what am I doing wrong?

Over the last 5 days I've gone to the gym twice and did 35 min of elliptical and then walked for another 10-15 min at a somewhat brisk pace. I didn't do it the whole time because I was trying to cool down so I gradually decreased speed over that time. In between those gym days I went and did a full hour of Zumba in 90 degree weather inside a gym with no AC (can you say sweaty?!?!) and then one day I went swimming for an hour with my son.

I have hit or gotten very close to walking 10,000 steps (over 10K on my zumba days) on my fitbit and I've been eating a ton better since I started all this as well.

So why in the world did I check the scale this morning and I've GAINED 1.8 lbs?!?!?!?! I don't get it. I've done extremely well and worked my butt off this week. This is compared to my "previously life" which was doing no exercise at all, and not eating so great (not terrible but not watching it closely).

It was so discouraging this morning. I couldn't believe it. I worked so hard and gained almost 2 lbs instead of dropped anything. What in the world am I doing wrong? Any advice is appreciated.


  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    It sounds like you are doing the right things. Exercise and watch what you are putting in. It will come. Keep on doing good things for yourself and your son by being active and eating right. It will come. :flowerforyou:
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I always gain weight in the first 2 weeks of starting a new exercise regime. I think it is something to do with your body holding onto water. Keep doing what your doing and you will lose weight. :flowerforyou:
  • EatingAndKnitting
    EatingAndKnitting Posts: 531 Member
    It could just be natural fluctuations in weight due to water, waste products that you haven't eliminated, or hormonal fluctuations.

    Some days, like today, I weigh higher than others, even though I've not really changed what I'm eating/doing. I weigh every day and look at the overall trend, rather than specific weights for one or two days. You probably haven't gained 1.8 pounds of fat this week.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's likely just water weight. It's common after beginning a new exercise routine.

    Also, you need to make sure that you aren't overeating. More exercise can lead to more hunger. Even if you diet is filled with healthy foods, calories still matter.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    You mentioned your exercise...but what are you EATING?

  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    You've damaged the muscle tissue and you've got inflammation (water weight). Completely normal. This is how muscle builds itself.

    You'll lose that water weight over a few days. Just make sure you continue to drink plenty of water and keep it up.
  • Moosh514
    Moosh514 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, same question here. You are eating better as you mentioned, but eating better could be not going out to eat 5 times a week but 2 instead. Your diet is really 80% of what makes up your weight loss. You truly have to find something that is works for you that you can stick with, yet helps you to stay motivated.

    I personally had this problem that you are having with a lot of the times that I have tried to "diet" and exercise. I would get the exercise part down, no problem, but diet on the other hand was hard. This time is the first time that I can say I truly feel better about what I'm eating and how. My husband and I started the Paleo diet and it has worked wonders for us in terms of energy, weight loss, and overall health. He was pre-diabetic, and we have now turned it around with this diet. So, like I said you have to find one that works for you!
  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    Yep - most likely water weight from the new exercise. I was active when I first started and had the same problem. Then I injured my knee in January and went without a lot of exercise. I have just now been able to start my program again - and even though I managed to maintain these past months, I gained this week after the exercise. I know from experience that within 2 weeks I will see the weight start to drop again.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • nmcguier
    nmcguier Posts: 27 Member
    You mentioned sweating, so I would ask if you are keeping yourself hydrated. I recently learned that one is more likely to retain excess water if they are chronically dehydrated (not near the brink of death, just not getting enough fluids throughout the day). I occasionally run into the same thing and consequently spend a couple days drinking extra water and eating more fruit. Within a week I'm back to losing weight.
  • Don't let your progress be determined by the "little liar" aka scale. I "gained" weight when I first start working out too, even though my clothes fit a little better :huh: I agree that this is water gain (you are probably drinking more than your body is used too). Give your body time to get used to the changes and react to your new "normal." If you still don't see the results you want, then re-evaluate your goals and track your calories honestly, even too much of a good thing is still too much :grumble: . Good luck!
  • Thanks for all the replies. Yes my diet has been much better than "usual" in addition to the exercise. We grilled a ton of boneless chicken and pork chops with grilled veggies. I also made a quinoa salad so I've been having the grilled meat with either the quinoa salad or a regular salad for lunch while I am at work. In the mornings I try to have a higher protein breakfast since I am so starving and also to help re-build the muscles I just worked out the night before, and then a light lunch and dinner. Over all, I've been at or below my daily calorie goal each day. So I hope this is just my body adjusting to the new routine. I am also meeting with a nutritionist on Monday so maybe they will have some further insight.
  • BrittanyMG3
    BrittanyMG3 Posts: 163 Member
    Sounds like you are just holding some water :smile: Keep pushing through, you will see the scale numbers drop soon! I swell up like crazy from added salt so I actually cut out any added salt to my foods, it helps a lot more and my scale has been moving down consistently since I started. Good luck! hope it all goes well for you!:flowerforyou: :happy:
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    All I read was about exercising. What about your calorie intake? That is was triggers weight loss, not exercise. You said your always at or under, but is your goal reasonable? Are you logging/weighing everything properly? It could be water weight due to the increase in exercise, give it more time than just 5 days. Also, I'd throw away the scale and get out the measuring tape. That's the best determination of your progress.
  • yes I think I will be throwing out my scale. I know it's only been 5 days and I need to give it time. I didn't realize that damaged muscles retain water either. That is good to know and I certainly feel better knowing that. Thanks again everyone! I'll keep at it and see how I fair in a couple weeks!!
  • MississippiMama87
    MississippiMama87 Posts: 204 Member
    Food, food, food (and some water weight). Unless you are weighing your solids and measuring your liquids you have no way of knowing if you are eating at a calorie deficit.
  • Diptidesai
    Diptidesai Posts: 1 Member
  • I did just need to give it a little time so maybe you do too. I dropped 2 lbs last week. . I didn't realize that muscles tend to hold on to water when they tear and trying to repair so I was glad I asked!!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    You say you have been eating better - but have you been eating less? Your diary is not open, so it's hard to tell. It's very easy to out-eat a good exercise regimen (even on "better" foods), but it's impossible to out-lazy a good diet.

    For example - I run (slowly, but I do it) and a 2.5-3 mile run for me burns in the neighborhood of 400 calories, if endomondo is to be believed. so a good hard run (for me) can be wiped out with something as trivial as one cookie and an extra helping of potato salad ...

    Nutrition is the more significant variable in the weight loss equation.

    ETA: and yes, a new exercise regimen can briefly spike your weight. Keep it up for a couple weeks to see if there's *really* anything you need to change.
  • ZBuffBod
    ZBuffBod Posts: 297 Member
    Don't just go by the scale. Use the fit of your clothes also. Water retention is Mother Nature's little joke. It can make you think you are gaining weight "fat" when really your body is just holding on to water because it thinks you are fooling it with the changes in your exercise regime. Keep hanging in there.

    Most importantly, don't use ONE day to gauge your progress!! :flowerforyou: