Looking for new friends with 100plus lbs to lose?

I am a 22 year old female looking for friends on here. I feel if we could get a little group going we could all really feel a lot better and motivated. It doesn't matter about your age or what you look like or anything we should all be friends on here.

The reason I want to make friends who also need to lose more than 100lbs is because we can all do it together and be friends on here through the whole journey. If there is anyone who needs to lose less than that you are welcome also :)

Please send me a friends request!


  • KazzaKemp
    KazzaKemp Posts: 5
    Hiya, I too have a fair amount of fat to burn!! I only started last Monday and am doing the JuicePlus shakes diet to start with x
  • justlosingtheweight
    justlosingtheweight Posts: 51 Member
    Nice how are the shakes? I've never tried a shake diet :) right now I'm watching calories and cutting portion size. I fill up on water and swap the unhealthy things for fruits and veg :)
  • JennyJiggle
    JennyJiggle Posts: 46 Member
    Sent you a request :)

    Also have 100+ to lose and always happy to talk to new people.
  • justlosingtheweight
    justlosingtheweight Posts: 51 Member
  • Hi! I am starting again, I was very overwhelmed on my last attempts. Trying to have more support and friends this time. We can do this!!:bigsmile:
  • justlosingtheweight
    justlosingtheweight Posts: 51 Member
    Yes we need to keep positive :D and having friends with the same goals we can all help each other and talk, discuss things etc. I am making a group its called Fighting the fat with friends I hope it picks up :)
  • alucido
    alucido Posts: 167 Member

    I would love the extra support from anyone! I had started my journey 2 years ago and lost 80lbs, but within the last year I put it all back on. Feel free to add me to keep me accountable; and I will do the same! :smile:
  • BEquality
    BEquality Posts: 58 Member
    I'm new here too, also with over 100 pounds to lose. :) Welcome! Any of you can add me.
  • justlosingtheweight
    justlosingtheweight Posts: 51 Member
    I have just created a group called 'Fighting the Fat with Friends!' Please join its for all of us :)
  • tigraclio
    tigraclio Posts: 2
    i need help and friends to add me tigraclio
  • how have you accomplished the 55 lbs loss? That's amazing!
  • Hi I haven't got 100lb to lose but about 40lb at the start in January this year for my Xmas wedding!! I now have lost 28lb!! Still some to go though!!
  • lattanicole
    lattanicole Posts: 14 Member
    I've lost about 135lbs over 6 years and have about 30-40 to go. You can totally do it!! Having good motivation is such an important key!! You've got this!!! :happy:
  • I am only 5'2 and I started out at 279. I have lost 25 lbs. However I still have a log way to go. I would love to have some new friends that are in the same boat as me. :)
  • daniellee725
    daniellee725 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there! My overall journey is 100+. I'm down 50 from my heaviest, and am working now to lose 80 more. I'll send a FR. :)
  • BadgerFaced
    BadgerFaced Posts: 66 Member
    Hey! I'm a guy so I'm not sure if any of ya would like to add me, but I have 166lbs to lose.
  • baschifferl1
    baschifferl1 Posts: 17 Member
    I have 100+ pounds to loose. I will send FR
  • Nice how are the shakes? I've never tried a shake diet :) right now I'm watching calories and cutting portion size. I fill up on water and swap the unhealthy things for fruits and veg :)

    THIS! no need for silly 'diets' and cleanses. eat good (and less) and exercise! :-)

    friend request sent, and anyone else, please feel free to add! the more the merrier (except lbs, not happy with more lbs!) lol
  • bananna30
    bananna30 Posts: 149 Member
    Always looking for new pals to add. Feel free to add me, I log in everyday and if you choose to add me I hope you do the same.
  • ClinicalTrial
    ClinicalTrial Posts: 55 Member
    Though I don't need to, 100+ would be a trying feat for anyone so here's a genuine good luck to you all.