To eat sweets or not to eat sweets? That is the question!

LorrieM40 Posts: 25
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Hi everyone!

I have a bit of a dilemma that I'm working through and would love to see what everyone thinks. I'm on my second week and I decided not to eat sweets. I'm trying to avoid snacking but if I need something, I've been opting for fruit or something healthy. I know that if I avoid sweets long enough, I will no longer crave them HOWEVER today I had a rough day and the stress got the better of me and I went a little over board on the sweets because I've been denying myself them. Now here is my question...

Do you think it is better to snack on low fat sweets such as 100 calorie snacks or low-fat pudding rather than completely denying yourself or do you think it is better to get off them once and for good and pray that you make it until you don't want them anymore?



  • Personally I don't think it's a good idea to deny yourself what you're craving... it only spells bad news. I think you're better off having low cal sweets :-)
  • jesluvmk
    jesluvmk Posts: 4 Member
    I think that depends on the person. For me, just eating one isn't good enough-I HAVE to eat the whole thing. So I desperately need to stay away from those foods. But I've heard that other people are able to ration out their sweets successfully and once its gone its gone. So I think both ways work, it just depends on the person and where you are in your weight loss journey.

    Good luck!
  • harrysdiner
    harrysdiner Posts: 10 Member
    Dove dark chocolate is only 42 calories per piece. I eat 1 or 2 and it satifies me.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'll speak from experience. Eat the low-cal treats. I eat them every single day. I eat 100 calorie pack doritos, sun chips, pudding, jello, granola bars, chocolate bars, etc. if I don't, I KNOW i'll get a craving and binge on something that just isn't worth it. I think i've been the most successful in this diet (i've lost 35lbs) BECAUSE i allow myself to have these things. I don't feel deprived at all, and I never feel the need to binge eat or splurge on treats because i have them everyday, just in moderation.
  • peanut352
    peanut352 Posts: 75 Member
    I take care of my sweet tooth with one square of Hershey's Dark Chocolate 60% Cocoa per day. Only 53 calories for a square, and I swear it does the trick!
    Sugarfree puddings and jello's are great too. I think if you completely deprive yourself, you will do exactly what you did. Moderation is the just about everything!
    Good Luck!
  • Pups22
    Pups22 Posts: 14
    I agree!! From my personal experience, if cut something out...the craving comes and won't leave. So I'll end up going on spree, way overboard. I try and not deny myself anything, just really control the portion. Aaaaand if I buy a package of cookies, I'm likely just to eat them all since the package is open. So I just don't buy them, I know myself too well.
  • materstater
    materstater Posts: 25 Member
    I bought dark choc pieces and serving size is 50 so I eat 10 but I freeze them so I have to suck on them. Satisfys my craving!
  • I think it depends on you. If I eat sweets in enhances the cravings for more. Maybe it is my addictive nature not sure but when you combine it with an aver the top hunger (I can consume a lot of anything :-) it spells trouble. I give in on occasion I just know, like after the holidays I am going to have to do a bunch of work. What every way you choose to go do it like your life depends on it it just might

  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    oh boy, that's a toughie. My best version of myself says, just eat the fruit, the craving will pass in 15 minutes, go for a walk to deal with the stress, or try a punching bag (totally a workout, especially with jumping rope before and after). The rest of me says, some days it's so tough. I like the dark chocolate from Trader Joe's with the chili in it. A couple pieces of those and I'm usually good. Sometimes a cup of tea with 2 cocoa biscuits (32 calories) makes me feel human again. The spiciness (capsaicin) in spicy chocolate is helpful in relieving stress.
  • boardedney
    boardedney Posts: 31 Member
    Being a long time sugar addict and yo yo dieter, I can tell you that it is best to stay away from sweets in general....includuing yogurts and juices with added sugar. You want to get your body used to functioning with out it. Now, it is normal to have cravings during certain times of the month and when emotions trigger them, seeing as we've spent our lives giving in to them. Try your best to resist during those times. But, if you go over board, don't kick yourself....get right back on track! If you have any extra time, get a second workout in to burn off the extra calories. We need to keep our bodies guessing anyway. So, it can actually be a good thing if you go two weeks being pretty strict, (as long as you are meeting your caloric needs with good, healthy food) and then over indulge a bit on something long as you get right back on the waggon. that can shock your metabolism and jump start it...rather than having your body predict every move you make or continuing to foster the sugar addiction. So, be proud of your two weeks and chalk the sweets up to a jump start for your metabolism. Just be carefull not to do that too often and then make excuses when your weightloss isn't what you were hoping it would's a constant battle of week at a time. Best of luck!
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    After I eat like a big mac or something, I feel like I ought to just cave and give up. But one day does not a diet make or break, so if you go a little nuts on the treats one day, just dig your heels in and fight the hardwiring and put in a week of good eating. A friend of mine once told me 23 days builds a habit, and I have found that to be true. He also said 6 months builds a lifetime habit, so I'm working on that now.
  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    I know from personal experience that denying those things spells disaster. I tried to lose weight a few years back and wouldn't eat anything like that and after a few weeks I binged so bad I gained 10 pounds back. This time around I'm not denying myself those things. I have sugar free pudding, 100 calorie packs, low cal hot chocolate, ect and if I want one I have one. I have lost nearly 30 lbs in just over 2 mo and have no desire to binge this time:)
  • maffydavison
    maffydavison Posts: 51 Member
    I agree with all the members who say denying yourself something is just waiting for trouble, but I think you're on the right track trying to stay with whole foods. If you add a protein when you have some fruit, you can control spikes in your blood sugar that aggravate cravings. I'm hypoglycemic and have had to deal with this most of my life. If you have apple slices with a little peanut butter, for example, you don't move into processed food territory, and you'll be satisfied longer.

    I allow myself special sweet treats, too, though. There's an Italian company that makes mini-squares of dark chocolate (75%)with hot pepper. They're only 2 grams in size, which equals about 10 calories, and I will sometimes have a few of these for dessert or one of them for a treat, if I really need it, during high stress times.

    Whatever you choose for your snack - take your time. Savor the flavor. Like the member who said 2 pieces satisfy her? I bet she enjoys every bite - and you should, too. Don't sweat the sweet - embrace it with moderation!
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    Dove dark chocolate is only 42 calories per piece. I eat 1 or 2 and it satifies me.

    This is what I do as well. I am trying to eat clean so low-cal lowfat artificial crap doesn't work.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    I get nervous about cutting out a group of foods "forever". It's a sure way to make yourself feel deprived and then resentful...etc. Plus, we're going for a lifestyle change, right, not just a diet!

    So, I'm with the folks who say either indulge with the sugar free or the "real deal" in acceptable amounts that you build into your caloric intake for the day.

    BTW, I too had trouble with "just a few" when I wanted a WHOLE of whatever. I LOVE sweets. So, this could be a good time to train yourself to change that thinking pattern too! You may not be successful always and overindulge, but if you're able to eventually learn to control portion size of your treats, that's a good thing too, right?
  • Thanks for all the comments. I think I'll try both. Here in the beginning, I'll have something low-cal on hand and as I continue and grow more confident, I'll slowly weed out the sweets. Thanks!
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    Honestly, you will have to experiment for yourself.

    You may find that you can east a small portion or what you crave and be fine. Or you may find that eating a small portion of what you crave leads to a binge. So you may have to say I really really really really want a chocolate bar, so I'll some hot cocoa and be fine. Or not. Maybe you truly need to abstain (but few people really can). I would encouage you to 'safely' experiment and cut yourself some slack as you try and figure things out.
  • Lauz_88
    Lauz_88 Posts: 29
    I let myself have a small piece of chocolate everyday, if I didn't i'd probably give in and have a massive binge. I'd recommend the 'funsize' big bags of milkway bars. Each little bar contains 59 calories and they''re really light. Not sure if they do these in America or just the UK.
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