Slim Fast



  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    Um...I use to do Slim Fast many years ago, but it upset my stomach too much. These days I eat fruit and I buy those 100 calorie snacks for a quick pick-me-up. It's cheaper too.

    There's the special K snacks which are 100 cals. I find low cal snack bars never fill me..i end up needed two! Dilema!
  • vsangel87
    vsangel87 Posts: 108 Member
    There you go! ;) Good luck to you on the marathon! Wish i could run a marathon right now...i need it. lol But i'm just gonna stay at home and dance some calories off with a workout video. lol
  • Um...I use to do Slim Fast many years ago, but it upset my stomach too much. These days I eat fruit and I buy those 100 calorie snacks for a quick pick-me-up. It's cheaper too.

    There's the special K snacks which are 100 cals. I find low cal snack bars never fill me..i end up needed two! Dilema!

    You might need two when training for that half marathon. I drink a lot of water, and then eat an apple or an orange, and that usually kills my cravings. I eat the 90 calorie fiber bars too.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Why buy these overly processed not-really-that-healthy "snacks" where there are plenty of convenient, healthy snacks available like fresh veggies, fruit, nuts, and then things that take a little preparation but not much, like yogurt, hummus w/veggies or crackers...etc. You can even make home-made granola/snack bars without too much trouble if you want something snack-bar like on the go.

  • lanie13
    lanie13 Posts: 55

    i used that ten years ago and lost 30 pounds in 3 months. it really depends on what you want to do, but i mean i still use it in the morning or for lunch if i'm hungry but not wanting to eat an entire meal.
  • To be fair. I'm only counting calories.
    I'm not counting sugar intake.

    Remember sugar turns into fat. So you should watch your sugar intake too.
  • I use it at times. I like a can as a quick breakfast, if needed. I like the snack bars too.
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    Haa. Okay. I'm not gonna get any.
    I've been looking for snacks...not fruit because fruit never fills me! And thats the truth.
    Was revising in the library. I got hungry. Ate an apple, banana and a pear. I got even hungrier to the point where I was ready to faint!

    I think I'll look for some granola bars....

    That's because fruits have insoluble fiber which move through your system quickly. Granola is a good choice I mix mine with yogurt and it becomes very filling for a good while!
  • Try LARABAR... they are all natural energy bars... only made of dates, nuts, fruit, etc.
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    I've had exactly one Slim Fast shake... the chocolate variety which everyone says is the best. Approximately 10 minutes after finishing it I had to find a gas station, run to the bathroom and throw up. Never had another one... never want to.
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    yeah. i did the coffee slim fast ones. They tasted pretty good and the really cut down on my hunger cravings. I put mine with really coffee in a tall coffee cup and carried it to work with me. they are 180 calories for the coffee ones. Slim fast tastes better and is alot cheaper then special k. good luck!
  • I have read that those snacks are not healthy. It's a lot over over processed stuff (chemicals and fillers). There are definately more healthy, tasty, filling snacks available. They really don't fill you up or even hold you until your next meal. Not much protein:smile:
  • Snowbunny95
    Snowbunny95 Posts: 47 Member
    Haa. Okay. I'm not gonna get any.
    I've been looking for snacks...not fruit because fruit never fills me! And thats the truth.
    Was revising in the library. I got hungry. Ate an apple, banana and a pear. I got even hungrier to the point where I was ready to faint!

    I think I'll look for some granola bars....

    I've been enjoying some Yoplait! Light yogurt and Udi's granola for breakfast. Usually nothing kept me full until lunchtime, but that seems to do it!
    That's because fruits have insoluble fiber which move through your system quickly. Granola is a good choice I mix mine with yogurt and it becomes very filling for a good while!
  • Snowbunny95
    Snowbunny95 Posts: 47 Member
    Haa. Okay. I'm not gonna get any.
    I've been looking for snacks...not fruit because fruit never fills me! And thats the truth.
    Was revising in the library. I got hungry. Ate an apple, banana and a pear. I got even hungrier to the point where I was ready to faint!

    I think I'll look for some granola bars....

    That's because fruits have insoluble fiber which move through your system quickly. Granola is a good choice I mix mine with yogurt and it becomes very filling for a good while!
  • For a quick fix, I eat protien bars. I buy the ones that are high protien/low carb and around 180-200 calories. Just don't buy the cheaper bars since they do taste like chalk! The ones that I have right now are double chocolate and chocolate-peanut butter (can't think of the brand name at the moment), are very tasty and is enough!
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