I need water!!!!!!!!!

Ladyrushell Posts: 20
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Can you guys please give some tips on how to drink more water through the day? I need to start drinking more but I hate drinking water! Help!!!!!!!!


  • Put a little lemon juice in it!!
  • I use Crystal Light sugar free packets to add flavors to water... makes it more delicious. Also try to drink a cup of water before and after a meal.
  • maeflower1234
    maeflower1234 Posts: 87 Member
    I bought myself a really neat looking water bottle.I keep it filled and with me at all times. It has made a huge difference for me. Ice helps too.
  • The hardest thing for me to do in a day is get those 8 glasses of water in. I know the feeling. But I started trying something new this week and it seems to be working very well. First thing I do is wake up and fill a 16 oz. container with water and only allow myself to drink nothing but water. I make sure it is empty by the time lunch come around. fill it up again. make sure it is empty by the time dinner comes around and fill it up again. By that time it is time to go workout at the YMCA so i fill it up one last time and I make sure i finish it before bed.

    Luckily it's been workin out this week. but it's so hard to just drink water all the time but it's the best thing to do. Hope it helps...

    Good luck : ) YOU can do it!!!1! ]
  • I'm not fond of lemon juice in my water like many are. I prefer a twist of lemon rind or sliced cucumbers.
  • jlsironen
    jlsironen Posts: 39 Member
    For some reason I'm more likely to drink water out of a water bottle/sports bottle rather than a cup. Don't know why but it works for me. Get a couple of the same water bottle (make sure it's see through so you can see how much is left) and keep it with you as much as humanly possible. My rule is, if I glance at it I HAVE to take at least a sip. Then usually I realize I'm thirsty anyway and drink some.
    If you're having trouble drinking water because you don't want water I would get some of the little single serving packets of flavoring (Kroger has some good tea ones). Even though they say 1 packet is a serving (usually about 10 calories) they can add up and usually flavor the water stronger than I like it. I get about 3 uses out of each packet. They also have Kool Aid ones that are pretty good! I just paper clip it closed or use one of those mini squeezy binder clips.

    I think it helps too to have a water bottle with the volume markings on the side. That way you know exactly how much you're drinking. 8oz is considered a "glass." It's not that much at a time :)

    This is a bottle I like a lot, holds a lot so you're not always having to refill. you can see how much you've had/what's left, and they come in nice colors! A little pricey but well worth it, you'll be using it every day! riiiiight? ;)
    Again my biggest help was if I even glance at it then i HAVE to drink some, makes such a difference!
    Hope this helped! Good luck!
  • gbrad
    gbrad Posts: 1
    Drinking with a straw helps me get much more down than when I don't use one.
  • jlsironen
    jlsironen Posts: 39 Member
    sorry posted twice!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Drink it with your meals...I find plain old water goes down easiest when you're already eating something that's full of flavor :smile: Otherwise, maybe try crystal light packets! Or add a bit of lemon or lime to it!
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    buy a 119 dollar water cooler at Costco or Sam's club and have available chilled water at home all the time. soon it'll be your drink of choice.
  • If the logic of it helps, just remember that the more water you drink, the less hungry your body is and the less you eat. I always try to drink a glass of water before a meal because it makes me feel more full.
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Doralis, I really like your idea of trying to drink one cup of water before and after each meal. I'm going to try that!

    I have been doing what Kat recommended with great success. I have a 1/2 gallon water jug (that really isn't big/awkward; in fact, people at work can't believe it holds eight glasses of water) and I make sure to finish it before the day is over. As an added bonus, I have a 24 oz Tim Hightower/AZ Cardinals glass that I fill with water each morning. As I get ready for work, I drink from it and use it to take my daily omegas and vitamins; before I leave for work, I've already had three glasses of water! Tracking water consumption in MFP also helps keep me on track.

    I've really found that water has now become my go-to drink, and I've so cut back on soda.

    Good luck!
  • Crystal light!! I love the pomegranate lemonade and the mango tea... they have so many flavors and fit in your purse perfectly! I love them. It helps me drink a lot more!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I take my refillable brit a water bottle and carry that with me through the day. It has measurement labels on the side so u can keep track of how much u have had and remind u to drink more
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    first thing in the morning, drink one big glass of water right when brushing your teeth first thing in the morning. any fruit does it, i love lemon or oranges.
  • Get Crystal Light and mix it in a plastic water bottle. Freeze it until just before it turns completely to ice (like a slushy consistency). This is something I would have with my afternoon snack at the office. IF you don't have access to a freezer, serve it very cold and drink it out of a cup with a straw.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I love the crystal lite, but if you aren't a fan of that...orange slices + water = YUMMY!
  • I don't keep anything but water in my fridge. Cokes and other drinks are just to tempting if they are just sitting there. I also carry around a water bottle that I keep full of ice water. I also tend to munch on ice when I need something to chew on which helps as well. I think the best thing is just keeping it on hand as much as possible.
  • Thank you guys so much. I have several things to try now! :smooched:
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    I do best when I have my favorite water container. It is the old 32oz jug from weight watchers, for real it is like 10 years old. Anyway, it helps me keep track of how much I have had to drink. Also maybe you need to try filtered or bottled water. We have one of those basic water crocks and stands from Arrowhead and we get water delivered every month. I really like the way it tastes, so that helps.
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