Tempted by FREE goodies !! Help!!



  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    If you are conflicted about eating something, just walk on by it.

    We have pastry Thursday at work. The boss brings in amazing donuts from this little artisanal donut place...
    Sometimes, I feel like I want a donut and I will have one.
    Other days, I feel that "I shouldn't". On those days, I avoid the office kitchen and don't have a donut.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Self control...practice it. Self control doesn't tend to be inherent...it is learned through practicing it.
  • Holy Molly!

    Sitting on the online forums instead of enjoying some wholesome activity, like creative pursuits, walking in the fresh air is a weakness. Switch that device off and start living life. Easy.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Do you maybe have some psychological issues with money and/or food?

    I dunno. This just seems possible to me. I grew up middle class and comfortable, but when I went out on my own after high school and during/shortly after college, I struggled a LOT financially. Sometimes I had to live off $10 in groceries for 2 weeks. I developed some long lasting hangups and/or quirks due to that. I'm really weird about money. Very frugal, very cautious, even now...I could go and buy a pair of work trousers for $69.99 at Loft but I'll wait and get them for $4.99 at the thrift store. I'm still working on these issues but some of it is actually good, in my opinion. Living beneath one's means and all.

    Just another idea. Maybe doesn't apply to you at all. Counseling for that and other issues (anxiety) helped me a lot.

    As for the actual sweets issue, I indulge several times a week because I love sugar. I just find that having the stuff in my house is not as satisfying as it being an occasional treat.

    Good luck!
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    It's not free. There is a price just not a monetary one. Put a value on it and compare it to what you have to give for it - health, goals, etc. It will put it in perspective :)
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    What's wrong with junk?

    Have you looked at ingredients of all that? Like all the flavourants, colourants, preservatives, flavour enhances - all what belongs in a chemical lab and not in one's stomach.

    Does strawberry fizzy drink have anything to do with strawberries? 10 to 1 not. BBQ Beef chips? I think not.

    Strangely enough, it is the snacks, sweets and take always that are full of it - that stuff does not even go off or rot.

    Junk is a very mild word IMHO. Total GARBAGE might fit it better.

    You go ahead and spend the rest of your life worried about what trivial things people put in food to market it and I'll live the same length not worried about it and focusing on nutrient density. And cut out all dem ebil foods. It's fine. Potato, potatoe.
  • Fentyman
    Fentyman Posts: 58 Member
    I'm like that now. As time goes on you will build up the will to resist. Right now just enjoy some and log it.

    Today someone brought in breakfast pizza!! I'm intermittent fasting so I can't eat until 2. So I took a slice and I'm saving it for later, logging it and making sure I don't go over my calories. Done!

    Also there cake in the office 5 feet away from me, been there since yesterday. I must have lifted the tin foil several times now to look at it, but I haven't touched it. When you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, you will learn to leave it alone, or eat and track it.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    What's wrong with junk?

    Have you looked at ingredients of all that? Like all the flavourants, colourants, preservatives, flavour enhances - all what belongs in a chemical lab and not in one's stomach.

    Does strawberry fizzy drink have anything to do with strawberries? 10 to 1 not. BBQ Beef chips? I think not.

    Strangely enough, it is the snacks, sweets and take always that are full of it - that stuff does not even go off or rot.

    Junk is a very mild word IMHO. Total GARBAGE might fit it better.

    Says you
  • PrincessTinyheart
    PrincessTinyheart Posts: 679 Member
    Either make it fit into your day, or get some self-control. Sitting at your desk and pretending you're swamped with work coupled with a simple "no thank you" can go a long way.

    You work for the government too?

    State government :). How'd ya know? Lolololol
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I have a self imposed rule that I won't eat it if I didn't bring it. We have so many candy bowls and office celebrations that I can't afford to eat even the smallest amounts of it. I stay away from the vending machine completely and go to celebrations but don't eat. Not my food.

    I follow this rule also. It makes it easier to walk away. Our office had an ice cream sundae party and I didn't leave my office. That way I was tempted to eat any. If I know that we are having a pot luck, I make it fit into my food for the day.
  • I am not worried about trivial things - I call them 'Poison' because they are exactly that. Toxic and addictive!

    So I just dont buy anything pre-made and enjoy my home-made clean REAL food, made from scratch. The way it is supposed to be.

    One day I will live on my own farm and freaking grow all the food myself. Yep just cos it makes me happy.

    Says I.

    To everyone their own.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I am not worried about trivial things - I call them 'Poison' because they are exactly that. Toxic and addictive!

    So I just dont buy anything pre-made and enjoy my home-made clean REAL food, made from scratch. The way it is supposed to be.

    One day I will live on my own farm and freaking grow all the food myself. Yep just cos it makes me happy.

    Says I.

    To everyone their own.


    but carry on
  • unicornpoop
    unicornpoop Posts: 178 Member
    I have a serious problem with this too. I can control what I buy and bring in my house, but when people bring in baked goods or yummy stuff from outside I have a hard time saying no. I am also working on building up my willpower again. I used to just say no and walk away or I would tell myself it was old, you didnt know who brought it in, and at a last resort I would tell myself I saw a bug on it. Crazy, but it works. My mom tells herself "oh no, you're allergic to that" and that works for her in the moment.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I am not worried about trivial things - I call them 'Poison' because they are exactly that. Toxic and addictive!

    So I just dont buy anything pre-made and enjoy my home-made clean REAL food, made from scratch. The way it is supposed to be.

    One day I will live on my own farm and freaking grow all the food myself. Yep just cos it makes me happy.

    Says I.

    To everyone their own.

    This is obv a troll now. You got me!
  • PrincessTinyheart
    PrincessTinyheart Posts: 679 Member
    I have a serious problem with this too. I can control what I buy and bring in my house, but when people bring in baked goods or yummy stuff from outside I have a hard time saying no. I am also working on building up my willpower again. I used to just say no and walk away or I would tell myself it was old, you didnt know who brought it in, and at a last resort I would tell myself I saw a bug on it. Crazy, but it works. My mom tells herself "oh no, you're allergic to that" and that works for her in the moment.

    I love this! Maybe it will work until I am able to develop willpower.
  • but carry on
    Your Problem.

  • There are brownies in our break room right now. I looked at them and thought to myself, "Not worth it." Even if they were freshly-baked not-sitting-in-open-air-all-day brownies, the amount of calories versus the amount of brownie is not a good trade. Not like veggies where you get a lot for a little (calorie-wise).
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Holy Molly!

    Sitting on the online forums instead of enjoying some wholesome activity, like creative pursuits, walking in the fresh air is a weakness. Switch that device off and start living life. Easy.

    Your Problem.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Free food is yummier than non-free food. Still, you have a food budget and it's not free in there.
  • This is obv a troll now. You got me!

    Shamepies. Poor you.