gotta love them

How about this, my wife gotta love her, knows that i'm tracking all the foods i eat. so she now saves the packaging for m to scan the bar codes. she has always shopped for healthier foods, whole gains and boneless skinless meats. does a lot of baked meats without fats, and makes rice instead of mac and cheese and so on.


  • ctheslayer
    I hear ya.

    I think my best dieting tool is my husband. He babysits our son while I go to the gym. He encourages more leafy greens. He only purchases dark chocolate treats and is also an avid nutrition info reader.

    Gotta love 'em.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    so nice to read your post, I love reading/hearing about people who love their spouses. My husband is a wonderful guy who supports me every step of the way, and it's so nice to find a forum where I can give him a shout out for his loyalty, reliability, and great sense of humor :)

    He encouraged me to try organic meats and he was so right on! they taste great! And he always eats the food I make even though his mom is practically a world-class chef, he never complains when my food is, like, barely palatable. We just laugh :)
    (I'm getting better at cooking, though, slowly but surely; which is kinda great because as the food gets healthier, it's tasting better)

    I have put on over 30 pounds since we met 4 years ago and he always says, thick or thin, rich or poor, he loves me. You just don't see that very often in Los Angeles. So, yay John the best husband and father material a girl could dream up!