Deadlifts: How much...



  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Another thing is. Most people who lift aren't actually training for a powerlifting competition anyway. As long as they are getting stronger, improving, then what does it matter. They are only really competing with themselves rather than an arbitrary standard...
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Also some people have levers for deadlifting, some people are built for squatting, so all that has to be accounted for, too. Nothing's that straight-forward in life!

    So true. I hate squats with every fiber of my soul, although I do do them. Deadlifts I don't even need to mentally prepare for.

    +1 squats are my nemesis, yet my ego is more invested in them... it makes no sense
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    Also some people have levers for deadlifting, some people are built for squatting, so all that has to be accounted for, too. Nothing's that straight-forward in life!

    So true. I hate squats with every fiber of my soul, although I do do them. Deadlifts I don't even need to mentally prepare for.

    +1 squats are my nemesis, yet my ego is more invested in them... it makes no sense

    Ha! Someday I'll be lifting enough to have an ego about it. For now, I'm kind of a wimp. But I do the squats because I figure if they're so tough for me they're obviously necessary for me.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    OP here! I'm so glad this thread popped back up in My Topics.

    I just wanted to update that I pulled 1.46 x bodyweight for 1x3 last week (6/25). I originally posted this at the beginning of March. Good way to measure how far I've come in that time period.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Just wanted to come back on here and post a little update:

    I posted to this thread in March that my DL was stuck at 65 lbs.

    This past Saturday I pulled 185 !

    My lifting pal said to me, "the bar is not going to want to move, you realize that right?" And that really hit me. Lifting heavy is about getting way outside your comfort zone. It's not just going to come right up and be easy. 65 x 12 wasn't about being physically weak, it was about being mentally weak.

    Anytime I have had a lifting obstacle to's been a mental obstacle every single time! I pulled 185lbs last week also...maybe 205 this week...
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    165lbs, which I believe is 152% BW. It's not my PR, I know I could go higher, but I have a phobia of getting hurt. History of back problems, and all that. I'm working up the courage to go higher. My goal is to get to 200% BW.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Also some people have levers for deadlifting, some people are built for squatting, so all that has to be accounted for, too. Nothing's that straight-forward in life!

    So true. I hate squats with every fiber of my soul, although I do do them. Deadlifts I don't even need to mentally prepare for.

    +1 squats are my nemesis, yet my ego is more invested in them... it makes no sense

    I like squatting- but it's probably a meh lift for me- I find it very demoralizing- I am very bottom heavy- all leg and *kitten*- everyone thinks I must squat 300 pounds and I have a crappy squat- so I feel like I'm sub par- so I don't want embarass myself and I hate lifting them because it *should* be higher.

    But whatever- squats are the answer to life. and then more squats.

    (whispers DEADLIFTSFOREVER!!!)
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Right now my DL is at 320 lbs x4. Bodyweight slightly under 190 lbs. I've been at this for a little over a year and my next goal on DL is BWx2.

    Just keep adding a little bit every time (a rep here, 5 lbs there) and you'll be progressing.
  • LeighannG5
    LeighannG5 Posts: 13 Member
    I can deadlift 230, which is my BWx2, and I've been weighlifting consistently for almost a year.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    A few weeks back, I did 155lb for x45 reps. The heaviest I've attempted is 185lb for x3 reps and completed those. Next time I go for deadlifts, I'm gonna try 200lb!!!
    45 reps of deads..????? Is that a typo?

    maybe 4 or 5??

    LOL who knows- I'm doing a set of 20 squats I never thought I'd see the day... anything over that I think I might die.

    Heh, my trainer has me doing squats and deads in sets of 30.... ;)
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    I'm still inordinately pleased with a PR at a meet a week ago. I pulled 140 kg (309lbs) at 56kg(123lbs). My first 2.5bw pull. I'm hanging onto this one because my bench at the same meet was uber sad.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    You should at least be able to deadlift your spouse.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    You should at least be able to deadlift your spouse.

    Ha! Done and done at 185lbs. What is weird is that my body weight was my first goal...HIS body weight was my second goal!
  • Johnplusfour
    Johnplusfour Posts: 105
    I don't even compare myself to others anymore like that. Reason being that I used to think it was a competition of weight and would push heavier and heavier on DL. Until I hurt my back and was unable to do anything for months and months.(I've been lifting my whole life and have good form, ya never can tell when a disk etc is going to just give out on ya) I'm back to 100% from any injury but it made me put things into perspective that I can get a great workout doing a comfortable weight. I stay between 1-2x my body weight and now ward off those max out yearnings because the months of doing nothing in recovery are not worth it, not one bit. Imagine yourself having to halt all exercise progress for months..
  • SMKean90
    SMKean90 Posts: 55
    For me its totally different depending on what kind of lift. (i am fairly new at this still)

    The best i can do is 2 under my bodyweight, but if i do a snatch for example, its only 15kg!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    We all start somewhere. I started at bench press 95 lb 10 reps at weight above 200. Close to a decade ago.