Weight routine?

I'm not sure if there is already a post on this topic, but I was wondering about a routine for lifting. I am somewhat new to lifting, and will be lifting at home because my husband has a weight bench and dumbbells, as well as a French curl bar. But I feel like I need a better plan of attack, and a set routine to work through instead of lifting at random. Any advice?


  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    Maybe take a look at Starting Strength? You might need to invest in a new barbell, but if you are looking for a good lifting routine if you don't know much, that's one of the best out there.
  • RoyalWarrior
    RoyalWarrior Posts: 9 Member
    Is that a book, or an online article?
  • nickr645
    nickr645 Posts: 4 Member
    There is an app out there called fitness buddy that I used when I got started lifting. It has workout programs and lifting schedules that you can use to develop a good plan. I took a few different programs and modified them to get what I wanted out of them. It also allows you to keep up with a calendar and each workout, weight, reps, and sets. I believe there are about 1,500 or so exercises, which you can also choose from free weights or machines to body weight exercises. If you'd like a set plan I'd be happy to share my schedule if you're interested.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Check out Stronglifts 5x5

  • RoyalWarrior
    RoyalWarrior Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the tips! :)
  • yosassi
    yosassi Posts: 30 Member
    Beachbody has quite a few really awesome at home programs for lifting! The Les Milles Pump series is great! I just started coaching with Beachbody after losing twenty pounds on one of their programs over two months.
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    @RoyalWarrior: It is a book, but pretty cheap (the ebook is like $10 on Amazon), but there is also a wiki that describes the routine if you are feeling extra super cheap, like I am, lol. Skippy has another good beginner routine in SL. They are very, very similar.

    EDIT: $10 yosassi is a coach and just wants you to buy from her. Don't bother.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Please ignore the beachbody spam.

    Also consider new rules of lifting for women.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    As a newbie, find a good full body lifting you can do 2-3x a week. Bodybuilding.com is one good resource.
  • shor0814
    shor0814 Posts: 559 Member
    @RoyalWarrior: It is a book, but pretty cheap (the ebook is like $10 on Amazon), but there is also a wiki that describes the routine if you are feeling extra super cheap, like I am, lol. Skippy has another good beginner routine in SL. They are very, very similar.

    EDIT: $10 yosassi is a coach and just wants you to buy from her. Don't bother.
    Get the book or e-book even if you do one of the other programs because it is so detailed. I also have the DVD but the book is still more useful.
  • TwelfthLady
    TwelfthLady Posts: 15 Member
    Ooh lifting is the best! You'll love it!
    I didn't actually start SEEING results on my body until I started lifting, my arms have always been puny and when I started seeing muscle definition them I was really excited.
    It's so good for you too because it builds the muscle and gets you physically stronger so any other fitness you undertake will be easier as a result.
  • yosassi
    yosassi Posts: 30 Member
    I'm actually not a coach yet, just a customer who had a great success! Thanks for the thought though! I would love to be one eventually :)
  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    There are several good beginner strength programs around, a few of which have already been mentioned. My standard list of recommendations:

    Starting Strength
    Stronglifts 5x5
    all-pro beginner
    New Rules of Lifting
    Strong Curves

    They are all good programs. As a new lifter, you'll make a lot of fast progress no matter which program you use, so pick the one that looks like most fun and jump in! Be sure to learn the progression rules and the de-load rules, which is where the real strength improvement happens.