Weight Gain Idea - Good or Bad?

I have been worried about my weight for a long time, as I've been underweight for as long as I can remember.

A while ago, I heard that starvation is one of the worst ways to lose weight because your body goes into starvation mode and stores everything as fat when you begin to eat again. Which can often lead to a greater weight than when you started.

So I was toying around with an idea in my head, that if I were to eat the bare minimum for a few days (enough that I don't faint but not so much that I don't starve), maybe a week, and then eat really fatty foods then I should theoretically gain weight?

Input would be great. ;3


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Sounds a lot like you need to go see a specialist.

    There is nothing healthy about anything I read in here.

    The only way to gain weight is to overeat.

    The only way to gain weight in a more desirable well balanced manner is to eat at a controlled surplus and life progressively.

    But honestly- you sound like you need to see a specialist and a therapist.
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    A good strength training program will help your body use the food you eat better. Some people's bodies just dont want to add any fat. You've got to convince your body that you need it to change...pick up some heavy shiz and your body will be like "I better get swole or this dude's gonna crush me".

    Also I dont normally like mass gainers because they are generally crappy calories but that new stuff from MusclePharm called Iron Mass has a pretty decent profile. If you mix a scoop and drink it between normal meals that's a really easy and yummy way to add hundreds of calories per day.

    I wouldn't try to trick your body though...its smarter than you realize. It will adapt readily though if you convince it that it needs to.
  • deatharrow
    deatharrow Posts: 10
    That's a terrible idea, in part due to the oversimplification of the body's metabolism. Besides, Fat isn't what you want to gain. Its lean muscle. Which you add by eating at a caloric surplus of what your body needs by about 250 calories since you're a guy and start lifting to build muscle with those extra calories.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Bad. Starvation mode is a myth. As with losing weight, you don't have to eat "fatty foods" to gain weight, you just need to eat a calorie surprus. You could still do this eating healthy foods. Research calorie dense foods.
  • NotAFox
    NotAFox Posts: 6
    Haha What a let down! I was proud of myself for thinking this up..

    There isn't even the tiniest chance that it would work, as a one off? I never planned on it being a permanent diet.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    It's a bad idea, but even if it were a good idea, it would be WAY harder on you than just eating a consistent surplus every day! Listen, lots of people struggle to gain weight, and eating at a surplus for an extended period of time can be really difficult. I just finished my first bulk, and it was harder than I ever thought it would be. But...only eating enough to keep yourself from fainting for a couple of days per week will be so much worse! Why in the world would you rather do that??
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Btw, actual bulking takes months, if not years. It's a really long process. Stop looking for "one off" solutions. Whatever it is, if you're not willing to do it for 10-16 weeks at a time (or thereabouts), it's not going to work.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    The theory you have on "starvation mode" is incorrect and made up by people who are underestimating their cal intake or overestimating their activity and wondering why they don't lose weight.

    In short, eat more every day if you want to gain weight.

    For people with small appetites, liquid cals are the best option IMO .e.g BIG glass of full cream milk with each meal.
  • NotAFox
    NotAFox Posts: 6
    After further thought, I suppose it is quite a stupid idea! :)

    Tried a proper diet today (eating a set amount of calories), to gain 1lb a week. Unfortunately, it's 8 pm and I'm already uncomfortably full - about 1200 calories short. Will I gradually be able to eat more?
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    After further thought, I suppose it is quite a stupid idea! :)

    Tried a proper diet today (eating a set amount of calories), to gain 1lb a week. Unfortunately, it's 8 pm and I'm already uncomfortably full - about 1200 calories short. Will I gradually be able to eat more?
    Yes, you'll get used to eating more during the day so that you don't have that many calories left to eat at the end of the day. It takes awhile to adjust, but you'll get there. Your appetite will also catch up to your increased intake -- every time I've upped my calories, it takes about a week of making myself eat and then my appetite adjusts so that I'm hungry again.
  • Ginerrva
    Ginerrva Posts: 226
    How many calories did you eat already?

    It's hard gaining weight; trust me, I'm in the same boat as you. Right now my goal is set at 2000 calories per day, but sometimes I barely make it to 1800. I just hate feeling full and sluggish. But I have some tips that might help.

    Have sandwiches for lunch. This way you can fill it with a healthy protein, a ton of veggies, and your favorite condiment! You can buy bread that's 80 calories per slice, but you can also buy bread that's 130 calories per slice; obviously the latter is the better option for gaining weight. (I get Demptser's bread. Any of their's will do, as long as it's not white). And then to add an extra 100 calories or so, you can sneak some butter in there. Just spread it on both slices before you but a condiment on, and you won't even taste it. In fact, it might even enhance the flavors of the other ingredients!

    Try to fit in a 100-200 calorie snack both in between breakfast and lunch, and in between lunch and dinner. Buy a box of granola bars or something, or maybe just eat a spoonful of nut butter every now and again. Then, if you need to, incorporate a 200-300 calorie dessert into you day. Yogurt and berries, a bowl of cereal, a granola bar, nut butter on toast, etc etc. It can be anything!

    Finally, start doing strength workouts. About 30 minutes a couple times a week. While doing this try eating a gram of protein for each pound you weigh (100 lbs = 100 g protein). Not only will you gain weight, but muscle too! :)
  • NotAFox
    NotAFox Posts: 6
    Thank you guys ;p It's weird. I used to always be hungry, no matter how much I ate. It was ridiculous, and my family used to wind me up about it. But now I'm full after a sandwich! Haha

    Ginerrva, my goal is 2520 calories per day. I've eaten 1648, but was walking around all day and pushing two toddlers in a pram around, up steep hills. So I lost about 850 calories apparently.. Which means I need to eat 1725 more to reach my minimum.

    That's great advice! Thank you. I wasn't sure about buying protein because it seems expensive, but would it be worth the money?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Haha What a let down! I was proud of myself for thinking this up..

    There isn't even the tiniest chance that it would work, as a one off? I never planned on it being a permanent diet.

  • NotAFox
    NotAFox Posts: 6
    It was intended to be a quick 5/6lb boost to set me off on the right foot. Many weight loss diets suggest the same, somewhat drastic, diets for instant weight loss. Though they are too unhealthy to maintain.
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    After further thought, I suppose it is quite a stupid idea! :)

    Tried a proper diet today (eating a set amount of calories), to gain 1lb a week. Unfortunately, it's 8 pm and I'm already uncomfortably full - about 1200 calories short. Will I gradually be able to eat more?
    When I upped my cals I was super full for a few days then its like a switch goes off and you'll be wicked hungry for a while and then your body will settle down, be used to getting enough to eat, you'll have tons of energy and feel great. Its all part of the process!
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    to eat at surplus, you have to get used to eating more. starving yourself would be counterproductive.

    just start exercising more--your appetite will follow suit and it won't be so much of a chore.
  • jcranston13
    Thank you guys ;p It's weird. I used to always be hungry, no matter how much I ate. It was ridiculous, and my family used to wind me up about it. But now I'm full after a sandwich! Haha

    Ginerrva, my goal is 2520 calories per day. I've eaten 1648, but was walking around all day and pushing two toddlers in a pram around, up steep hills. So I lost about 850 calories apparently.. Which means I need to eat 1725 more to reach my minimum.

    That's great advice! Thank you. I wasn't sure about buying protein because it seems expensive, but would it be worth the money?
    Protein can be worth the money, it just depends on your needs. If I were in your boat, I would probably try to do GOMAD and see if that works for you. GOMAD = gallon of milk a day.
  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    I've got three brother in laws and two nephews in the same boat. What you need to do is eat more! And lift weights. Track everything, look at your macros as minimums, and weight train to make sure that your gaining muscle not just fat. Strong lifts is a highly recommended program.

    When I say track everything, I mean especially track your exercise. If you go for a walk, grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, cleaning house, log it! Your burning calories and you'll need to eat more.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Eat a lot of peanut butter, olive oil, and nuts. Lots of calories quickly.
  • Bearbrat
    Bearbrat Posts: 230
    Eat a lot of peanut butter, olive oil, and nuts. Lots of calories quickly.