How long does it take you to run a mile?



  • GradatimFerociter
    GradatimFerociter Posts: 296 Member
    I severely doubt I could even run a mile these days. Assuming I am not being chased by (what would have to be fairly undetermined to catch me) dogs.

    I've run one timed mile in my life - perhaps 7 years ago - and I believe it took me somewhere between 8 and 8 1/2 minutes. It was a charity thing and I'm sure I could have been a little faster. Now, nearly twice as heavy, I'm sure I could at least walk a mile in twice as long :p
  • Everyone is different - what is your goal? Looking to win a 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon, marathon? My best times were 6:40 for a 5K, 7 for 10 K and around 8 for 1/2 marathon. But - it was shooting for first in my age group in the local race series, because I am super competitive. So, it is whatever you want it to be - if you want to be fast, you need to train fast.

    5k in 6:40? Minutes? Thats breaking the world record for the mile by nearly 2 minutes. Sorry I'm new here, probably reading it wrong he he. Anyways, I do a mile in 7 mins on average. I'm way out of shape, or so I thought, and just started running. 7 mins doesn't seem bad after googling a bit. I'm going for a long term goal of a 5 min mile. I was a record breaking athlete in school (17 years ago) and hoping to get some of that back. Roger banister is my great great gre... uncle, so hopefully the genes will help:)
  • suiteblooms
    suiteblooms Posts: 100
    Everyone is different, but the last one that I recorded without stopping was 9:49. For being a runner, I'm slow, but I run. Like a herd of turtles through peanut butter, but I run. My distance is improving though :)
  • BeautifulSoul705
    BeautifulSoul705 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm training now so I'm at 9.5 min mile
    My average is 10.0-10.5 min miles
    My best is 7.5 min miles
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    Currently I average a little less than a 10 min mile. My personal best was around 7:30.
  • WickyDunn
    WickyDunn Posts: 18 Member
    Oh gosh! Feel embarrassed to say but just checked my mapmyrun and it says I did an 18 min mile - though I did probably 'fast walk' for half of it...

    I need to get back on it!!!
  • troelsandtheis
    troelsandtheis Posts: 45 Member
    12 minutes, when I was fit and slim and regular runner it only ever went as fast as 11 but more often than not it stays at 11.5 to 12 minutes. There's something about me that just won't go any faster no matter how many years I train - but I don't mind so much anymore as I can last longer and I've stopped caring how slow I am - at least I'm doing it :)
  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    Depends on the distance ...

    I could probably run a single mile full pelt at 7-7.5 mins ..... but I rarely run "just a mile".

    I've got my 5km time down from 38mins (just over 12 mins per mile) to 26:38 (just over 8 mins per mile) this year by running a LOT.

    My marathon this year was done in 5hrs 17 mins so that average 12mins 5seconds per mile.

    On a weekend / midweek run of between 5 and 8 miles though, a comfortable pace for me is a 10-11min mile
  • carolinetayloruk
    carolinetayloruk Posts: 73 Member
    my best mile time is 9:33, my average is around 11:00 when i go out running. Currently concentrating on distance as opposed to speed. Furthest i've run is 6.4 miles and i want to be able to run around 8 miles before i start to work on speed
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    if i were you i would see how fast you are outside. i definantly run faster outside than i do on a treadmill. compare the two. but 11 min is great i usually do between 9 and 12 min. depending on outdoor/indoor location.

  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I usually run about a 10-12 minute mile... I can push a little faster. Don't push too fast if you are not ready. Gradually build your speed over time. It is similar to weight lifting... If you are just starting out, you're not going to be benching 250.... Slow and steady but sure. Enjoy.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    The only person most of us really compete against is ourselves. What I run a mile or three in shouldn't matter to people here ... none of you are me (sorry about that :tongue: ).

    Look at what YOUR mile time was when you first rant that entire distance then compare your latest time. Are you getting faster? Is it feeling easier for you to cover it? If you wear a HRM, is your heart rate spiking as high as it did when you started out (if your max and avg HR are lower as you go faster, congrats)? Is one mile now just the first part of your run because you can go further? Those simple questions help illustrate if you're improving ... if you're beating the old you ... not how you stack up against random internet people.

    For anyone who really cares, my race times for June:
    Hospital Hill Half Marathon - 1:52:04 (hills really, really suck at times)
    5k - 21:52
    Double Road Race 10k leg - 48:52 ... 5k leg 23:53 ... 15k total - 1:12:46
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    FOR-EV-ER! (Sandlot voice)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    18 minutes :-)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Oh gosh! Feel embarrassed to say but just checked my mapmyrun and it says I did an 18 min mile - though I did probably 'fast walk' for half of it...

    I need to get back on it!!!

    Don't feel bad! It was faster than anyone who didn't run.
  • cajunbandmom
    cajunbandmom Posts: 38 Member
    3 years ago I couldn't walk 1/4 mile! My personal best was a little over 10 mins. If I am racing I can normally keep up about 12 min miles and if I am doing distance it can range from 13.5 to 16 min miles over 10 miles. Yes I am slow at times but I also used weigh 377 pounds. So any mile I do if its 10 mins or 16 mins is a mile more than I could have done 3 years ago.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    10-11 min. I suck. :embarassed:
  • Efflictim
    Efflictim Posts: 147 Member
    11:30-12:00 per mile.
  • vab_spencer
    vab_spencer Posts: 15 Member
    My best was 5:22. That was over 20years ago. Most days now I average about 11 min/mile.
  • silverstarrlyte
    silverstarrlyte Posts: 83 Member
    at my best I did a 9 minute mile. Right now my average is about 12-14 minute mile. Sigh. But I' doing it and that is what matters.