sad day for a heavy girl....



  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    kids don't know any better -- tact is something we all have to learn. plus, I'd bet that we're all guilty of saying something about or to another that unintentionally hurt them. i'm sure the kid didn't mean anything personal by it. don't let a few unkind words ruin your day or slow your momentum!
  • You have to keep tracking along. You aren't doing this weight loss for them, you are doing it for you. You are doing it to get back in shape and to get your energy back and to regain control of your life. Forget about them. Apparently that little girl hasn't learned how to have an open heart and mind for all people. You keep on track and you do it for you.
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    Sometimes 'fat' is a description, not an insult. I try and think of it that way. I am 41 years old, short, fat, brown (and purple) haired, brown eyed, beautiful woman. I am all of those things. That is my general description. When I was younger, I took 'fat' as an insult every single time I heard it. But I've taken back the word 'fat'. I own it. Because I own it, no one can use my own word against me. Do you kind of see what I mean?

    You just keep that smile on your face and keep working your plan. Own who you are and love that person!

    This is also what I have done. My son has said I am fat, he also has said other people are fat. It was usually true. However, I am working on it with him, saying that some people don't like it when it is said and we don't want to hurt their feelings and that people are all different shapes, sizes, colours, ect. It's just the way they are. He just turned 5, and I know that he is not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, he is just making an observation. Hope this helps put it in perspective.
  • ajensen21
    ajensen21 Posts: 1 Member
    Children can really be cruel but don't let that stop you. You are on your way to a healthier you and you don't let ANYONE stop you from getting there. Just remember there's always someone on MFP that will have your back and will keep pushing you to your goal. Keep smiling and God Bless!:smile:
  • Awww I'm sorry about that but glad to see you're using it in a positive way.
    You can do this! :bigsmile:
  • *son of a biscuit*
    my first double-post... sorry all. :mad:
  • Awww that is sad, and i know how you feel I once had a lady ask me when i was due and i wasnt pregnant, it made me feel so crappy I wanted to cry! but you are on the right track again and just stay focused on the positives and not the negatives!! :))))
  • i'm not sure why little kids always see the negative but when i first started bleaching my teeth i only did the top so i could tell the difference...i was so excited about how great my teeth looked until a little boy said "why are your bottom teeth so yellow?". it just makes me realize and hopefully you too that we are the only ones that can see our glass as "half full". all we can do is see our accomplishments and be proud and know we are on the right track. good luck to you. :blushing:
  • My horses are FAT and they are the most beautiful creatures on earth. Think of your self as beautiful and don't worry about what others think. They can'tcontrol you, change you or influence your life unless YOU let them. You are in control at all times as to how you feel and deal with the universe. So keep your sights high and move on.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    :( This makes me sad. My students can be very honest, but I have told them that it's not appropriate to comment on people's appearances.

    Sorry you had to hear that. No matter if it's true or not, it still hurts feelings.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    they are right keep trekking!!! That mother should teach her kid to not be a nasty little witch, correct that little attitude. you are making changes and thats all that matters. "fat girls' don't eat veggies...and other vaious healthy yummies:happy:
  • dan_jones
    dan_jones Posts: 54 Member
    We are each individuals. Some a little taller than others, some heavier, etc. The comment was the childs way of saying they noticed you as being different from their mental concept of normal or average. They did a comparison with their mental view of normal and reported they found something different. Instead of hearing " Look that girls fat" Try pretending they said "Look that girl has a purple shirt". They saw something different and reported it, simple as that. It may sound crazy, but if you try it you may soften the blow that another persons comment has on you upon hearing it. Your trying to make some changes. Give yourself a chance to gradually make these changes successfully. Never give up.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. Dan
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