Is it time to stop lowering my goal weight?



  • justingchristiano
    justingchristiano Posts: 2 Member
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Your height and weight are similar to mine and I still have a ways to go. And I happen to know a shirt can hide a multitude of culinary sins. But judging by your before and after picture that does show your belly, you look great. I'm not seeing any stomach fat, and you don't have anywhere to hide it.
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    I could have written your post a few months ago when I reached my goal of 118lbs.. I still have flabby bits and wanted to lose a few more lbs to see if it would target those areas. It really didn't change it so I'm pretty content now and weight train and run because I love that feeling.

    My maintenance cals are 1750. It doesn't feel like a lot of food but its working. My fluctuations are only minimal and I feel great at this weight. It's an adjustment reaching the end of your weightloss journey... You look great!
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Setting a goal weight is an estimate. Fine-tuning that goal is an assessment process. I have found that I can pinpoint my ideal weight to the exact pound. And one pound can make the difference between having a waist and not having a waist-- I have a waist at 118 pounds but not at 119! That particular one pound is at my waistline!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I also don't believe you're at 30% BF -- how did you get this measured?

    Haha, blame my "super duper body fat measuring scales", they seem to be drunk most of the time. Seriously, every 5 minutes it'll go up / down by 2%!

    Thanks everyone for your advice, it's going to be hard snapping out of netting a certain amount for weight LOSS... but what if I over-estimate and put weight on?! :embarassed: :frown: :sad:

    I will be sensible and eat more! :) I will also get into major strength training. How often (out of curiosity) do people do cardio when maintaining? I've grown to love running now :bigsmile:

    Forget the scale. Mine tells me I'm > 30% one day and 24% the next.

    I would say based on your avatar, that you are in a good position to stop and try a recomposition - probably not a bad idea to lift at maintenance for a while anyway to make sure you have your TDEE correct.

    You could also try bulk/cut cycles to improve %BF. You could start now, or you could cut a bit more first, with the idea that it makes it easier to put on muscle than fat the leaner you are while you bulk. That's what I'm doing. I started bulking at roughly 24/25% BF. Ideally, you should be leaner than that, but I was tired of cutting. So far, I've been pleased - I'm cutting now, and it looks like I've put on 3, maybe 4 lbs of muscle after a total gain of 7 lbs. Not bad, considering. This time, I intend to get down closer to 20% BF before bulking again.

    Also wanted to mention about the running because I just started running myself - depends on your goals. If you want to build muscle, make lifting the priority. Do a full body beginner's program 3 times per week and either run after lifting on the same day, or run on off days. General recommendation is cardio for no more than an hour or you'll compromise your lifting. If you're not trying to build muscle, then run when you want and back off of the weights so you don't interfere with your running.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I agree with everyone who said you should focus on weight lifting! It will make a big difference in how your body feels and looks AND I find it is the #1 best thing for my blood sugar control. You have done amazing work for your health- I'm really impressed!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I have this same issue. I just assumed that when I lose 50 lbs I would be done. That was 128.8 which I reached a few days ago. I decided when I got close to it I would rather reach a little more and goal at 125. Once I get there I am hoping to just plan on toning and replacing some fat with muscle but keep the scale the same. We will see how it goes!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    My two cents is right here in this link...

    Generally speaking when someone is having the issues that you are having, it's not a matter of needing to lose's a matter of body composition. Lifting or otherwise performing resistance training is the only thing that is going to alter your body composition. Continued dieting will likely have the opposite effect of what you want.
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    I think you looked good with the weight as you do without! Congratulations on reaching your goals! Once you get into more serious lifting, you'll be amazed at the new shape your body takes on! You could slowly transition into maintenance mode, with the weighted training, and time you should get a better hold of those trouble spots! Good luck!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I had the same issue that you're dealing with. When I reached 130 lb, I stopped and debated with myself for a few months (well, maybe 6 months), then I decided that, based on my BF measurements, that I should go down to 125 lb and set a new goal. I lost about a pound l-), when I visited my sil and she told me about this study she read that came up with the top three reasons people with a history of longevity had experienced (she's a nurse practitioner, with a lot of experience working with frail elderly). They were: exercising regularly, drinking an occasional glass of wine or beer and maintaining a weight that included a few extra pounds, but was not too thin or too fat.

    So, based on that, I decided I was fine where I was and set my goal back to a range of 127 to 132. This is a weight I can easily maintain. My BF, based on my calculations (which probably aren't that accurate) of about 24% is around 24% and my BMi is 21.5%. I do a combination of strength training and cardio, but no heavy lifting and, at 67, and 5'4", I'm pretty fit, with some muscular definition and everyone thinks I'm at least 10 years younger that I am.

    It actually is a relief after a lifetime of yo yo dieting, to finally stop. I discovered a new passion for fitness and am working towards becoming a group fitness instructor, specializing in working with other seniors, teaching Zumba Gold. I'm totally excited about this and am already starting to pick up subbing assignments.

    So, based on my new understanding of fitness and reality, I would say (not recommend because that's out of my scope of responsibility), you'r probably fine where you are and you need a new goal. ;-)

    Best wishes, whatever you decide.
  • tony56pr
    tony56pr Posts: 141 Member
    Well I can say that when I started I wanted to get to 195 pounds or so, but this morning I weighed in at 170.6 pounds. See my goal changed from a certain weight to a bf % instead. So I continue until I reach that point (8%).

    Bf is a much better judge of where you are at and scale is not very good to tell you where you are at. Pay to have your self checked, if health is your only concern talk to your dr and see rather he/she thinks you are ok or if you need to lose more. If more of a look thing, then figure out what you want to look like and then figure out what bf that is and set that as your goal.

    This of course is only my opinion and hope it helps.
  • paulandrachelk
    paulandrachelk Posts: 280 Member
    BF on my scale showed 30% too but personal trainer said "no". Got myself an ACCUFITNESS caliper and come in at about 21-23%!! Personal trainer's caliper came in about that also so think my scale is friends with yours. The caliper I got measures three points though they have more expensive ones that measure several more. Close enough and reasonable price.
  • epadmeister
    epadmeister Posts: 102 Member
    Excellent replies from all of you (Yes, even the one who says "keep losing" haha :laugh: hey, I asked for opinions!)

    Okay, I've decided to stick to 54.5kgs / 120lbs / 8st 8lbs. I've NEVER been that light before, EVER.

    It's time for RECOMP baby... I have no idea where to start! :blushing: I'd better shimmy on over to the next personal trainer I see and get a new routine!
  • feherd
    feherd Posts: 34 Member
    Excellent replies from all of you (Yes, even the one who says "keep losing" haha :laugh: hey, I asked for opinions!)

    Okay, I've decided to stick to 54.5kgs / 120lbs / 8st 8lbs. I've NEVER been that light before, EVER.

    It's time for RECOMP baby... I have no idea where to start! :blushing: I'd better shimmy on over to the next personal trainer I see and get a new routine!

    Good luck!! I'm interested to see your future progress :)
  • epadmeister
    epadmeister Posts: 102 Member

    Good luck!! I'm interested to see your future progress :)

    *gulp* no pressure then! XD :embarassed: :laugh:
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    You look great where you are.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I am the same height as you, but almost twice your age :laugh: My initial goal was 60 kg, now I've lowered it to 58, but I think I'll like to stop and maintain there. You can't possibly have any excess fat now at 55 kilos! My advice would also be to maintain where you are, and maybe get in some more weight training. And oh, I had a look at your food diary, it looks delicious, I think I'm a fruit bat too! :tongue:
  • epadmeister
    epadmeister Posts: 102 Member
    I am the same height as you, but almost twice your age :laugh: My initial goal was 60 kg, now I've lowered it to 58, but I think I'll like to stop and maintain there. You can't possibly have any excess fat now at 55 kilos! My advice would also be to maintain where you are, and maybe get in some more weight training. And oh, I had a look at your food diary, it looks delicious, I think I'm a fruit bat too! :tongue:

    Friend request coming your way, fellow fruit bat :glasses: Gosh, I know fruit probably isn't great for my diabeeeetus but it's just too damn good! :D
  • DringusDrungus
    DringusDrungus Posts: 12 Member
    I'm so excited whenever I see someone looking into strength training! It's drastically improved my whole shape in about 3 months, and I still have 53 pounds of my original 100 or so to go! Best thing I've ever done for myself, hands down. Congrats, you look great :)
  • absentmindedhousewife
    absentmindedhousewife Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for this post. I had been at maintenance and then decided that I should lose some body fat and get down to 125 from 130, but my sister-in-law and I just had a talk about aging and she cited a report (she's a nurse practitioner) that said three of the things that people who lived longer reported were 1. having a little fat on themselves, 2. drinking a small amount of wine or beer every day, 3. exercising.

    So, I have decided to stop losing and stick with my original range of 128 to 132 with my goal in the middle. I'm already at 24% body fat according to my own caliper tests, which puts me in the active range.

    For aging women, women in perimenopause and menopause, that little bit of fat provides a small amount of estrogen which the ovaries aren't making anymore. There is definitely a balance to be had with that little belly and being a little overweight. Health wise we feel more ourselves when we get enough hormone.
