Desire to eat at night

I'm good at following restricted calorie diets. That is until I get home from work at about 5 PM. From that point until my head hits the pillow at about 11 PM, all I want to do is eat. I'm not hungry. I just want to eat. It wrecks my diet and I feel guilty and horrible because I failed.

I can't be the only one with this problem. Is this stress eating? If so, I don't feel stressed. How do others handle this?


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Bad habits are hard to break. :)

    That saying didn't come from nowhere! But you can break them. Once you develop good habits, they become easier and easier to live with.

    If you aren't all that hungry during the day, maybe you could eat less at those times so you could eat more in the evenings. Otherwise, you just have to use willpower. Commit to changing the habit and mean it. Be determined, so that's nothing can stop you.

    If you set your mind to it and work hard, you'll do it!

    Nobody said it was easy. But you can do it!!
  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    1. Low Calorie Nibbles like sugar snap peas, steamed broccolli, etc

    2. Keep actively busy with something else, like crafts or reading, or something that takes up your attention, rather than sitting passively in front of the TV or computer

    3. Go to bed. Can't eat if you're sleeping lol.

    That's what has worked for me in the past. Hopefully it can help you too.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I have the same problem. I don't know why, I just want junk food.

    I find if I exercise after work, I get home later so a) it's less time to binge eat, and b) I'm more likely to make better food choices. I'll also try to keep myself busy by doing dishes/cleaning the kitchen and walking my dog. Prepping food for the next couple days helps kill some time too.

    The other thing I'm trying to do is eat a bit less during the day and save some extra calories for the evening, so I don't go over, or I don't go over by a lot.
  • raelsea
    raelsea Posts: 11
    I have this same problem. After work, I just want to sit on the couch and eat. It's just so comforting! So far, I haven't found any tricks that really work. I just have to convince myself that the extra eating isn't worth it.
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    I eat half of my calories throughout the day, and the other half after I get home from work.

    If it fits your calories and macros, it isn't a problem. Is this kind of eating causing you to go over?
  • hartmamp
    hartmamp Posts: 80 Member
    I save the majority of my calories for dinner and afterward because that's just when I want to eat more.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I'm good at following restricted calorie diets. That is until I get home from work at about 5 PM. From that point until my head hits the pillow at about 11 PM, all I want to do is eat. I'm not hungry. I just want to eat. It wrecks my diet and I feel guilty and horrible because I failed.

    I can't be the only one with this problem. Is this stress eating? If so, I don't feel stressed. How do others handle this?

    Break the habit... Like really there isn't much more to say then that you should be speaking with a doctor about this and not the internet.
  • gopgirl425
    gopgirl425 Posts: 140 Member
    UGH! Me to read responses.
  • zenful6219
    I've thought about just going to bed. :smile:
  • zenful6219
    The eating after I get home does cause me to go over my calorie limit.
  • zenful6219
    Break the habit... Like really there isn't much more to say then that you should be speaking with a doctor about this and not the internet.

    I thought it might be helpful to know what other people are doing to break the habit. The physician route is probably not a bad idea, too.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Just how restrictive is your diet?
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Yes... I find that eating or snacking at night before bed is just comfort eating. I used to have the desire to do this as well. For me it was just a matter of will power and reminding myself that after killing my workout and MMA, why on earth would I want to be counterproductive. I just keep reminding myself of that. Almost each night when the urge hits me, I make myself a diet tea or slim tea and I sip on that and eat exactly two cups of Angie's popcorn.... very slowly. This not only comforts but distracts me from wanting other goodies. I make it last and by the time I am done I am pretty much ready for bed.
  • baleywhary1
    baleywhary1 Posts: 3 Member
    Like everyone else's going to be about breaking the habit. But what if you helped yourself out by popping some popcorn (homemade) which has fiber and is very low cal and allow yourself to snack on ONLY that after dinner. This will help because you'll be munching on something healthy, and you might get bored of it and stop eating after dinner...Just a thought!
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    For me, I just eat (and eat) air popped pop corn with spray butter. Very few cals!
  • zenful6219
    Just how restrictive is your diet?

    I'm allotted about 2,000 calories.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Make sure you eat protein, fiber, and calorie dense foods during the day. This will make you full and you'll have calories left for a nightly snack.
  • sassyredhead89
    sassyredhead89 Posts: 8 Member
    Funny you posted this--this is actually one of my big struggle areas, and I did the popcorn thing tonight. It helped. I was still feeling a bit munchy after that, so i broiled some portabella mushrooms and snacked on those (probably not everyone's first choice, but i love them!). It worked. I'm satisfied and ready to go to bed now, and didn't take in too many calories. I LOVE a piece of whole wheat bread with natural peanut butter before bed. It makes me sleep like a baby. But most days I just don't have the calories left over for that, so I'm exploring other lower calorie snacks now! :)
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I had issues with this at first, so I would eat sparsely throughout the day and save the bulk of my calories for night time. It let me snack, but I was able to stay in control of my calories. I slowly worked myself to a point where I was eating more throughout the day and snacking less. Like everything else in life, getting to a healthy weight and breaking bad habits takes practice. But as far as weight loss goes, it really doesn't matter what time you eat your food. . . so if night time is when you eat the most, fit it into your day.
  • jellybeansmamma
    jellybeansmamma Posts: 122 Member
    I'm the same! I'm on meds that make me feel ravenously hungry after taking them right up until I fall asleep, so I save most of my cals for night time. Also I knit/crochet, so only having one bite of food after i finish a row means it takes much longer to eat the same amount of food, and I am distracted in between bites. Sounds weird I know, but it works for me :)