P90X3 - which version to buy?

DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
I'm looking to buy P90X3, and I'd like to see what experience anyone here has with the various versions available.

From what I can tell, there is:
- Regular version, with the basic work outs
- Deluxe edition, adding a "bonus" DVD with 3 workouts, resistance bands, and some supplements
- Elite/extreme edition, adding to the above a chin up bar, a chin up assist band, a yoga/jump mat

It's roughly $100 for each upgrade.

I do need a chin up bar and the assist band. The resistance bands I could take or leave; my husband bought some a while back, and I plan on getting a set of adjustable dumbbells anyway that I could probably make do with.

The additional DVD would be good to have, and I don't think you can buy it separately.

I'm thinking the chin up bar/assist band together aren't worth $100, but I don't want to end up with something cheap just because I was trying to save a few bucks. The amazon reviews aren't really helpful in distinguishing between all of the above.

Any thoughts?


  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
  • azrubael
    azrubael Posts: 65 Member
    As far as a pull up bar I would recommend buying one locally. You can find them anywhere that has any fitness equipment and they are approx $20. I personally bought an iron gym pull up bar from a pharmacy four years ago for $14.99 and it still sees use today. I like the p90x workouts, but the additional cost for the deluxe editions do not seem cost effective to me.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I purchased the deluxe edition, but have made no use of the extra stuff yet. I started X3 on Jan. 8 and went through the 13 week Classic schedule. Then I did Rushfit, adding in a couple of the X3 transition weeks when I needed a recovery week. Last week I started round 2 of X3. Even though I have the extra DVD with the "bonus workouts", I haven't done them. I'm not saying they aren't worth doing, but that's a pretty steep premium for one upper body, one lower body, and one core workout (and you can find core workouts all over the place). You ought to be able to get the pull-up bar and pull-up assist band for less than the upgrade from the regular package to the elite package. And, if you're planning on getting dumbbells anyway, the resistance bands will just be a waste.

    In related news, I think X3 is a fantastic program. The mix of cardio, resistance and recovery workouts is nicely done...and with 16 workouts (not counting the bonus DVD), you won't get bored. I also liked Rushfit and was glad I did something else between X3 rounds.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    Yeah just get the basic workout program. You can get resistance bands, pull-up bar, and dumbbells for very cheap locally or on Amazon.
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member

    I'm looking forward to it. I was getting kind of bored with my regular routine. My main concern was that the $20 pull up bars I was seeing all over amazon wouldn't be as high of a quality, but I suspected the upgraded versions weren't worth it.
  • AngJac77
    AngJac77 Posts: 37
    I purchased the deluxe edition, but have made no use of the extra stuff yet. I started X3 on Jan. 8 and went through the 13 week Classic schedule. Then I did Rushfit, adding in a couple of the X3 transition weeks when I needed a recovery week. Last week I started round 2 of X3. Even though I have the extra DVD with the "bonus workouts", I haven't done them. I'm not saying they aren't worth doing, but that's a pretty steep premium for one upper body, one lower body, and one core workout (and you can find core workouts all over the place). You ought to be able to get the pull-up bar and pull-up assist band for less than the upgrade from the regular package to the elite package. And, if you're planning on getting dumbbells anyway, the resistance bands will just be a waste.

    In related news, I think X3 is a fantastic program. The mix of cardio, resistance and recovery workouts is nicely done...and with 16 workouts (not counting the bonus DVD), you won't get bored. I also liked Rushfit and was glad I did something else between X3 rounds.

    Ditto :)
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    You can buy the additional DVD separately. The rest of the items..it depends if you need/want them. I bought just the basic set of DVDs...we got a chin up bar locally and put it up in our basement. We had dumbbells and I don't think I would order them and pay shipping. You can also get just as good resistance bands locally.

    The separate DVD...it really depends how bad you want it. I love P90x3, get the coaches discount, and was still unwilling to pay that much for 3 workouts, as were many many people on the teambeachbody forums. Only a few actually bought the thing. The workouts are in printed form in the guide that comes with the basic set, so if you don't need to follow along, you get them just not on DVD. I believe they have lowered the price a bit, and I imagine I may someday cave...but I may not. I think many just refused to buy it on principle, initially, as just that DVD cost as much as the basic kit.

    I do love P90X3...have fun with it!
  • davmeis
    davmeis Posts: 7 Member
    My wife and I just finished the basic 90 day program. We both liked it and had great results (strength gains and weight loss). I definitely recommend the P90X3 program.

    My wife bought a pull-up assist off amazon for around $15 which worked fine for her. We found a pull-up bar for the door on CL for pretty cheap.

    We also purchased the bonus DVD. I didn't do the additional 4 weeks because by the end of 90 days I was ready to move on to something else although I've used the Ab Ripper workout (which is great) a few times. Unless you really want the Ab Ripper workout, it probably isn't worth the additional $100 though. The workout book comes with a description of the workouts on the bonus DVD and you can figure out the timing and sequence of the additional workouts if you want to do them.
  • BrittanyMG3
    BrittanyMG3 Posts: 163 Member
    I bought the basic because I already have resistance bands and a yoga mat :) I think the basic is perfect..resistance bands still make it a great workout, you can always purchase a pull up bar for $20 down the road (but i don't think i will ever need mine) :smile: