Is it rude?

I originally didn't have much planned for the 4th, seeing as I'm several hundreds of miles away from my family, and my husband's family wasn't sure if they would do anything. All of this I was happy about because I've been finally seeing some progression in my weight and I don't want to sabotage myself.
But! Last night I found out we are officially going over to his parents' house for the holiday. And in the nicest way possible, his family eats very poorly and have always been enablers for me. Junk food everywhere.

SO. Is it rude for me to bring my own packaged lunch? I'll surely get made fun of, but I don't want to ruin my progress, or kill my motivation. I thought of maybe bringing some dishes to the get together, but frankly no one would eat what I would bring. I just don't have many healthy options when I get there.


  • emilyGPK
    emilyGPK Posts: 83 Member
    I don't think it's rude, but it might come across better if you make enough to share.
  • glassgallm
    glassgallm Posts: 276 Member
    Bring it if you can't find a way to eat what they offer. There are more important things about getting together with family than what you eat. Enjoy the visit, and the catching up with family. You are responsible for what you put in your mouth, it is not up to anyone else.
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    Is there no way of having a smaller portion or working it into your weekly calories? I have the same problem when i visit family. They don't put weight on so eat whatever they want, whereas i have to be really careful. I normally end up working it into my calories or just having a cheat weekend and dealing with it afterwards. Can you speak to your husband about it at all?
  • fullersun35
    fullersun35 Posts: 162 Member
    I would bring something to share with the group. You can always bring the leftovers back home and use it as your lunches for the next week.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Yes I think going to someone's BBQ on a holiday and bringing your own food and enough for just you is rude.

    I would bring a dish to share, and then eat all the good food. It's a holiday and you are celebrating it with family, enjoy it. It's one day and will not ruin any progress.
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    Bringing your own food just for you would be a little rude, but so is a host who doesn't try to make his guests comfortable. If you know they won't accommmodate you by providing healthy options, and you know that they're open to having other people bring dishes to share (bringing dishes to a meal that's not a potluck can be rude, too), then bring food to share even if you know you're the only person who will eat it. You never know; maybe someone else will want a healthier option, too.

    If none of this feels comfortable, then eat healthily before you go and eat what they serve, but in small portions.
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    I agree that you should bring a dish to share. Eat more of that, and small portions of the other stuff.
  • burtnyks
    burtnyks Posts: 124 Member
    I did the same thing.....but for a weekend trip. Although in my case I left room for dinner with my friends, but ate my packed food the rest of the trip. I too was worried about being made fun of, but luckily my friends were supportive and had no issue with it. Maybe bring your food and a veggie tray to share. Even people that aren't into super healthy eating will nibble on veggies I've found. I usually make a dip with greek yogurt and hidden valley ranch seasoning. Most people think its sour cream anyhow and have no idea its yogurt!
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    I completely agree with the 'bring a big dish to share' philosophy. And whatever is not consumed, take home to revamp for lunch the next week or whatever. There are plenty of 'side dishes' you can make a meal out of, or just go for the standard 'chicken caesar salad' side dish and double it. Who knows? You might bring something SOMEONE ELSE there would appreciate having as an alternative. :) Good luck!
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Personally I would bring a dish with enough to share if I was sure there was not going to be suitable food for me. You can always take it home if no one else has any.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Bring enough for everyone!! Enjoy!! 1 day won't kill your weight loss!! :wink:
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Simply make a dish that you can share with everyone. If they don't eat it, yayyy you've got lunch the rest of the week :)
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Yup. It's very rude. As others have said, bring a dish to share with everyone. Do you not normally bring something when you go to someone else's for a meal anyway?? If I were you, I'd bring a side dish AND a healthy dessert to contribute to the meal that I could eat. And then have a bit of what is there too, knowing that you're also eating healthy. One meal with a little bit of something higher in calories is not going to sabotage you.
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    Make a seven layer salad or a veggie/fruit tray. That way it looks like you are contributing and you'll have something to eat. Who cares if anyone else eats it or not? At least they have the option.

    To answer your question, I don't think it is rude but I think my suggestion above would give you less hassle.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Yeah it is rude

    And its only one day, it will not kill you
  • beanrider
    beanrider Posts: 66 Member
    I agree with the "share with the group" thought. Last BBQ I attended, I took turkey burgers for the grill and a giant bowl of fruit salad. No one else ate the turkey burgers, but I had a healthier option and the fruit was a big hit. I sampled a few small bites of some the the less healthy options and no one thought a thing about my meal choices. Good Luck.
  • marchellaz
    marchellaz Posts: 70 Member
    Bring a fruit salad. Then put a little bit of something his family made on your plate and compliment it.
  • brc912
    brc912 Posts: 43 Member
    I usually take a vegetable/fruit tray to any potluck to make sure I have something healthy to eat. I have also found that when I take a bag of baked chips or Kellogs cracker chips, they are usually the first thing gone. People want to eat healthy when it is available to them... If they don't have the option they will gorge on the unhealthy options. Take a couple healthy options that you enjoy, and eat a little of both yours and theirs.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Nope. My family knows my prep plans and my dietary restrictions right now, and know I'll be bringing my own food. Even if it did hurt their feelings, it would change my plans not in the slightest. I'm not sacrificing my goals just to make other people happy. I figure anyone petty enough to be offended that I'm not eating the same food as them have more problems than I want to buy into. :drinker:
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    Rude no - odd yes.....

    My plan is to workout and eat before I go to the planned 4th of July BBQ - no one will notice me not eating but they would def. notice if I brought my own food.
  • sassynkp
    sassynkp Posts: 148 Member
    I would bring a dish to share- who knows, you might just inspire someone. ????
  • caimay175
    caimay175 Posts: 42
    I don't think it's rude AT ALL. Your body. You control what goes in it.

    I had a similar situation with my family. I felt like I had to eat whatever fried/sugary stuff they gave me, but guess what, I don't. What made it worse was that they would force food on me so much 24/7, and when I finally got fed up of saying 'no thanks, no thanks' like a parrot and took some, they'd make some snarky comment like 'I thought you were slimming!' And they never made any secret of the fact I was fat and needed to lose weight.

    Think of this way: if you were diabetic, and couldn't eat what they gave you, would they be offended? If you were allergic and couldn't eat their pumpkin pie (or whatever), would you feel bad then? No. Well, this is the same, it's your body and you're trying to keep it healthy.

    Just my 2c :)
  • inneedofanap
    inneedofanap Posts: 63 Member
    I like the idea of bringing a dish to share instead of bringing your own prepackaged meal. Another thing that works, drink a TON of water. So much water that you feel like you'll explode. I guarantee you'll eat less if your pants are already a little tight around the waist. Have fun!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I would bring something to share with the group. You can always bring the leftovers back home and use it as your lunches for the next week.


    if someone brought their own"meal" to a get doesnt look good..I wouldnt do it..and Id be offended if someone did it at a function I was putting on.
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    How long will you be with them for? If it's a few hours I'd eat before I went and maybe be seen to eat a bit of their food to be polite. If you're there all day, or longer, I think it would be fine to take your own food. Although as others have said, make enough for others too.... even if you think it unlikely anyone would join you.

    Have fun :)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I spent last weekend with my sister and came back four pounds heavier, which was very dis-heartening.

    If it's possible to eat healthy while, do it.

    Right now I'm so upset about the gain I'm almost thinking of canceling our next get together, which is downright rotten to cancel a visit because you can't maintain weight around family, but family will do that too you.

    Sometimes you have no other option than to eat what they eat, or not eat at all.

    My beloved sister literally lives over an hour away from a grocery store.

    I think I'll continue to visit, but holy mother of the gods on Asgard NOT WITHOUT AN ICE CHEST OF ASA FOOD!
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    I don't think it's rude at all to bring your own food.
  • tuckeychicken
    tuckeychicken Posts: 167 Member
    I don't think it's rude in fact I have the same plan. If you want explain to them that are finally making progress on a personal goal to lose weight and this is what you need to do in order to stay on track. You really don't need to feel bad if people care about you enough they will support you on such a healthy goal.

    If someone says something to you stick to your guns and stand your ground on staying healthy. Let them know how hard you worked and for example you might say well I'm sure none of us here would work are butts of to make our money then purposely throw it into a fire and if they give you any problems send them to me I will gladly take care of them red head style lol.I'm a little fiesty sometimes.

    But for real no one has the right to throw a monkey wrench into your hard work. I think that you can handle this with your family and maybe you can call ahead and explain how you feel and that you love them but, right now in order for you to stay strong and keep on with your progress you need to avoid eating unhealthy choices. Most peole laugh at those of us trying because they are not strong enough just yet to do the same and they are usuallly a little jealous.

    Any way I hope your 4th and everyones is a safe and happy one. Good luck.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,007 Member
    What if you called you mother in law and explained your situation. Tell her you are doing so well and dont want to go over board. Would she mind if you brought your own little snack to have along with her wonderful holiday offerings.
  • katiewilsonxo
    katiewilsonxo Posts: 85 Member
    Nope. My family knows my prep plans and my dietary restrictions right now, and know I'll be bringing my own food. Even if it did hurt their feelings, it would change my plans not in the slightest. I'm not sacrificing my goals just to make other people happy. I figure anyone petty enough to be offended that I'm not eating the same food as them have more problems than I want to buy into. :drinker:

    I totally agree with this. If you're worried that they have enabling tendencies for your bad eating, you shouldn't have to put yourself at risk of going off track with your diet. You are there to enjoy their company but certain people there may very well feel "judged" for their own unhealthy choices if you are picking at your own salad. I agree that you should bring something like a small sharing portion of fruit salad or bowl of leafy greens but bring a meal that can be incorporated into the rest of the get together like bringing a low-fat cut of meat for the BBQ so that you can have a burger like everyone else but fill up your plate with a low cal option.