I want a success story.

Basically, my title says it all.

I am five foot 6, 194 pounds.

I gained fifty pounds with my last pregnancy 2 years ago. I lost about 30 after the birth.

I just had surgery almost 2 months ago on some female issues (not cancer) but the hormonal imbalance packed on more weight.

I'm depressed.

I hate getting out of bed. I hate getting out to work. I hate seeing people. I hate that I have let this happen.

My husband thinks I'm the sexiest person alive :-D This is a nice trait in a man haha...no matter what size I am, he thinks I'm awesome. When we met, I was 170 pounds.

Five years ago I was 188 pounds and lost 30 at another diet program. It was awesome, until I stopped it and started dating and got comfortable. Ha.

10 years ago I was 150 pounds and thought I was HUGE. I had just had a baby the year before and was disgusted with my 150 pounds.

13 years ago, I was 115 pounds.


My goal is to get to 150 and then take it from there.

I know I can do this. I have done a LOT more difficult things in my life (natural child birth lolll).

This site gives me a new hope that I haven't felt in a while.

I'm all for learning 'tricks' and 'treats' for keeping on track and losing weight. It seems many of these success stories have taken place in less than a year! Amazing!

My first goal is 30 pounds by June 20 (my anniversary and birthday).

My MAIN goal is 50 pounds by Christmas and then I'll see where to go from there.

:) But I will have a success story like all those others in there. :) I will!

(I didn't know where to put this...sorry if I posted in the wrong place....newbie. lol.)


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Awesome! Can't wait to hear your success story! Good luck on your journey, we are all here for ya.
  • purplespeckle
    If you sick with your program and get online regularly at mfp you'll have lots of support and you WILL have a success story. I'm hoping to have a success story too. Leave the past in the past and lets start over! :) My journey started on Jan 1 :) Good luck Add me as a friend if you want
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    You said it in your signature "Failure is not an option!"

    I understand your feelings. After I had my son I developed a plethora of medical issues. It was awful because I felt like I lost control of my body and couldn't do anything about it. By the time I was diagnosed I was very overweight. I had to have a hysterectomy in Nov 2009 and decided then to make the change no matter what. The change obviously doesn't happen overnight. Its emotionally, physically and mentally draining. I was 5'3" and weighed 185 pounds. I never looked in the mirror because I didn't want to see the girl on the other side. She was failing me. Or so I thought.

    Everything you get up and accomplish every day is amazing! You are a wife, a mom. You have overcome medical issues that are hard to overcome. Its not easy! And now you want to take the time to improve yourself! That right that deserves a Bravo! I'm so happy for your hope! That you are here on this site! Your success story is IN the making! You've accomplished so much and now you are going to put another happy chapter to it! Congratulations girl! You have so got this! And its amazing that you have such an amazing husband! Another awesome piece of your story! My husband has loved me during every part of my journey, whether I was overweight or skinny. But he loves it when I'm comfortable with myself too! :o)

    Congratulations!!! Welcome!!! You've got this! I can't wait to read your success story and see your before and afters! We are all here to root you on! We are all working towards a common goal: A Healthy New Us! So we've got your back girl! :o)
  • newDZ
    newDZ Posts: 237 Member
    You are already a success. The rest of this is just steps
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    "Failure is not an option" is one of the best attitudes ever. The way I see it, all of the challenges you've faced have provided you with more and more resources from which to draw on in this endeavor. Weight up and down over the years? Babies? Hormonal hell making your body go crazy? Been there done that several times over. I'm just coming off of another hideous round of that shenanigans myself. But I'll bet that once you decide you want something that much, you have the steel in your spine to hold your own. Just keep on it. If you blow it once in awhile okay, get back on track and keep going.

    I'm shorter than you, older than you, and started out heavier than you. I thought it would be a miracle if I could get down to 160 pounds. But nothing breeds success like the sweet taste of success. You get addicted to it.

    Be that success story!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    You guys are awesome. :) Seriously...completely awesome.

    Thanks for the kind words....they are nice to hear.

    I may be 34, but my mother still thinks she can comment on my body.

    The night before my surgery, she asked when I could get to losing all this weight. I think that hurts most of all. Since childhood, I felt that her love for me mattered on my weight. People like you more when you're thin. I was a chubby tween...and then dieted in HS.

    I dunno...just nice to hear these positive stories and situations and words of encouragement.

    I tell my children (at home and in my class), "Everyday is a choice. You wake up to be nice, mean, happy, sad. You chose to love, you chose to hate. It's YOUR CHOICE. Not just something that happens to you."

    Time to take my own advice. Today is a choice. Today I choose to meet my expectations and rock my new 'me'.
  • lprewett86
    lprewett86 Posts: 43 Member
    You can definitely do it and I'm here for ya along the way!!! I am a 24 year old female teacher just trying to get in better shape before I even think about having children LOL... Losing 50 pounds would be amazing! Set small goals and don't let the big numbers overwhelm you (I have the hardest time with this myself). Add me as a friend if you would like and we will "do this together!" WE WILL have a success story... dangit! OL
  • tamgreg
    Good luck to you! I have decided to try this again! today I weighed in at 165lbs and I feel totally disgusted with myself. I am hoping that 2011 will finally be my year to slim down and keep it off! my goal is to lose 30 lbs hopefully in 6 months. And I think I will read more of these posts more often to get the support and keep myself motivated. :)
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I was you 6 months ago!!! I hated going out. I hated what I had let happen to my body...but you've come to the right place!!!

    This community is SoOoOo supportive & if you put in the hard work & stay commited to your goals, you'll be a success story in no time! Find some supportive friends & go get it girl!!!!!! We are all rooting for you:happy: :happy: