yes, I do think that a *cheat* day is a good thing. I don't necessarily "plan" mine, but I usually do have a day, about once a week (usually on the weekend) that I just don't worry about it; i.e., I go way over my calorie goal.
  • followzyzz
    followzyzz Posts: 10
    **** those cheat days.. they ruin my whole progress for the week. I've decided to not take any cheat days because it can easily ruin your progress for the week if You are really sensitive to carbs or etc.. I'm on a low-carb diet so basically I eat 1 cheat meal per week. My cheat meal includes fruits only.. It really helps me with the sugar cravings.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I don't have cheat days. I fit anything I want to eat or drink into my calories for the day or week. Some days I eat low calories while other days I eat high but my calories always balance out at the end of the week.
  • mikemartinez22
    mikemartinez22 Posts: 1 Member
    I try to earn my cheat meals either before or after I eat them. Sometimes at work we have diffrent events and if I participate in eating I will make myself acountable and hit the eliptical machine after work or some kind of cardio. If I know Im going to be at a party or gathering in advance I will put in the extra work in the gym, on the track, jump rope or whatever it takes. I would say dont deprive yourself and dont over do it either, but if you do over do it wich happens from time to time make yourself accountable, and burn the extra calories. I walked by a red velvet cake 3 times at work before cleaned my tupperware from lunch and cut a nice slice. I left work and went directly to the gym for the 2nd time that day got on the eliptical for an hour where 20-30 minutes would have surficed for the cake. I came home opened the container and enjoyed my red velvet cake guilt free!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL hope this helped.

    *Start Weight: 306 lbs 01/21/14
    *Current Weight: 246 lbs 07/03/14
    *Goal Weight: Lean!!
    Instagram: @mr26point2