MapMyFitness not syncing

I cannot seem to get MapMYFItness to sync to MFP!!! In MapMyFitness I have the settings set up and showing as "connected but it doesn't seem to work.

Anyone able to help me???


  • Bryan190
    Bryan190 Posts: 54
    Same thing for me, started yesterday.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    The problem I'm having with MapMyRun is that I ran a 10.5min pace and it synced over as a 11.5min pace. I don't know why it changes my paces from one app to the other. This has happened several times.
  • I got an email today announcing that MFP and MMF joined and all info will now sync between both apps - but it doesn't say how to do it, whether its automatic or anything really - just that its supposed to!

    Grr!!! I was pretty frustrated last night when I finished my walk - all excited to see it sync and it then see nothing!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    I just tried syncing, too, and it's not working. Yesterday it gave me the wrong description for my workout, too.
  • Bryan190
    Bryan190 Posts: 54
    I received this from MapMyFitness tech support. The disconnect/reconnect suggestion does not work for me.

    Kristen D. (Help & Support)
    Mar 11 13:23


    We are aware of the issue and our developers are investigating. At this time, I'm unsure of how quickly it will be fixed, but we do hope to have the problem taken care of soon. I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you and thank you for your patience while we troubleshoot and attempt to eliminate the problem.

    To stay updated with our known issues please visit our Help Center and check out our known issues.

    In the meantime, please try disconnecting and reconnecting from the Import Workouts page

    Kristen D.
  • oes82330
    oes82330 Posts: 18 Member
    I am having the same problem with MFP and MapMyRun+. I have opened the settings in both apps and connected them and they still won't sync. Plus now it has messed up the MFP login. Since I changed my settings it now forces me to reenter my password every single time I open the MFP app. This is so annoying.
  • Same problem here. NONE of the MapMy____ apps sync with MFP.

    I tried Endomondo in it's place... it wont sync anymore either. Something wrong on MFP's side.
  • CelticEnergy
    CelticEnergy Posts: 1 Member
    I had mine working for 5 days then all of a sudden it stopped syncing again. I really wish someone would come out with an answer on this.
  • Ditto... Cannot get MFP and MMF to Sync. Plus, still cannot get the Garmin Vivofit to sync through Fitbit or even MMF now...

    Great concept, but while it's true you can't out-train your diet; you also hit a point where you can't progress with just diet. Love MFP, but it might be easier to add food to Garmin or Fitbit instead of struggling to add exercise and calorie to MFP...
  • Kilsharion
    Kilsharion Posts: 6 Member
    This is the same belief I'm starting to have about my Jawbowne UP24. I was hoping to use MapMy___ to sync with MFP so I could get a proper sync - since MFP does some weird negative stuff with the jawbone data it gets. It sync'd exactly once with mapmyfitness and then fell over dead. Looks like I'll just be tracking it all on jawbone. Sucks, too, because I like having the dashboard and ease of use that I get from MFP.

    C'est la vie.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I had the same issue on Tuesday with mapmy_______...

    I actually logged onto MFP on my phone and it immediately sync'd up...not sure if that will work with everyone or not...worth a try...or if you always use your phone try logging into the website.
  • amykay9377
    amykay9377 Posts: 98 Member
    Wow, I feel a bit better now - I was going insane trying to figure out what *I* did wrong to cause it to not sync! (No offense to y'all, but I'm glad it's not just me!) I use Nike+ when I run on the TM, and since Nike doesn't sync to MFP, I sync Nike to MapMy then sync to MFP and that worked fine (until the beginning of June, anyway).

    Mostly I'm posting here in case there is a fix soon, I want to be looped in about it! I guess until then I have to do it manually....
  • jflowers45
    jflowers45 Posts: 1 Member
    Sync isn't working for me either. I've tried several times including disconnect, reconnect
  • ScienceMom77
    ScienceMom77 Posts: 6 Member
    Good to know I'm not the only one either. Syncing seems to work OK for me (usually) if I do it through the apps on my phone, but if I try to log anything on MapMyRun through my computer browser, it never syncs over to MFP. Grr.
  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    I think it's linked to the crappy updated of MMF as yesterday it mapped my 2 mile walk home as 0.03miles?

    If it doesn't work today I am deleting it and using Endomondo and just manually inputting, it did this last week as well.
  • When I synced MapMyFitness and MyFitnessPal today MyFitnessPal imported 2 exercises I didn't do called "Running (jogging), 5 mph (12 min mile)" for July 3. (Using Chrome)
  • My sync has worked worked great with MFP, Fitbit, and MMF until yesterday. Now MMF doesn't even like to sync calories burned with its own nutrition tab. I have to go into each individual exercise and hit the save button for the calories to show up. Then it will go into the nutrition section. Very frustrated. It worked great for the first two weeks I used it. The integration was seamless, now, not so much.. I was going to upgrade to MVP, now I am not so sure.
  • I am also having this problem. I have disconnected the link on both services and re-added the link but any workout I log in mapmyfitness does not appear in MFP. Does MFP have any idea what is causing the issue?
  • Boxlah
    Boxlah Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All,
    Same here, was walking fine, all of a sudden stopped. Tried disconnecting reconnecting etc, any clues or is this a conspiracy before the IOS comes out and does it for us??
  • CoachMac60
    CoachMac60 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been using myfitnesspal for 5 months now. It's worked beautifully until recently. The last week or so, my exercises through both mapmywalk and mapmyrun are not transferring automatically. I had hoped the recent upgrade would correct the problem, but I'm not sure it's even been addressed.

    I love myfitnesspal and recommend it to everyone I speak with. I've lost 60 pounds using it and I'd really like it to work again. Any idea if the sync issue is being addressed?