Started at 420 down to 360 needing that extra push



  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    You've done a great job so far! Congrats! I would say, just realize it's not a sprint--you need to find things that work for you over the long term.
    Good Luck--I know you can do this!
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Yeah 2 weeks can be fustrating I understand that but honestly in the big picture 2 weeks is nothing :) You go this. Just working bettering yourself and don't let it get to you. The weight loss will pick back up as long as you keep doing the right things :)
  • baschifferl1
    baschifferl1 Posts: 17 Member
    I could use some encouragement too. I have 100 pounds to loose. I just want to be healthy. Feel free to add me
  • Randy2191
    Randy2191 Posts: 13
    Thank you everyone this page is alot more supportive then i expected
  • Smokey705
    Smokey705 Posts: 35 Member
    Well here is a example of my eating habits last 2 days ( I know unhealthy)
    Day 1: Breakfast sausage stick on way out door, lunch fiber one protein bar & Rockstar, Dinner some hamburger helper. Snacks some string cheese.
    Day 2: Breakfast peanut butter sandwich, 2 rockstars through ATI prep, Snack fiber one protein bar, Early dinner : Pastrami sandwich with a soda.

    Like I said overall not high in calories but not "Healthy" eating either but maintained under calories both day

    Hey, sorry not trying to be rude but how can you say that overall not high in caloires.. "Some hamburger helper" says to me "way too many calories" .. Do you weigh your foods? And even peanut butter sandwitch, how much peanut butter are you putting on? And pastrami sandwich with a soda, how much pastrami and why a soda?

    Again not trying to be rude but I think you are underestimating your calorie intake, and you say you burn 2000+ calories exercising everyday. Where do you get these numbers from as I fear they are grossly misleading you. It really is calories consumed vs calories burned, and if your not losing any more that is the first place you have to look.

    Again I wish you all the best with your journey, add me as a friend if you want.
  • Kayla_Ann_20
    I also have a huge problem with energy drinks. I love the taste and the boost that it gives me, whether I need it or not. I was drinking them everyday but I have gotten myself to drinking only 2 a week, but I still occasionally drink a soda, which I am also trying to cut out of my diet. Energy drinks are difficult to give up for me but I have encouragement from a close friend. You are doing SO great with your progress! Keep digging deep and finding motivation, whether it be to feel better about yourself or to get out frustration from things people said about you in high school. It helps to use those feelings to your advantage and put it into a work out! :)

    Oh by the way, a little bit about me since I just started my account on this site. I am a 20 year old female, 5'4. About 2 years ago, I was at 216 but I got down to 175 in about 3-4 months and I have not gained nor lost a single pound since then. I am trying to get down to my (medical) ideal weight, 135 or so. Well...nice to meet you!
  • Randy2191
    Randy2191 Posts: 13
    yes everything is weighed. except for the sandwich I got calories of site.. as far as calories thats what the calculator from this website shows just from the swimming not even the weight lifting any other website for the amount of swimming I do. shows same on all websites.