How much can I tone/lose within the next 3 weeks?

Hi all,

At the end of January this year I made the choice to try and rid myself of my eating disorder and can happily say that I haven't purged since the 6th February (coming up to the 5 month mark!). Since then I have tried to eat healthily and up my exercise - I obviously still have my bad days but I'm in a much better place than I was 5 months ago.

I am going on holiday in 3 weeks and wondered if anyone could give me any advice as to maximise my toning up/weight loss before that time? I have been doing Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred (I had to take a break half way through due to damaging my knees which set me back a bit) and I plan to start doing her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism workout too - but I'm not sure how often to incorporate these workouts into the time I have left, whether to add in anything else and also how best to suit my diet until I go?

Any help would be greatly appreciated - this isn't a quick fix it's just a quick start :)


  • maddieftaylor
    maddieftaylor Posts: 65 Member
    Just to give a bit more info I am 5 foot 4 and fluctuate between about 9 stone 1 and 9 stone 6 - hoping to get down to 8 and a half stone.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    If you start with maintainable, reasonable habits, most people tend to see their largest losses the first few weeks anyway. Just eat at a sensible deficit and exercise. There's no point going nuts or obsessing over it for a specific event.
  • freakhazerd2424
    freakhazerd2424 Posts: 611 Member
    I would just say be careful the eating disorder doesn't morph into excersise addiction. Maybe go to a counselor or nutritionist for help and guidance.
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    As you're already at a healthy weight, losing weight will (and should be) slow. Maybe add some strength training to your routine - this should help you tone and lose fat.

    Have you taken measurements? At your size with lots of working out you may find your weight doesn't change much but your measurements do.
  • maddieftaylor
    maddieftaylor Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for all the replies so far :)

    @ironanimal - Thank you, this is an ongoing thing not just for a particular event :)

    @freakhazerd24 - I understand your point but I don't have enough energy for it to become an exercise fuelled addiction :) I like your idea of speaking to a nutritionist though, thank you very much.

    @LessHeavyVegg - I would like to add some more strength training - is there anything you can recommend? Also I have taken measurements and pictures but haven't seen a huge difference - maybe that's just because it's me though.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You don't have a lot to lose so 1lb a week is about as much as you can hope to maintain without going to extremes. And anyway, I'm sure you look great as you do have so little to lose.

    What do you have access to in regards to strength training? Gym? Dumbbells at home? Monkey bars at a park? Nothing at all? There's methods to suit everybody's set up.
  • maddieftaylor
    maddieftaylor Posts: 65 Member
    @ironanimal - Thank you that's very reassuring :)

    I have access to a gym and also a few hand weights and an exercise ball at home.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    If your gym has barbells available, I really recommend you look into New Rules of Lifting for Women, or the newer Bret Contrera's Strong Curves. Good luck :)