How often do you weigh in??



  • sdtul
    sdtul Posts: 24
    I only weigh myself once a week (Mondays) as for me, it makes me stay on track so I know I will have a good #!
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    I'm a scale addict too when I begin a weight loss routine. I've been weighing everyday, but starting next week, I'm going to start doing it weekly. As a poster above stated, you should do what makes you happy, but if you wait until a week passes, you'll likely get a more accurate idea of how much you're actually losing as opposed to the daily fluctuations. Keep the scale in a place you don't see often (i.e. a linen closet or the like) to resist the temptation of weighing daily. I find I'm fine until I actually see the scale, then I must know what it says lol! Outta sight, outta mind (hopefully!)
  • reese1206
    reese1206 Posts: 229
    Every Saturday Morning
  • karriecook
    karriecook Posts: 84 Member
    Everyday. DH just got a wireless scale that sends everything to a website to track. Oy! It's been great keeping our entire family on track (our son is underweight so we can monitor him, too).
  • mclahey
    mclahey Posts: 81 Member
    I was wondering what most people do...I weigh in daily, but record on Monday mornings. What is a reasonable daily fluctuation?:wink:
  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
    well after reading all that i am startin to every morning....but it can put me in bad form..:grumble:
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I weigh myself every Friday morning. I usually only drink alcohol on the weekends so I have the whole week to work it off!
  • amelia4153
    amelia4153 Posts: 27 Member
    I weigh once a week because I get obsessive over the scale if I don't, but now I feel like I'm not normal and y'all are making me want to weigh everyday! lol :tongue:
  • antipholous
    I used to weigh more often, but I found it was demotivating, not motivating, to see small changes as opposed to a 1-4 pound movement once a week.

    It really drives my workout on my two days before I weigh in as well. I know I can only get on it once a week, so I really want that number to be good.

    Some people like weighing in everyday, but I found it anti-climatic (although I understand the urge).
  • antipholous
    I was wondering what most people do...I weigh in daily, but record on Monday mornings. What is a reasonable daily fluctuation?:wink:

    Fluctuation is another reason I try not to weigh in daily. I try to keep the parameters of my weigh in as controlled as possible. I weigh in every Wednesday morning, right when I get up, before I've had water, after I've eliminated, and naked. Most of the fluctuation comes from food and water intake, and in the morning your stomach is empty. Once your bowels are too, you're pretty much at your base weight.
  • amelia4153
    amelia4153 Posts: 27 Member
    I used to weigh more often, but I found it was demotivating, not motivating, to see small changes as opposed to a 1-4 pound movement once a week.

    It really drives my workout on my two days before I weigh in as well. I know I can only get on it once a week, so I really want that number to be good.

    Some people like weighing in everyday, but I found it anti-climatic (although I understand the urge).

    Yeah! That's what I wanted to say, but I just didn't know how to put it! :happy: I like to see that BIG number rather than small ones, too! And I also work a lot harder the two to three days leading up to my weigh in day. I do like the idea of weighing more than once a week but only recording my weight on one day like others have said.
  • jdmacfam
    I'm a chronic weight checker too and I've been weighing in at the gym which has a digital scale that is down to the ounce! I need a new scale at home b/c I no longer like the "non digital" ones.

    I figure, what the heck, I might as well keep in mind what's happening and the daily victories mean a lot to me. I also record the weight daily and I've been lucky that so far I've only had to record lower numbers each time!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I weigh every morning first thing but only will record on Fridays. I need the motivation or on the other hand, the realization that I am not doing too good.
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    once in the morning. Naked.
  • deanna1981
    I typically weigh myself every morning (I know horrible habit) but I do my official weigh-in on Saturdays.
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    Every day after I pee.

    I like to see my change day to day, and look back on why I may have gained and try to change it (like too many carbs, not drinking a lot of water, etc.)
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    I weigh everyday in the mornings as well but I only record my weight on MFP once a week. Your weight can fluctuate a few pounds in a day so as long as you don't get too hung up on the number, I say go for it. It helps to keep me accountable!