Lowered calorie goal and need help staying full

Ok so for the next 6 weeks I lowered my calorie intake to 1200 to see how many days I can do it. I'll add more depending on workout. I've been pretty good around 1400 but normally am close to goal so 1200 is going to be a little more of a struggle.

As I lay here I feel hungry and am thinking about food ugh!
Breakfast is usually a jimmy dean turkey sausage muffin for around 250 calories or cereal(not the best) but sometimes I have to rush to get to work.
Lunches are hard for me because they used to be my biggest meal of the day but know that I have to run home to walk the dog on my lunch break I can't eat unless it's while I'm driving so I've been doing turkey with one cheese slice sandwich. Well it's getting boring and need something easy to do in the car. Some days I don't have to walk him so I do better lunch but at least 2-4 days I have to come home so need help for those days.
This also means that I am real hungry by the time 3-4 rolls around so I find myself snacking. Then by dinner I can easily over do it and be hungry. Then I'm eating biggest meal around 5-7 and sleep around 9. Not good.

Morning snack usually Greek yogurt. Afternoon snack varies. Depends on how busy I am at work as to what I can eat. I like to chew and feel like I'm eating so I can do shakes but don't want to do them all day ya know?

Any ideas/help? I'll check back here tomorrow but I don't mind if you message or friend me.


  • ntdcruz
    ntdcruz Posts: 19 Member
    Well, MFP just had me lower my goal to 1250 and I struggle eating less as well. I am exercising like crazy to be able to eat more... :)
    When I was working (until April), I make up baggies of baby carrots, celery and sugar snap peas. Strawberries are also in season and low in calories if you don't mind the sugar. Those 80 calorie yogurts are good and the protein really does seem to help. I also chew a lot of gum, as i think I used to eat sometimes just to have something in my mouth. :) Good luck!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    you have no stats posted here or on your profile, but going by your pics, you look like a pretty big girl (no offense at all). There is no reason to eat 1200. You could easily be eating 1800 and STILL lose weight. I am doing 1970 a day and am losing weight. Ignore my ticker as I fell off the wagon and gained weight so now I have to re-lose what I have gained.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    You're ticker reads that you have about 60 pounds to lose still? 1200 is going to be WAY to low, and it will bite you in the butt later, I promise.

    If u want me to run your numbers, I'll need your weight, height, goal weight and activity level. Are you on your feet most of the day, plus walking your dog?
  • BeginningAgainMay14
    BeginningAgainMay14 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm not going to comment on your 1200 calorie goal, I do have a lunch suggestion. If I were eating in the car I'd put a small container of hummus in my cup holder and dip carrot and celery sticks in it. It also has the advantage of being high in fiber and giving you some fat and protein so it may help you stay full longer.
  • Eat less carbs and more protein. It's really that simple. And never go more than 4 hours without eating. My cal goal is 1200 and I never eat more than 1000, and I'm full and have tons of energy!

    Did you put in your current weight and height? Activity level?

    Exercise can allow you more calls, but don't eat them and you'll lose more.

    GET RID of processed things like Jimmy Dean sausage biscuits. That's keeping you back more than you know! Eat oatmeal for breakfast. It sticks with you!

    Message me if you want to!
  • It also doesn't matter how late you eat as long as you give your body at least 8 hours of sleep with no eating. My internist told me that, and it's true. I eat at 10pm, midnight, sometimes 1, and it doesn't affect my weight.

    I see that you are just eating randomly. That's how you got fat to begin with. Follow a meal plan. Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Dinner. Snack. And hire someone to walk your dog until you lose a good amount of weight. Slow down eating, and you will get full. Stay away from the carbs!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You need a new plan. Eating in the car is not a good idea. Set your alarm a half hour earlier so that you can have time to eat breakfast and so you do not need to rush to get to work. Do you have time on the weekend to cook some meals that you can have for breakfast during the week? (It does not have to be breakfast food.)
    If you want a breakfast-type of food, try this Baked Oatmeal on the weekend and cut it into pieces for the week:

  • emmanap91
    emmanap91 Posts: 300 Member
    As others have said, oatmeal is a great quick, filling, tasty breakfast. I use the quaker weight control instant oatmeals with milk and a tsp of brown sugar (they're not sweet enough for me). totals under 300 cals and keeps me full until lunch.

    I agree with RodaRose, you may need to get up earlier to reduce your rush. Additionally, preparing meals at the beginning of the week is a great suggestion - my bf and I like to cook up two dishes, one in the crock pot and one in the casserole dish, on a sunday before a busy week, and then we have two different meals to eat for lunch/dinner throughout the week.

    My last comment is just that if you are allowed to snack at work (you said you have morning and afternoon snacks, so I'm assuming you eat them at work), then why not just eat lunch at while working as well?

    EDIT: also, you need more vegetables in your diet. Fruits and veggies fill you up and are extremely low in calories. That jimmy dean breakfast sandwich has more calories than about 1 pound of broccoli, 2.33 pounds of cucumbers, 2.5 pounds of tomatoes, or 1.33 pounds of strawberries. You'll definitely feel full and remain full for hours if you eat even 150 calories worth of fruits and vegetables.
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    What do you mean stats? I thought i had my profile open so not sure how to do that. I'm at 221 now started at 238. Mfp had me at 1400 calories but I manually lowered to 1200 but I'll add on more as I workout during the day.
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    I hadn't heard of baked oatmeal before I'll have to try that thanks.
    You need a new plan. Eating in the car is not a good idea. Set your alarm a half hour earlier so that you can have time to eat breakfast and so you do not need to rush to get to work. Do you have time on the weekend to cook some meals that you can have for breakfast during the week? (It does not have to be breakfast food.)
    If you want a breakfast-type of food, try this Baked Oatmeal on the weekend and cut it into pieces for the week:

  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    Unfortunately hiring someone isn't in the budget right now or I would love too. I prefer to be able to sit for my hour but right now just can't.
    Yes I can snack at work (someone else asked) but we aren't allowed to eat meals. I'm in medical and we can have a quick snack out of patient eyes.
    I don't normally skip meals and always snack before lunch and before dinner. These past two weeks my work schedule has been whack with my other tech out I get covered whenever so it's thrown me off some.

    I love oatmeal and started goin back to it but someone said too many carbs. Is that true?
    It also doesn't matter how late you eat as long as you give your body at least 8 hours of sleep with no eating. My internist told me that, and it's true. I eat at 10pm, midnight, sometimes 1, and it doesn't affect my weight.

    I see that you are just eating randomly. That's how you got fat to begin with. Follow a meal plan. Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Dinner. Snack. And hire someone to walk your dog until you lose a good amount of weight. Slow down eating, and you will get full. Stay away from the carbs!
  • MissMercy62
    MissMercy62 Posts: 3 Member
    More fat and protein, less carbs. Carbs do not last long in your system, so they do not fill you for long. Fat and protein will stay by you. You can change your goals in MFP. But I agree with other posters that 1200 is too low. My BMR is over 2200, so for weight loss my daily calories are set at 1900. You'd lose weight on 1600, I bet, with lower carbs. For breakfast for instance, lose the bun and eat more meat.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I have 15 pounds to lose and I'm on 1450cals (and I eat back exercise cals so I will usually eat 1600-1800 cals those days unless I "save" them for a weekend bottle of wine and cheat meals) Although having said that I'm sedentary most of the time and have an office job. I couldn't cope with 1200 I've tried and it's too restrictive and I end up giving up.

    If you're managing on 1400 and finding that easier I'd stick to that, however to answer your question this is what I usually do to fill up on less cals:-

    pad out pasta meals with loads of salad so just have half a portion of what I'd usually make as a pasta dish and shove it on top of a hugely generous salad of baby leaves, cucumber, baby toms, peppers etc and dress it with balasamic vinegar sea salt and pepper.

    Swap out potato wedges for butternut squash wedges baked in the oven with a spray of olive oil, sea salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika and cayenne pepper if you like a kick. serve with reduced fat sour cream.

    stir fry veggies with garlic, soy sauce, ginger, and black pepper. I use brocolli, thin cut carrots, onion, peppers, bean sprouts, loads of mushrooms and a few petite pois. You can either dry fry and scramble and egg in their for some extra protein, or my favourite scramble an egg white in with it (save the yolk) then add a broth of miso soup and chicken stock and finally stir in the yolk at the end! I sometimes garnish with a sprinkle of sweet chilli sauce too. If your feeling extra hungry and have the cals spare you can add a few noodles but it's substantial enough without.

    Good luck xx
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Nothing wrong with carbs. How many carbs you have have no effect on your weightloss. As others have said up your calories you'll still lose weight.

  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Oatmeal/porridge for breakfast. If you make it with water, you can have a bit more and it keeps you just as full as making it with milk.

    My snack secret is dried figs. I find if I'm a bit peckish that 2 or 3 of them will tide me over for a good couple of hours until my next meal. They come in at around 20 calories each.
  • schmanciepants
    schmanciepants Posts: 62 Member
    For breakfast (or even lunch), hard boiled eggs are great. 2eggs, string cheese, and some fruit or veggies (even a slice of good bread) can make a good and portable meal.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Eat less carbs and more protein. It's really that simple. And never go more than 4 hours without eating. My cal goal is 1200 and I never eat more than 1000, and I'm full and have tons of energy!

    Did you put in your current weight and height? Activity level?

    Exercise can allow you more calls, but don't eat them and you'll lose more.

    This is pretty awful advice, 1000 calories a day is NOT a good idea, you want hair and fingernails that arent brittle? A brain that functions? You need to eat more than that.

    Go to the sexypants link, click it, its awesome.

    Food wise,I'd try and make sure to get a good bit of protein, some fats and carbs every meal as it will keep you full. Mixed bean salad with avocado is good on the go to pre-pack. If you want oats for breakfast go for it, but try to have some protein too (a couple of boiled eggs or something)-I personally find oats never keep me full for long enough.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    bump cause now Jenny Jenny is in my head. . . .'who can I turn to?'
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    bump cause now Jenny Jenny is in my head. . . .'who can I turn to?'

  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    Eat less carbs and more protein. It's really that simple. And never go more than 4 hours without eating. My cal goal is 1200 and I never eat more than 1000, and I'm full and have tons of energy!

    Did you put in your current weight and height? Activity level?

    Exercise can allow you more calls, but don't eat them and you'll lose more.

    This is pretty awful advice, 1000 calories a day is NOT a good idea, you want hair and fingernails that arent brittle? A brain that functions? You need to eat more than that.

    Go to the sexypants link, click it, its awesome.

    Food wise,I'd try and make sure to get a good bit of protein, some fats and carbs every meal as it will keep you full. Mixed bean salad with avocado is good on the go to pre-pack. If you want oats for breakfast go for it, but try to have some protein too (a couple of boiled eggs or something)-I personally find oats never keep me full for long enough.

    Today I decided 1/2 cup oatmeal (not instant) and two hard boiled eggs. I'll see how that does.
    I was also thinking I know I need more water and that may help too I drink about half what I should be.
    I decided to up it to 1300 and slowly work down if I can handle 1300.
    My BMR per the scale at the coaching place I go says 1797 and MFP had me at 1400 cal - that was their recommended. I'm going to try 1300 but add more depending on workouts.

    I love all the tips for foods so I'm going to compile a list and see how I can make things on Sundays for the week. At least for breakfast and lunch. Dinner I can cook same night. I don't mind prepping for the week it helps stay on track so I'm going to see what I can find on the threads here. What's another good place to look? I use all recipes but not sure if there is a site like that but all healthy foods?