how to get out of a work "funk"

ok guys, idk whats going on with me lately but i'm just so bored in my job. Ive been here going on 7 years so that's probably part of it. but I like the people I work with (mostly) and I do enjoy my job. I make decent money for what I do and its not really that hard for me (could be part of the problem)

Lately I've been in such a funk! I work four 9.5 hour days and then get Fridays off with my 3 year old. I LOVE our Fridays together but the other days seem so loooooong. then after working all day I come home and make dinner, then the rest of the evening i'm pretty exhausted. It's been pretty hot here for the last week or so that could have something to do with it, but aside from that i'm just feeling bored and tired. and my fitness has been struggling too, the last thing I have energy for (physical or mental) is working out after a day like this. I Feel fine in the morning and on the weekends but the M-TH is giving me the blues.....:-(((( Help!


  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    Could you look for a new job, or ask if you can take on additional/different responsibilities? We all need a change once in a while. I hope things look up for you.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    That's a tough one because you enjoy your job and make decent money. Can you ask for additional responsibilities or something new to do at your work instead? Of course maybe it's time for a complete change, but maybe there is a way to keep the good and fix the boredom.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This might sound really insignificant and/or silly, and it may not apply to your current job or work space. But I have found a little pick me up in reorganizing my office or work space. Just doing some purging of unnecessary/outdated materials, deep cleaning the areas the cleaning staff don't have access to, maybe adding some new supplies or accessories to use in a fun color or pattern.

    OTOH, I have never made it 7 years at any job. I get bored, too. 5-6 years is my record.

    Changing jobs can be a big plunge and quite stressful but maybe it's just time? Although I think a lot of people would love to have a semi-flexible schedule with Fridays be sure to consider that.

    I personally wouldn't ask for more tasks at my current job, but that's just me being "lazy". I have found over the years that when you DO ask for extra work they will usually pile it on with little to no extra compensation.

    Good luck!
  • Ladybug1250
    Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
    Thanks guys! I don't really want to look for a new job cause I love (and hate) my schedule. I think it's the reason i'm so tired, but I really don't want to loose my Fridays off just yet. Once my little one is in school full time I will go back to 5 days but for now I need my day with my girl. I desperately want to be a stay at home mom (even if just for the summer) but I can't so this is my little taste of that sweet freedom lol

    I like the suggestion of cleaning up and refreshing my work area, I think i'll start that today.

    Thanks again for the suggestions I appreciate it and keep them coming :-)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Thanks guys! I don't really want to look for a new job cause I love (and hate) my schedule. I think it's the reason i'm so tired, but I really don't want to loose my Fridays off just yet. Once my little one is in school full time I will go back to 5 days but for now I need my day with my girl. I desperately want to be a stay at home mom (even if just for the summer) but I can't so this is my little taste of that sweet freedom lol

    I like the suggestion of cleaning up and refreshing my work area, I think i'll start that today.

    Thanks again for the suggestions I appreciate it and keep them coming :-)

    Awesome! I really hope it helps, even a tad.