Gained 50 lbs. while on antidepressants

katrina35 Posts: 7
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I've tried every diet possible while being on antiidepressants,no success, hoping i can lose on this diet.....Can anyone else relate to my experience...


  • I didn't gain 50, but gained some, so I chunked them in the trash. You'll do great losing it!! ^__^
  • cmo115
    cmo115 Posts: 73 Member
    Have you talked to your doctor about switching medications at all? I have had friends with this situation..they eventually just got off the medications..but if that is not an option...I would try a switch at least. If that's not possible all I have to say is this is THE BEST place to get support of all kinds and we will all do our best to motivate you!
  • NewFitKeri
    NewFitKeri Posts: 190 Member
    I was 145-150lbs before going on my psych meds for Bi-Polar about 3 yrs ago. I balooned to 230 at one point. One medicine made me gain 25lbs in one wk and almost put me into liver failure.

    What worked for me was working with my PD to put me on psych meds that had the least amount of weight gain. The combo of that, exercise and eating better and am now appr 208lb.

    Just start by talking to ur dr! :)
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I gained about 30 while I was on them. I think a lot had to do with anxiety, depression, and just turning to food when I shouldn't. Now I'm pregnant and won't be losing for awhile...and of course, no0 drugs anymore. Working out may help you a lot with depression. This is a great site to lose weight!
  • shallott
    shallott Posts: 14 Member
    I gained as well during my use of them as well eventhough I was still working out and watching what I ate, they just slowed down my metabolism, which was out of my control. However, once I was off the medication I lost the weight. Just remember to make yourself better mentally first, then when you and your doctor decide you are ready to come off the medication the weight will drop as well.
    Happy Thoughts and Good Eats & Workouts!!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I was 145-150lbs before going on my psych meds for Bi-Polar about 3 yrs ago. I balooned to 230 at one point. One medicine made me gain 25lbs in one wk and almost put me into liver failure.

    What worked for me was working with my PD to put me on psych meds that had the least amount of weight gain. The combo of that, exercise and eating better and am now appr 208lb.

    Just start by talking to ur dr! :)

    wow!!! 25 in a wk?! can I ask which med?
  • peggybrant
    peggybrant Posts: 144 Member
    When I was on them I also gained weight, maybe 20, hard to tell exactly. I finally took myself off of them with help of dr cuz you can't just stop. I accepted Jesus into my life and things got better for me. Sure I have down times but they are far a few inbetween. I realize some people will always need the medicine because depression is in fact a chemical imbalance in the brain which we can't control but for me Jesus became my medicine. Good luck and God bless. Peggy
  • Thank you so much, I have tried to get off them, but have really bad panic attacks, hoping this works for me...
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Hi Katrina,

    My husband (CW 365) weighed 185 when he started taking antidepressants. I use chocolate and caffeine instead of antidepressants--same weight gain side-effect!! The difference is that I fight it ALL THE TIME, while he's more or less given in to the weight gain. However, he says he's going to start going to the gym with me.

  • I suffer from anxiety more than depression, so glad to hear your a christian, i am also, and i know Jesus will see me through this, i have tried so hard to stop the medications but i stay so nauseated from anxiety...
  • lisabernard
    lisabernard Posts: 59 Member
    I've been on fluoxetine for a few years. It was upped from 20mg to 40mg last year. I have been able to lose 65 pounds.

    Just remember. You can do anything with Christ who stengthens you!

    - Lisa
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Sorry, Katrina, what I really meant to say was WELCOME. This is a great place to get motivation and support, and you'll meet lots of people who can identify with your situation.

    About not having lost weight on other diets--I can totally identify. I sometimes feel like a fraud here because everybody else is so motivated to lose weight, and I'm just really really motivated not to gain weight. For now my mission is to 1) stay upbeat (with chocolate and caffeine as needed for mood enhancement), 2) build muscle mass, 3) increase cardio endurance, 4) keep my blood pressure in a reasonable range without meds, and 5) avoid diabetes without meds.

    Sure I'd like to lose weight, but twenty years of dieting with no result tells me that it's not going to happen this year any more than it did last year, and I'm not going to let worrying about numbers on the scale slow me down.

    I hope you'll have the success you want, but I also hope you'll love yourself enough to enjoy who you are at whatever weight.

  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    I've been on them for about 6 years now and i have gained about 50 lbs, although i can't contribute all of this to the meds because I moved to college and made bad health choices as far as exercise and food until last year. They do affect your metabolizm and libido but you can work with your doctors. Don't let them dismiss your concerns, make sure they hear you out. I have switched meds 3 times and finally found one that works for me (everyone is different so you have to do trial and error to find your med). I'm working really hard to get the weight off now because getting off the meds isn't an option for me. A lot of people are on them for spells of depression/anxiety but mine is chronic so its not an option (I have tried to get off of them several times). The key is not to settle with the side effects, keep talking to your doctor until you find a med that is right for you and remember to EXERCISE! Its essential for relieving depression/anxiety/stress and curbing the weight gain.
  • I've been on fluoxetine for a few years. It was upped from 20mg to 40mg last year. I have been able to lose 65 pounds.

    Just remember. You can do anything with Christ who stengthens you!

    - Lisa
  • Thank you, it helps to know there is hope with these antidepressants and losing weight, i am 5'8 and always weighed around 155 and after 3 years of being on paxil i now weigh 195. Do you ever feel condemned for having to take these meds being a christian..
  • NewFitKeri
    NewFitKeri Posts: 190 Member
    Zyprexa...bad part was it worked! lol Yeah I had to immediately go to see if I was in liver failure from it. But the worst overall for weight gain was Lithium. I retained tons of water, started lasix til the meds were outta my system. So far now, I've been ok on new meds
  • Catzwitch
    Catzwitch Posts: 205 Member
    Bi polar meds made me gain terribly - Seroquel was pretty bad but Depakote was the worst! When i was on generic Depakote, I gained massively while on a near starvation diet (due to circumstances, not choice) of 600 calories a day! I just stopped taking the bi-polar meds.

    however, I did well on just Lexapro and then my ADD meds and xanax for panic attacks. With just those, I never had an issue with weight.

    Lexapro seems to have the least side effects. i have a lot of friends on it still.

    me, I'm unfortunately med-less these days due to lack of insurance. :(
  • delania
    delania Posts: 17 Member
    Bi polar meds made me gain terribly - Seroquel was pretty bad but Depakote was the worst! When i was on generic Depakote, I gained massively while on a near starvation diet (due to circumstances, not choice) of 600 calories a day! I just stopped taking the bi-polar meds.

    however, I did well on just Lexapro and then my ADD meds and xanax for panic attacks. With just those, I never had an issue with weight.

    Lexapro seems to have the least side effects. i have a lot of friends on it still.

    me, I'm unfortunately med-less these days due to lack of insurance. :(

    I also gained about 50 lbs on Depakote. Went off it 6 months ago in favor of Lithium, but I am still having trouble losing weight. I think it may be due to the Lexapro, which my doctor says can make it difficult to drop the weight. If it's not one problem it's another.
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    i gained a stone on my anti depressents when i lowered the dose within like 6 months :-(
  • Yes can relate to your post. I take a beta blocker (propranolol) for stress and find it really difficult to lose weight while taking it. I just take it now on my most stressful days. I'm already discovering that exercise does give you a natural buzz and makes you feel good about yourself, i really do believe it after dismissing it in the past.
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