First Week

jill62 Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I am on day 5 with MFP. I have stayed within my calories and exercised 4 out of 5 days!
No loss yet. Discouraging. But, I am really trying to stay focused! I want to stick with it,

SW: 188
CW: 188
Goal Weight:155


  • keep going .. it doesnt go on quick , so it is unrealistic to expect it drop off u quickly ! good luck !
  • it is frustrating at first, I know, keep it up and it will be worth it in the end!!!!
  • I'm not seeing results fast either. Stick with it. It will happen for you!:smile:
  • Make sure to watch your sodium and get lots of water!! Good luck!
  • I just told my friend today, we didn't put it on in a week, it's not going to come off that fast either. The important thing is not to give up. Good luck!
  • susanebere
    susanebere Posts: 6 Member
    I've always heard that muscle weighs more than fat so I just think that my fat is turning to muscle...I feel more tone even if I've only had minimal weight loss.
  • jill62
    jill62 Posts: 4
    thanks to all that responded, I know, it takes patience. Been down the road
    too many times. Just keep with it, and trying to make it a life change this time.
    My new motto: MOVE MORE, EAT LESS!:love:
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