I need some help, please.

I am a 36 year-old woman at this fitness journey for about 4 years, and right now I'm struggling to lose the fat. I used to weigh 210 lbs and I now weigh 162 lbs, but I want to remain consistent until I reach my weight loss goal of 125 lbs. I train very hard at the gym and keep track of all my macros, although sometimes the temptations surpass my determination. But I always find a way to get back on track. I lift very heavy at the gym, and jump rope is usually my cardio routine. I keep my calories between 1200 and 1300: 25% carb, 30% fat, and 45% protein.

Recently, my body has been getting swollen a lot for no apparent reason, especially my left leg and ankle. Instead of losing weight, my body is gaining. In a matter of two weeks my weight has changed from 153 to 162 pounds. I'm not sure I'm doing anything wrong. And this kind of body change has been going on for months, and sometimes I might wake up in the middle of the night all sweating, which at times causes the swelling to decrease. Basically, I'm working hard at the gym, but my weight loss now stalls, and it's been very discouraging. Do you guys have any suggestions or advice? Please help if you can. Thank you very much.


  • alyssamaryw
    I would get an appointment with your doctor, this sounds medical in nature.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    You need to see your doctor pronto. What you're describing isn't normal.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    I would get an appointment with your doctor, this sounds medical in nature.

    Ditto. Also, has your salt intake changed? Before I started working out I didn't watch my salt intake and my feet would swell. It hasn't happened in about a year now.


    But definitely speak to your doctor. Good luck.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Go to the doctor.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Definitely go see a doctor. That's strange.
  • Jimmy_Rhythm
    Jimmy_Rhythm Posts: 26 Member
    I have to jump on the "Go See Your Doctor" bandwagon here. This doesn't sound like a fitness-related ailment.
  • Glndgd63
    Glndgd63 Posts: 13 Member
    Definitely go to the doctor. Could be many things, some minor, some major, depending on the amount of swelling, one leg or both legs, etc. I had one leg only swell and it was a simple burst Baker's cyst. My daughter has CHF and is supposed to notify her doc of any weight gain over 5 pounds in less than a week - both her legs swell.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    It's been going on for months, but your weight has only gone up in the last 2 weeks?