HI!! Eat heathy, get in shape, 3yrs untill I'm 50!



  • sylviablakely
    sylviablakely Posts: 20 Member
    I have 2 years until I am 50 so starting early so that I am FAB and not FLAB when the time comes. I would be happy with going down 6 kilos (so its not loads) but if you don't nip this in the bud now it will just gets out of hand and the weight just creeps up on you. I have started a 50 Fund and every day when I do exercise I put 1 euros in the fund - its nothing on a daily basis but it will add up to a big treat by the time I reach 50 - maybe you should try this too.......................Good luck!
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome aboard! I'm just "south" of 50 myself! Looking forward to taking this weight loss journey with you! Stay encouraged!

  • OMGG
    OMGG Posts: 44
    OMG I have a lot of work to do Hit 50 this year Oct so have quite a few months :-) will i do it (yes) good luck all