When Will I Start Losing Clothing Sizes?

MegE_N Posts: 245 Member

June 30 marked three months for me on this weight loss journey. I was down about 21lbs. I want to keep going at this rate, but I'm starting to wonder - when will I need to get my clothes taken in, and start buying new stuff? I was really hoping that by 20lbs I would go down a size. While my clothes feel a bit looser, I don't think I'd buy anything a size down yet. Roughly how much weight does a person lose between sizes?

Thank you for your input.


  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    The answer is so personal for each of us. It really is dependent on many factors. I lost my first 7lbs, and didn't feel any change in my pants, even though inches were lost in my waist and hips :grumble: . But, 3 more pounds, and magic! my pants are loose. Almost time for a smaller size. (FTR, I started at a TIGHT size 10, almost into 8's).

    Now, I'm starting at a lower place, so manufacturer's typically only have 1-1.5 inches difference in sizes under 12. Size 12+ will have 2-3 inches difference in sizes. Just is. Makes no sense. But whatever, right?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    So much depends on your starting weight, body shape, shape and style of clothing, etc. I have lost 45 lb and have dropped one size. I know that, when I get closer to my goal, every 20 lb is approximately a dress size because I tend to gain and lose evenly over my body. Others will drop a size with closer to 10 lb.

    I haven't had to buy anything new except pants because my blouses and dresses are a style that doesn't look bad if they are a little loose (and they were a bit tight before I started losing). As far as when to think about buying new clothes, generally when your current ones are uncomfortably baggy.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I don't know about others, but I know it took a long time for me to buy smaller sizes. To be honest at my heaviest the clothes I was wearing didn't really fit me, they were probably a size too small :-) So what I noticed first were my clothes started to actually fit me properly lol Going down a size was pretty fast after that though.
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    I once read somewhere that 10lbs is a size, and that's not really true.

    It depends on the clothes and the manufacturer. I've noticed that 20lbs and I still wear a L shirt...but it looks a hell of a lot better and when I buy new clothes sometimes I'm a medium. Just go shopping and you'll see what I mean, and don't give up :)
  • Odinisgod
    Odinisgod Posts: 46 Member
    After losing my first 25-30lbs or so I felt like I needed a size smaller. Now, I'm about 50lbs in and feel close to my next size down, but not quite there yet. I'm thinking a size every 30lbs is a rule of thumb for me.
  • nmcguier
    nmcguier Posts: 27 Member
    For me, I had to lose 30lbs before I noticed that I needed new pants. I'm 5'8" with a SW of 220. At 190 my size 14 jeans required too much belting to stay up so I got some 12s. At 170 I just bought 8s in the same brand. I want to lose another 20lbs and suspect that will get me to a comfy size 6.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    For me it was after about 4 months and 20 lbs, but then again I went from muffin-topping out of my size 4-6's into comfortably fitting into size 2's. Weight lifting should also help you lose inches faster, which will make you drop clothes sizes faster (no, it won't make you bulk).
  • jescamp9481
    jescamp9481 Posts: 126 Member
    in the past 4 months I have lost 25 lbs and still wear the same size, it will probably be another 10 lbs before I have to buy new pants, the ones I have now went from being really tight to really loose. I probably should have been wearing a bigger size pants to start with but I didnt want to admit it.
  • Tilim
    Tilim Posts: 48 Member
    When I gained weight I didn't have to buy new clothes for every 10 pounds. it was more like for every 30/40lbs I gained (of course they looked way too small and ugly but they still fitted me, the pants still zipped up) so I think it will be the same way when I lose weight.
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    I have lost 35 lbs and still wearing the same size. But I am 6'1" and my weight is distributed evenly. I have noticed clothes fitting better but I know it's frustrating when you can't buy smaller clothes yet. I have several pairs of jeans in my closet waiting on me.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I think it depends on many factors, the biggest of them being how fat you are when you start. Fifty pounds took me from a 3X top and 22/24 bottom to an XL top and a solid size 16. But it happened slowly.

    It will happen. It takes a long time. You have to be patient. You have to commit to doing it even when you aren't seeing results and just wait for results to show up.

    The weight loss journey can be loooong. If you aren't committed, determined and patient, you won't make it. So, commit. Be determined, so that nothing can stop you.

    Worry about today and tomorrow will take care of itself.

    Give it time. :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I wore a women's plus size 22 when I was at my all-time heaviest of 307 lb. I still wore a size 22 when I was at about 250 lb. That's a huge difference in size, but no change...then I quickly got into 18, and since then I have found that I lose a size about every 15 lb, sometimes less than that. For example at 190 lb I wore a 14 and now at 179 lb I wear a 12.

    It is different for everyone and there are so many factors that play into it...your body type, the clothing styles/cuts/fabric...just endless factors. Just try to be patient and it will happen!
  • kvansanity
    kvansanity Posts: 108 Member
    For me, I noticed that I might have been wearing the wrong size. I'm down nearly 20 pounds and some of my clothes are just a lot loser but fit so much better. Everyone loses weight in different ways! For some people it comes straight out of their stomach and hips and that's when they are going down clothing sizes. You'll get there eventually!
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I've lost 45 lbs, 5' 2" (so, I'm short). Started size 16/18, now down to size 6, since Jan 22 (so, quick math.. about 5.5 months), BUT the first size change took about 20 lbs. Having said that, I've actually skipped sizes a couple of times, so went straight from 14 to 10, and then missed 8 more-or-less. So, it's slow to start with, but then it can get pretty quick..
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member

    June 30 marked three months for me on this weight loss journey. I was down about 21lbs. I want to keep going at this rate, but I'm starting to wonder - when will I need to get my clothes taken in, and start buying new stuff? I was really hoping that by 20lbs I would go down a size. While my clothes feel a bit looser, I don't think I'd buy anything a size down yet. Roughly how much weight does a person lose between sizes?

    Thank you for your input.

    Could be allot of water and not actual fat you lost so just keep it up.

    Honestly it's friggen expensive!! Something to look forward to and dread at the same time!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    For those of us who used to go through life in elastic waistbands, it can be awhile. I lost sixty pounds before my favorite skirt finally fell off. Thankfully it wasn't in public!
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    It's def different for everyone..

    but for me.. today marks day 120, I've lost about 44 pounds and I just started to feel comfortable in the next size down. But the best I can I can offer is.... ***be persistent and believe that this way DOES WORK*** just keep pushing and you'll get to where you want to be!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I would lose 8 to 10 and not see that much change in my clothes.. but once I started working out with strength/weight training I notice that my clothing size dropped faster than the scale. So for me and my personal experience... adding in the weight training really help my body to slim down.
  • PrincessMissDee
    PrincessMissDee Posts: 183 Member
    As everyone says it's different for all of us and really does depend on where you've started. You'll probably find, in all honesty, that your clothes will fit BETTER first, before they're suddenly TOO BIG and you have to go down a size. And yes it is expensive so don't wish it all away too quickly!

    I felt everything dropping off around 14lbs, but didn't buy new clothes until 20, so that's when everyone else saw it in me too.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    It depends. My clothes were pretty tight when I started so the first 20 pounds just got them to fitting comfortably. It also depends on how stretch your clothes were. I have quite a few things that still fit because of stretch.