Fruits vs veggies

Okay so I've been reading a while but this is my first post. I've been here for 2 years, stalking, reading, watching, and planning how to take over the world, or atleast my weight. :bigsmile:

I've read it's a good thing to eat 5 fruits and veggies a day, but could you perhaps make them all fruit? As far as vitamins and stuff is concerned, would you still get what you need if you ate a variety of fruit instead of veggies?

I bet you can tell I don't like veggies. :-/


  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    unfortunately it's the veggies that (on average) have more dense and varied micronutrients, particularly the leafy vegetables.

    Some fruits such as apples and banana offer little more micronutrient content than stereotypical "processed" food.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    short answer is no.

    You need significantly more veggies in your life than fruits.

    not that fruits are bad- but veggies are much more needed in terms of quality.

    use bacon grease to sautee veggies- or roast them. I know a lot of people don't like mushy veggies- so steaming them or boiling them or whatever kills it for them. I like mine with some texture and salt pepper- garlic salt and bacon grease are usually my only flavorings.

    Also can blend them into smoothies or bake them into calories- tons of ways to "sneak" them into foods.
  • LeeAnne210
    LeeAnne210 Posts: 40
    Sigh. I do eat them. I just don't like them. Darnit! Guess I'll add cheese. And bacon. Although seems to me like that sort of erases anything good about them anyway. :) thanks anyway for the input.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Of all the hundreds of varieties of vegetables in the world, in all the different ways they can be cooked, you don't like ANY?

    Tomato based pasta sauce. Add carrots and celery to stews and chillies and curries, add peppers and mushrooms to stirfries. Vegetable soup. Parsnip fries.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Of all the hundreds of varieties of vegetables in the world, in all the different ways they can be cooked, you don't like ANY?

    Tomato based pasta sauce. Add carrots and celery to stews and chillies and curries, add peppers and mushrooms to stirfries. Vegetable soup. Parsnip fries.

    I like fried potatoes and sweet potatoes...also fried okra...
  • LeeAnne210
    LeeAnne210 Posts: 40
    I do like some, but I mean those that are the most nutritionally dense, example leafy greens and brocolli.
  • billc2
    billc2 Posts: 4 Member
    Al though I am not great at eating veggies and fruit everyday. I tr keep and them on hand . The fruit and veggies on the table and in convient sizes so that I can grab them on the run. If you see them you will eat them.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'll grant that many veggies are strong tasting on their own- but they can easily be incorporated into smoothies, soups, sauces etc.
  • deatharrow
    deatharrow Posts: 10
    Vegetables contain certain micronutrients that fruits don't have, so for health reasons you should eat vegetables.
    And bacon and cheese are not bad for you.
    Vegetables taste 10x better to me when roasted rather than steamed. And adding olive oil helps a lot.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Sigh. I do eat them. I just don't like them. Darnit! Guess I'll add cheese. And bacon. Although seems to me like that sort of erases anything good about them anyway. :) thanks anyway for the input.

    How would that negate the nutrition in the vegetables? For one thing, there is nothing inherently wrong with bacon and cheese...there is good nutrition in both of those things. Beyond that, you adding things to your vegetables doesn't magically make your body unable to use the vitamins and minerals in those vegetables...that just doesn't even make sense. And actually, there are certain nutrients in vegetables that are fat soluble...this means you actually need dietary fat to absorb that cheese or bacon would be perfectly acceptable.